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Posts from Dick, Fort Worth

Dick, Fort WorthDick, Fort Worth
dick, fort worth

No, the statement is not accurate. Don't kid ourselves. We are not paying for the defense of Germany. We are paying for our soldiers to be there for our own selfish interests in empire, just as we are in over 800 military bases in over 100 foreign countries.

dick, fort worth

Right, They seem to be levied for the benefit of the very rich (who pay damned little of their fare share of it).

dick, fort worth

I think most people who mention the Constitution to support dumb cases have not read the Contstitution, in this case not even the Preamble. Pull the document out and read the first words which include among the purposes of our government the words "promote the general Welfare." If you can't see energy and education as general welfare you are certainly in need of more understanding. Here's what John Adams had to say about that subject: "Government is instituted for the common good; for the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it." And for the sake of sanity itself will most of you writers look up the definitions of communism, fascism, and socialism?

dick, fort worth

Another meaningless quote.

dick, fort worth

A meaningless quote.

dick, Fort Worth

The comment above my name was not made today and perhaps never. If I did make this it was a long time ago and I have no idea to what quotation it applied. This is not the first time I have seen a quotation above my name that I had no memory of making, certainly not a current one. This is truly reprehensible.

dick, fort worth

Religion is the antithesis of liberty.

dick, fort worth

If not with tax money, Cal, then what with?

dick, fort worth

Amen, Waffler. Only I would thank Goodness, not God. If there were a god we wouldn't have stupid quotations such as these three.

dick, fort worth

Stay in there, Waffler. This is another opaque quotation. Sometimes the movement toward liberty and justice may be intiated by the few, but all the progress I am familiar with (such as abolition of slavery, child labor laws,minimum wage, etc., etc.) have only been brought about by a majority of THE PEOPLE.

dick, fort worth

Waffler knows the difference between intelligensia and plutocracy. If Hoffer had used the correct word his statement would have been right on.

dick, fort worth

On this we can agree. That's a good sign.

dick, fort worth

What a waste of time and words.

dick, fort worth

What an inane, meaningless statement.

dick, fort worth

meaningless and erroneous

dick, fort worth

So what's the problem?

dick, fort worth

Anyone who equates socialism with fascism should go back to school. If Zehr had added that the corrupt poliltical establishment was controlled by powerful corporations he could have more accurately called it definitely fascistic.

dick, fort worth

I think the quotations being selected are strictly ad hominem. It's time some sensible remarks are offered.

dick, Fort Worth

A red meat quotation thrown out for the unthinklng.

dick, fort worth

I have read Mark Twain's work for more than 50 years and I have never run across this quotation. I have serious doubts about its authenticity. kt's remarks are right on the mark. And thank you, Waffler, for more realistic observations.

dick, fort worth

I want to thank Reston for his recognition of C.S. Lewis' shallow,demagogic approach to problems so familiar to the ultra religious and for emphasizing the inherent worth and dignity of all people.

dick, fort worth

Sorry for the unthinking majority in this country. There's been nothing but free enterprise here and we're suffering from the lack of government control of it. Yes, I said Government control. I'm talking about real government, not the capitalists and enterprisers who have bought it out and own it completely. Mr. Kaushal is completely right. Another decade of free enterprise and we'll be another third world country.

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