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Posts from E Archer, NYC

E Archer, NYCE Archer, NYC
E Archer, NYC

"Think globally, act locally."  There is plenty to correct of my own actions that will make a real impact, rather than writing letters to my Congressman to end conflict in Palestine or Yemen.  Just saying...

"Wars are caused by undefended wealth."
~ General Douglas MacArthur

E Archer, NYC

There is a BIG difference between representative government which is chartered for the protection of the rights of individuals and 'democracy,' i.e. majority rule.  The founders hated democracy precisely because it HAS been tried, and failed every time.  The word 'tyranny' comes from the exercise of democracy in Tyre in ancient Greece.  Democracy always ends up in a dictatorship or a despotism, a statist rule over a people kept in servitude by an elite.

All totalitarian governments claim to be democracies  see China, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and up and coming Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, and good ol' USA.

Please, make the world UNSAFE for democracy!  Liberty!  A republican form of government is the only one that is not at eternal war with the rights of the people over the state.

E Archer, NYC

Think Climate Change, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, and the whole host of "social justice" initiatives that grant power to the state over the rights of the People at large.  Farming being regulated out of existence, energy production being banned for the common good, censorship of anything that exposes state/corporate corruption, medical discoveries banned, open borders, ballot stuffing, politicians profiting from insider trading  all are promoted in the name of "fairness and equity."  That's politicians "riding roughshod" with clean consciences ...  All aspects of socialism, I  might add, the mother of altruism gone astray.

E Archer, NYC

Central banks captured all the monarchies in Europe once they were permitted to print a nation's currency out of thin air and then 'loan' it to be repaid in gold.  War is the catalyst, and the banksters play one side against the other supplying arms to all.  That's how each central bank was re-established in the US.

A little known fact: the national debt is the nation's money supply, that's how currency is issued.  If it were issued interest-free in proportion to the need for trade, wealth would naturally be disbursed and not concentrated into the hands of the banksters. 

The annual interest on the US government debt in 2023 was $675 billion!  The goal is to keep the common people in perpetual poverty and dependence.  This is the very tyranny over which the American Revolution was declared, fought and WON!  We have come full circle  will the People ever wake up again?

E Archer, NYC

I've come to understand that the Golden Rule is to "do unto others as you would have done unto you."

The Silver Rule is to "do not do unto others what you would not have done unto you."

These are rules that show The Way, because the Law of Nature is "as you sow, so shall you reap."   In other words, "you get out of it what you put into it;" "garbage in, garbage out;" "karma."

The Laws of Nature cannot be abridged and require no human  law enforcement.  Hence, the need for 'redemption' and the plea to "forgive others as you would have yourself be forgiven."  Why?  Because of The Law.

That's the difference between materiality and spirituality.  From the material perspective, the past cannot be reversed.  From the spiritual perspective, we can atone, forgive and reform.  Without Life, all is brought down by gravity.  With Life, we wake up, get up, and stand up, against the forces of the physical world.  Life is a gift from Nature's God as Jefferson put it in the Declaration of Independence.  Life is spiritual, not material. ;-)

E Archer, NYC

Let's keep it simple.  I repeat, how does the Socialist guarantee freedom?

E Archer, NYC

It is because of human nature that a republican form of government is to be guaranteed.  We cannot put our trust in rulers but upon the natural law.  The republican form places the responsibility upon the individual in concert with his neighbors, while the statist form (monarchy, dictatorship, socialism, etc.) claims authority over the common people.

But, yes, a republican form of government requires an informed and empowered populace that knows who they are and the responsibilities they have with a firm respect for the rights of others.  With a populace dependent upon the state and with the mindset of a servant, no republican government can stand  hence the reason England failed at a republican government.

America is a republic, only "if we can keep it..." 

