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Posts from GunnyCee, Durham

GunnyCee, DurhamGunnyCee, Durham
GunnyCee, Durham

Ah, but our present society doesn't trust in beneficence or charity. They would much rather confiscate our income and as Obama would say, "...spread it around to everyone." This forced beneficence has destroyed any incentive for the recipients to ever go to work.

GunnyCee, Durham

Government workers (especially teachers) who are guaranteed their positions do not have any other incentive than to bargain for more money for less work. There is no sense of honor or pride in the performance of their jobs. Those conservatives who are going along for the ride are not vocal about how much the unions are screwing the public. As far as I'm concerned they are all cowards.

GunnyCee, Durham

It is asinine to think that collective bargaining is even possible for govenment workers. Anyway, it isn't about wages so much as it is about control. The unions have state governments by the shorts and it's all because union dues have bought the DemocRATs.

GunnyCee, Durham

Government employees do not create weatlh. They are merely doing a service for the public, yet they act as if they are a valuable commodity. There are many people who do what they do on a voluntary basis. This whole question about government employees should go to their worth. The Police and FIre forces are the exception and they should be treated exactly like the military. Would anyone think that the country would be well-served if the troops were able to collectively bargain for their pay or for what they will or not do on the job? If federal employees aren't allowed to collectively bargain, does that mean the states should follow suit? No, that is up to each state. Why is it that only states who are dominated by DemocRATs have this ability to collectively bargain (as against individual bargaining)? Notice how much trouble all theese states are in. Can liberals put two and two together and come up with 4? Nope.

GunnyCee, Durham

How true! In today's indoctrination centers (read public schools) children are discouraged from too much thinking as that would lead to questions and one never questions the indoctrinators.Anyone who questions the actions of Obama today is considered the "enemy." What a wonderful world we've let ourself deteriorate into where liars, fools, cheats, and just plain vile individuals are running the country.

GunnyCee, Durham

Carlton, you are correct. After generations of being indoctrinated we have created another problem in our society. That is that the youth of today have no perspective about the past on which to base their assumptions. To them history consists of only those thing that have happened during their lifetime. Anything before that has no meaning. This is why they can speak of treating the Constitution as some musty, dusty old dried piece of parchment with no relevance to today's society. Our youth have also been told that the world needs to be under a one-world government in which the UN should be the world's parliament and no doubt they are being told that Obama should be the next one-world president. As it is now, we have one-world labor unions who are behind the whole concept of a one-world government. They are responsible for much of the unrest in the Middle East right now.

GunnyCee, Durham

When I look at congresswoman Maxine Waters I think "Lord, help us all." She is the best example I can think of to insist on term limits. She is from a district that ensures her a life-long seat in Congress even though she is a first-class ingnoramous and an even bigger fool.

GunnyCee, Durham

Waffler has once again clarified the issue with his succinct and insightful remarks. He claims that the government hires more college grads than the general economy does. He also makes it clear to us that the government doesn't, after all, operate McDonald's or KFC. Well I can tell you, that is a big load off my mind. Especially when I think of the fine educational system we in America have today. Let's see don't we rank somewhere around 99th on a scale where 1 is the highest? I'm really comforted with that kowledge, Waffler.

GunnyCee, Durham

Please excuse Waffler from class, he has a bad case of brain freeze trying to understand why you can't spend your way out of debt.

GunnyCee, Durham

We allow it, so we can't complain unless we take that privilege away from them.

GunnyCee, Durham

In the 70 years I've been alive, I've come to believe that some men are born without a conscience. How else to explain the horrendous, cold-blooded murders of innocents by heartless, uncaring individuals.

GunnyCee, Durham

Waffler, do you understand what "rights" means? A right is God-given and unaliable by man. Just because you claim a right doens't make it so. Unionists claim they have the "right" to collective bargaining. No, they don't have a right. They can sit down to the table and discuss what they want and put forth their claims, but they don't have a right to those things they demand. The company could decide that they have enough of their crap, close down, and move out of the country. THAT's THIER RIGHT! That's where you and your dunderheaded union buddies have it all wrong.Those teachers took away the "right" of the children they deserted to receive an education in insisting on their "rights" to collective bargaining.So whose "right" is right?

GunnyCee, Durham

This is exactly why "bail-outs" and "stimulous" programs will never work. The government can create money, but they cannnot create wealth which is only created by the production of goods and services on an open market. Keynesian economics has proven to be bogus, yet liberals continue to slam their heads against the same wall and expecting different outcomes.

GunnyCee, Durham

Someone ought to tell this to the Democratic Senators and Representatives at all levels of government. If they conducted their business in this manner, there would be no need for the Republican Party.

