Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-125] of 297Posts from Editor, Liberty QuotesEditor, Liberty Quotes Previous 25 Next 25 4 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/2/13 re: John Quincy Adams quote dick, Liberty Quotes have been sent out daily for 12 years. Every 4 years or so we may resend certain quotes since not every subscriber has been on this list for 12 years. dick, you have been on this list for at least 7 years or more - so if you see a comment by you, it WAS you, as I have confirmed your IP address in the past. We do not add comments - they are added by visitors to the site. Just because you cannot remember your posts does not mean we have added them for you. You threatened to sue us before because you did not remember posting a comment (during the Bush administration) in which you gave five stars to a quote about political propaganda, but when that quote was sent out recently during the Obama administration somehow you disagreed with your previous response. Frankly it is you now that is casting aspersions upon us. So dear readers just know that there are many who comment on this site when it suits their own political leanings but do not like their own arguments used to defend causes they do not support. It is sort of a conditional argument - if there is a republican president then the press is lying, if there is a democrat president then the press is truthful. That being said, your posts here may remain on this site for decades - if you find that you have changed your mind, please do not blame us for the comments you have made in the past - you are responsible and accountable for what you say. Deal with it. 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/11/12 re: John Swinton quote Dick, according to our logs, your original post was on 02/14/2006 09:08 AM, in response to the last time this quote was sent out to the Liberty Tree list. The IP address is consistent with all your other posts at that time. You are a respected, longtime subscriber to Liberty Quotes, why make such a threat and insinuation? Just curious. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/2/12 re: Lao-Tzu quote Hey, Mike, what do you mean? I don't understand. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 10/20/12 re: John Dobbins quote Sorry, folks, this quote was sent out inadvertently. Yet a lot of comments from subscribers we haven't heard from in a while. :-) Cheers! Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/10/12 re: Raymond G. Kessler quote Our apologies, the spelling error has been corrected. Thank you, Waffler, for bringing this to our attention.See: HERE. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/8/12 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Yes, Ben Franklin DID say this. Here is one of dozens on online sources: Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 7/23/12 re: Aristotle quote The source has been added. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 7/20/12 re: Dr. Laura Schlessinger quote Thanks, Mike, Florida. The quote is indeed found in the dissenting opinion of Justice Scalia in Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 91-92 (2000). The quote can be found here. And, yes, Mike, please comment more often. Cheers. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 7/3/12 re: John Adams quote Thanks, Tom! We have modified the quote accordingly. You can find the quote in its entirety here: 3 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 5/1/12 re: Phillip J. Birmingham quote Good enough for me, Phillip. Stick around, we could use more of your insight. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/23/12 re: Karl Marx quote We have not been able to find a source for this other than other books and web sites, so we are tagging this quote as Questionable. Cheers. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 4/7/12 re: Thomas Sowell quote Hey, guys, It has been a while since I have had to remind bloggers here to please comment on the quote and the principles being expounded. If we could please not bash other posters but rather debate ideas, this site will attract more conversation. I have received countless emails complaining that new bloggers are often beat up by regulars here. Please, let's keep it civil -- let your argument make its point without prejudice to others' supposed political leanings or 'agenda.' We have one agenda here: to promote the principles of Liberty and the Responsibility that comes with it. Thanks! 41Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 3/18/12 re: Josef Stalin quote The quote is ATTRIBUTED and is stated as such. It is unnecessary to continue to post that the quote is fake -- it is indeed attributed to Stalin. Let the reader decide for him or herself the words, context, and lack of source. The quote exists wherever it came from and is posted as such. To further the discussion of Liberty, please comment on the content or principle of the quote. Thank you. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 2/7/12 re: U.S. Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit quote Thanks, Joe, however, we have been unable to find the sentence from Plucknett's 'Concise History of Common Law' -- can you provide a link? Thank you. 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 1/25/12 re: Andrew Hamilton quote Sorry, guys, the quote is from Andrew Hamilton, not Alexander Hamilton. The correction has been made. