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Posts from Garwoodv6, Houston

Garwoodv6, HoustonGarwoodv6, Houston
Garwoodv6, Houston

This clearly shows what the evil ones have done to distort the truth in the last Century: We are NOT a Democracy! We are a Representative Republic, Which is why America is a REPUBLIC (democracy based on PRINCIPLES that GUIDE the masses). Democracy is 3 wolves and 2 sheep voting on what to have for dinner. In a republic, the sheep and wolves first write a law that states that wolves will not be shot or trapped and sheep will not be eaten. Then they sit down and vote on what to have for dinner. Rule of law is supreme over the will of the majority. Minorities are protected from an abusive majority. All parties are equal under the law. That is the safeguard of a Republic over a Democracy. Quote-- Nolan, Eagar, Arizona This says it all.

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