GunnyCee, Durham

The extreme ends of the political spectrum are cults. Neither will listen to reason, and neither want to know anything other than what they believe. They live in their own worlds with blinders and earplugs causing chaos and mayhem wherever they go while the rest of are trying to get on with our everyday lives. They are both pests, but without the clowns, the world would indeed be a dull place.

GunnyCee, Durham

Waffler is always good for a belly laugh or two. Washington warned us that government would, if left unchecked, confiscate our wealth and make us indentured servants. John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made for only a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the govetrnment of any other." We can plainly see how morals are as lax as they have ever been in our history. We see every day how our government schools demand that no religious activity or symbols are allowed on public school property nor with the students practice or show any signs of a religious nature. Is it any wonder that we have generated people who are amoral athiests for the past 50 years. They are who run this country today. There should be no surprise that we are going to hell in a handbasket once again.

GunnyCee, Durham

Waffler, how many times do you have to be told that it is better to say nothing and have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Capitalism is about making profits that benefit all those who work for them. It has nothing to do with the distribution of goods to the needy. That is what churches and other community volunteer services are supposed to do (and do quite well, thank you). The government has elbowed and bullied its into the charity business because they saw an opportunity to not only make extra income; but also to buy more votes. The more needy people they can create, the more potential voters. It's an entire Ponzi scheme and a spurious ripoff of true free-market economics. Keynesian econimcs, which espouses spending our way out of debt, is the opposite of capitalism. Obamanomics is a mixture of Keynes economic theory and voodoo.

GunnyCee, Durham

5 stars plus another 5. I really believe that every freshman Senator and Representative should be required not only to read this sage advice, but to have to commit it to memory. I want to say that this should especially be directed at the Democratic side of the aisle. Hey, if the shoe fits....

GunnyCee, Durham

Hey Waffler, always good to get a laugh when I get on this forum. You are truly a joke. One thing Hitler was good for, he exterminated 8 million liberal jews from the face of the earth. Oooh, that's hate speech. But if it's the truth, how is that hate speech? He viewed the jews as liberals, even if they weren't. Has any conservative president or leader ever called for the extermination of liberals in this country...you TWIT!

GunnyCee, Durham

Harry Truman was a REAL Democrat, not at all like the whining, peacenik, commie pinko rats we have in DC today. He is describing them to a tee when he talks about silencing the opposition and becoming the oppressors and eventually the terrorists among us. Today's whining libs want to silence talk radio and Fox news because they broadcast the truth about them, because they put up obstacles to their Obamatopian dreams of total domination over Americans. One thing you can always be certain of, whenever you hear liberals accuse conservatives of something awful, it is they who are actually doing those things and they are merely doing slight of hand by pointing the finger of blame on someone else. For instance, when you hear them excoriate Sarah Palin for causing the shooting in Tuscon, they are covering up for all the hateful rhetoric they've been spewing since Bush "cheated" Gore out of the election, not to mention the mean-spirited way they treated Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus...

GunnyCee, Durham

What Dr. King says in this quote is describing America as it exists today and is probably what Dr. King was trying to tell us we should have avoided. We see people like Rev. Wright and Jessie Jackson telling blacks that they are "victims" of the American Dream. Yet, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity are so much a part of black and white liberals that it is almost as common as the housefly today. Fortunately, we have Hannnity,Beck, and Limbaugh as very effective fly swatters.

GunnyCee, Durham

The truth? Pontius Pilot asked Jesus, "What is the truth" and Jesus never answered. He didn't answer because there is no sense in telling the truth to people who don't know what the truth is in the first place. It's like telling a person who's been blind from birth what the color orange is.

GunnyCee, Durham

If it weren't for waffler we wouldn't have as much fun as we do. The problem with this bit of BS is that when Dims are in the minority, they NEVER resort to the truth. And that's even more so when they are in the majority! There was a time when the political parties used to view each other as "loyal opposites." Today, they view each other as the "enemy." So this quote is outdated and meaningless today.

GunnyCee, Durham

Dr. King was way ahead of his ignorant constituents. By the time he decided that his people were slaves of the government, there were too many blacks who had figured that King was working against a good thing. Dr. King's "dream" has long ago been bastardized by the government freebies "blacks." We'll never get back to the real Dr. King DREAM.

GunnyCee, Durham

It's the government that fears guns in the hands of the people. They have brainwashed our school children into thinking that gun-owners are sickos who need to be rehabilitated. A few more genertions and the schools will have done their job and there will no longer be anyone with freedom and liberty in their hearts alive. I'm glad I won't be around to see that happen.

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