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/24/11 re: U.S. Supreme Court quote @Mike, sorry to hear about your comments not going through. There is a little bit of automatic spam word searching done, so maybe you have used one of the spam keywords. I remember that I put 'cialis' in the spam list and did not realise that it was part of the words socialism and socialist. :) I often copy my entire post to the clipboard before I submit comments in blogs because sometimes the connection drops or some other error occurs and I lose what I had typed. You can always try sending me the post via email and I will put it in. Cheers to everyone, and Merry Christmas! 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/9/11 re: Benjamin H. Hill quote Thanks, N. Miller. The correction has been made. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/5/11 re: Charles de Montesquieu quote L. Hanson, thanks for your feedback. We are in need of more Liberty quotes from other countries than the US - can you please send us some? From France and Canada would be great. Thank you. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 11/8/11 re: Carroll Quigley quote The quote is from the 1st Edition of Tragedy and Hope. However, that book is hard to find, and electronic versions of it have been edited. Quigley himself states that "I am now quite sure that 'Tragedy and Hope' was suppressed although I do not know why or by whom." The 2nd Edition has been severely edited. Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 11/1/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote @ Jerry, Huntsville: We sourced this quote to the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. I was disappointed to learn that this quote engraved in stone is a poor paraphrase of several quotes from different letters. See: Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 10/12/11 re: Vittorio de Sica quote I would ask that posters please stay on point. These are supposed to be comments about the quotes, not verbal attacks upon other posters. If you have got a point to make, then make it. Putting opposing opinions into another's 'mouth' does not make a good argument -- it is merely argumentative and reveals the biases and prejudices of the speaker. By the way, this quote was not in response to the Occupy Wall Streeters. Moral indignation can be found on the right and the left, and there seems to be plenty of it to go around these days. Cheers. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 10/4/11 re: John Adams quote We have created links to the 2 quotes above for future reference: John Adams 'convenient cover for absurdity' quote John Adams 'cart-loads of other trumpery' quote. Thanks for helping us. Cheers. 1 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 10/4/11 re: John Adams quote Thanks to those for pointing out the lack of source for this quote. Your efforts to keep these quotes accurate are appreciated. It appears that this quote is a paraphrase from Adams' diary. There are several entries in February 1756. Here's the one with 'convenient cover for absurdity': "Major Greene this evening fell into some conversation with me about the Divinity and satisfaction of Jesus Christ. All the argument he advanced was, 'that a mere creature or finite being could not make satisfaction to infinite justice for any crimes,' and that 'these things are very mysterious.' Thus mystery is made a convenient cover for absurdity." -- John AdamsSource: Diary entry of 13 February 1756, referenced in Charles Francis Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: With a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations vol. 2 (Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1850) 4, Google Books, 13 Dec. 2010. As for the word 'car', don't be so quick to judge - the word has been in use since the 1300s. (Where do you think it came from?) Here's the diary entry on 'cart-loads of other trumpery' written five days later: "Spent an hour in the beginning of the evening at Major Gardiner's, where it was thought that the design of Christianity was not to make men good riddle-solvers, or good mystery-mongers, but good men, good magistrates, and good subjects, good husbands and good wives, good parents and good children, good masters and good servants. The following questions may be answered some time or other, namely, — Where do we find a precept in the Gospel requiring Ecclesiastical Synods? Convocations? Councils? Decrees? Creeds? Confessions? Oaths? Subscriptions? and whole cart-loads of other trumpery that we find religion incumbered with in these days?" -- John AdamsSource: Diary entry, 18 February 1756.I think a thorough study of John Adams would reveal his Unitarian beliefs and his utter contempt for, well, he said it clearly above. I think it is interesting how quickly a great many 'Christians' cast aspersions and judge others, completely contrary to the precepts of Christianity - hmm, who's pushing an agenda? Cheers. 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/20/11 re: John Adams quote And thanks to you all who have taken an interest and contributed a full spectrum of views of Liberty and the Responsibility that comes with it. Good dialogue up above. An honest inquiry will eventually reveal the truth - we hope! Your friend, Eric Schaub 2 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 9/20/11 re: John Adams quote The honour is mine, Mike. Thank you for your much appreciated take on things. My faith in the American people is much restored because of the rising numbers of informed citizens like yourself. Thanks for the work you do and the constant vigil you keep - it has made a difference and will continue to do so. Cheers! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print