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Posts from David, Los Angeles

David, Los AngelesDavid, Los Angeles
David, Los Angeles

The short version is , words have meanings. If you are attaching the wrong meaning to a word and fighting that false meaning, you will never see the real threat standing before you, which is and always has been the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of a very few elite.. The Founders were very concerned with this, being enlightenment thinkers, and the trend of western Civilization since the 1500's has been in rebellion to this concentrated power and in favor of Liberty, the limiting of concentrated power over the individual.

David, Los Angeles

I think NOBODY here knows the definition of Socialism...a Plantation is the furthest thing from Socialism, it is Feudalism. Socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production by the "workers" (Marx) or the community as a whole. IE ALL factories, shops businesses etc are owned collectively and there is no private production. We are nowhere near a socialist society in the US. Not even a thread of it exists here. In fact, business and private wealth in the US have enormous and unprecedented autonomy and power. There has never been a country or time in history where private wealth exercised so much power in civic affairs as now. What most people in the US call "socialism" is in fact municipal service. Services which at one time or another were desired and demanded by the public, such as the electrification of the Western States, or the Interstate Highway System, your fire and police departments, the EMS system that will come get you if you have a heart attack no questions asked..etc etc.. Or even military spending. Taxation to support municipal services is NOT socialism. The American Revolution was not against taxation anyway, it was against taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. We do have direct elections in the US. We are represented, even if you are unhappy with the party representing you. If you're unhappy with taxation you can change that by electing new people, or running for office yourself. Taxes are too high, I agree. .... But you must cut municipal services if you want to cut taxes, so Americans will have to decide which roads they want closed, schools, military bases, etc . The fact is most Americans won't want any of these closed or cut in their own backyard, only someone else's.... So the debate here is about the proper extent of municipal services that a free society should have..but there is no one except a few fringe elements in America that would seriously advocate the total ownership and control of wealth and production by the collective public. Even our so called socialists are distinctively capitalist in their activities and orientation. The idea we are under some socialist "bondage" in America is beyond laughable, as is evident from the dictionary definition of Socialism: so■cial■ism    [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA ■noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/socialism

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