E Archer, NYC

That's not socialism, that's classic liberalism, perhaps, with a hint of arrogance and elitism.  "Correct understanding" is the aim, yes, but cannot ever be assured.  The science is never settled.  It is not about the population "appreciating" solutions but given the opportunity and right to accept or refuse them.  Bias  or simply subjective opinion  is inherent.  What must be afforded is the right to one's opinions, not the appreciation of the "solutions" from those that claim authority.

A republican form of government is one of consent and mutual agreement.  Where we do not agree, there is no consent, and therefore no authority to impose "solutions." 

A republican form of government's purpose is to protect the People's right to govern their own affairs and to protect their natural born rights. 

Socialism on the other hand assumes its own correctness, imposing "solutions" upon the common people without mutual agreement or consent, declaring their authority "reasonable."

E Archer, NYC

Half right, Waffler.  The FORM of the government of the USA is guaranteed to be "republican" in the US and State Constitutions  that's the ONLY reason the USA is referred to as a 'republic' (if you can keep it) not a democracy. 

The word democracy does not appear in any American Constitution.  The founders hated democracy, which without the guarantee of the inalienable rights of the People ultimately will lead to the suicide of the republic.

E Archer, NYC

I'm with Mike on this one. ;-)

E Archer, NYC

OK. I'll bite: How does Socialism guarantee freedom?  Your rights to freedom of speech and spiritual belief are protected by a REPUBLICAN form of government.  Socialism in fact regulates speech and criminalizes dissent.  Prove to me otherwise!

E Archer, NYC

There is no quest for power greater than that of socialists who lay claim to everything that is not theirs  and do so in the name of the common good.  The grand appropriators of all, self-deluded and ultimately nihilistic.  Their creed:  "If I can't have it, nobody can!"

E Archer, NYC

This used to be known as common sense...  Socialism is a vampire.

E Archer, NYC

Honest debate in the 21st century is practically non-existent.

'Hate speech,' 'misinformation,' and hollow accusations of racism, sexism, misogyny crowd out any chance for a free and fair discussion about any meaningful issue today.  Propaganda rules.

It is indeed discouraging to see what appears to be the majority of the common people being duped by the lies of the powers-that-should-not-be.  The hobgoblins of 'climate change,' 'white supremacy,' 'insurrection,' etc. insist on monolithic belief and one-party rule.  Every social institution has been corrupted to further the goals of authoritarianism and the submission of all to a false religion, ruled by centralized wealth and power.

The globalists operate in the open now without fear since every 'free' nation has succumbed to their cabal.  "You will own nothing and be happy."  or you'll be dead...

Wake up Americans!  If we don't defend our Liberty at home, it cannot live anywhere. 

E Archer, NYC

Yes, please, Fred, prove Mike's points that you repeatedly proclaim ad nauseum.  I assert your 'perspective' is greatly flawed and at odds with rights of man and the laws of nature.  I need only read my numerous past posts for the defense of my argument.

E Archer, NYC

"In God We Trust"  not politicians!  Hence the checks and balances of a republican form of government. Why?  Because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Words on the obverse side of American coinage used to appear "Mind Your Business"  in more ways than one! ;-)

E Archer, NYC

Use the word "republican" to describe the form of government, not 'democracy.'  A 'republic' does not necessarily mean a republican form of government — see the USSR and other totalitarian states. 

A 'republican' refers to one who supports a republican form of government.  A 'democrat' refers to one who supports a democracy which is little more than 51 people telling 100 people what they must do — often those 51 are easily swayed by a few designing men. 

The republican form of government is the only one that is not at constant war with the rights of the people — all others are 'statist' forms, i.e. wherein the government (the State) is sovereign and supreme, and the people are subservient and subjects. 

The republican form of government is subservient to the People that created it, who are each sovereign in their own capacity with inalienable rights that can never be voted or legislated away by the State.  The State is subject and subservient to We The People.  The State is to be comprised of representatives of the People who have their equal rights before the Law.

