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Posts from DirtDiver, Palm Bay, FL

DirtDiver, Palm Bay, FLDirtDiver, Palm Bay, FL
DirtDiver, Palm Bay, FL

All who have a vested interest in the future of our nation; be they Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative... any shade of grey or black and white... Christian, Jew, Muslim... or any other religion... everyone should be up in arms over any mandate that seeks to infringe upon their rights. One may not wish to observe a right at any given time, yet should understand the importance of having that freedom of choice as they see fit.

I for one, will not cooperate with the Federal Government on any form of gun ban, infringement on the 1st amendment, allowing unwarranted searches and seizures or anything else. And I will seek truth in media... for example, CNN and MSNBC still insist that it was an AR 15 that was used in the recent shooting in Newtown Connecticut... that is ludicrous! It was a shotgun that was pulled from that vehicle trunk, but not only that, the weapon was never used!!!

People need to wake to the rising threat in our nation... we fund foreign terrorism, yet seek to disarm Americans. Face the facts, the Leftists don't know what they are talking about, and that is because they aren't talking about what it is they really want to push. They want you, the sheep, disarmed, so their plans can be instituted without opposition. They want you controlled, womb to tomb... Don't believe it? Read the health care act... they will mandate "End of Life" counseling. Really? What is this crap? You mean some liberal shit is going to sit there and tell me I have but a few years left and here we go...?

Not to mention the fact that you can not self terminate (SUICIDE IS A CRIME... OK? w/e), but if the govt. gets Sanctioned euthanasia passed... it would be ok, as is the case in some European Countries, if the govt. controls it. Of course, you pay a fee. Make sense to you? This country has bumped its head and lost its damn mind.

See you on the field.

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