The true battle is between republicans and statists.  The governments of the USA are guaranteed to be republican by the US and State Constitutions.  Not everything may be put up for vote.  The cause of republican government is to protect the Liberty of the People, not to dictate.  The Bill of Rights sets limits on the government, not the People.

When democrats say that republicans are a threat to "our democracy" they are absolutely right!  And well we should be!  "Our democracy" means "our power," and that power has been unlawfully claimed by 'democrats' over the rights of the People to 'govern' themselves — that is to say, to be responsible for themselves without dictates from the State.

In the words of Javier Milei, the new libertarian president-elect of Argentina: 

“I did not come here to guide lambs. I came here to awaken lions.”

E Archer, NYC

I respectfully disagree, Robert.  Socialists resort to dark humor to make light of their excesses, all the while still adhering to their vampiric ideology. 

Members of the Fabian Society were/are not joking, they are deadly serious  as deadly serious as their progenitors like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.  Fascism is socialism, and it has never been more prevalent in global governance than today. 

True republicans are not 'far-right'  the far-right are the fascists, with the far-left being the communists.  Republicans are above the scale, they are the original and classic liberals.  All the rest are statists, whether on the right or the left, they are authoritarians laying claim to what is not theirs  the great appropriators and ultimate hypocrites.  All for Power and ego playing God.  They are liars and thieves fooling themselves with the false equivalency of compassion being their guide.

Yes, we should be true and loving with our neighbors, and if we were, there would be fewer ills in society.  "This is the way."  But it only works when it comes voluntarily from each individual.  Love cannot be legislated, no matter how integral it is to peace, harmony, and prosperity. 

Socialists are not loving  certainly not towards anyone who rebukes their claim to authority  for them they have fomented the most awful hatred and scorn, for the lovers of liberty are the rock they throw themselves upon.

May the reign of Truth and Love be established within all mankind.

E Archer, NYC

I agree with the old hymn "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me."  Self-awareness of one's own impulses is a start, but even Gandhi acknowledged that we must ever resist and stand up against tyranny.  Knowing your rights is a start, defending them is a responsibility. 

In America, the citizen is guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms in defense of himself and his country, because history has ever shown that a defenseless people will not keep their hard-fought freedom for long otherwise. (See any socialist/communist nation.)  

The tree of liberty must sometimes be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike.

E Archer, NYC

Unfortunately, the tendency of the monarchical British Commonwealths, like the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and others with the Queen (now King) printed on their currency, is that they are still statist, under the rule of the State in whatever form, and invariably build up the organs of the State at the cost of their 'subjects.'  Unlike the USA, the citizens are subservient to the Crown's government, whereas in the republican form of government, the rights of the People are paramount and cannot be abridged by legislation  ever.

Today's British Commonwealths have become fascistic and authoritarian, ever embracing more totalitarian rules that restrict speech, travel, property, labor, and even consent itself.  There is no right to Liberty in any of these countries, only the permission to follow the rules set from on high, which can be overturned in subsequent elections ever more rigged to favor 'globalist' policies that enrich an elite few and indenture further the people into abject servitude  or death, whichever is deemed more beneficial to the State.

E Archer, NYC

Obviously we are not born into equal stations, equal qualities, and equal conditions.  We are each unique and individual.  But we are equal before the laws of nature, all are subject to the same.  We are born dependent, and may or may not achieve independence, self-reliance, and responsibility for oneself.  The dependent have no claim to anything other than equal treatment before the law.  But if they will not or cannot take responsibility for themselves, they will remain wards of another.

Having loving and caring parents and family is indeed a blessing, and it is an honor to extend that love towards others voluntarily.  But such compassion cannot be legislated or imposed without consent. 

That is the only dilemma: to whom shall I extend my love and compassion?

E Archer, NYC

Close ... "True American citizenship requires taking responsibility for oneself  to be self-governing while respecting the rights of others and expecting them to do the same.  In America, each of us are self-governing."

Fixed it for you, Fred. ;-)

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