Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Thomas Pownhall Quote “Let therefore every man, that, appealing to his own heart, feels the least spark of virtue or freedom there, think that it is an honor which he owes himself, and a duty which he owes his country, to bear arms.” ~ Thomas Pownhall Ratings and Comments 1Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/11/11 Treaties do not exceed inalienable rights or the Constitution. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 3/11/11 Let our enemies of all stripes fear We The People. Hillary and Bloomberg obviously do as they are gun grabbing enemies of the Constitution and the people. Reply Dr. Tom LaMar, Keeseville, NY 3/11/11 MIke, but statutory law, (over civil)does right? Most genocides, progroms, diasperas have been preceded by gun grabbing governments to my knowledge. Missed yesterday; storm; going there now. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/11/11 Our leaders trying to disarm us are the ones who fear us the most. Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/11/11 Dr. Tom LaMar, I think you meant statutory law over 'common law' ;-) Understanding the term or concept law here is an ubiquitous, ever elusive - ever changing abstract (what ever the malefactor at the moment wants it to be), the answer to that is: only since the statist theocracy replaced We The People's representative republic. Such despot, standing as god, declaring itself to be the sole sovereign - organic hegemony with its canons being described amongst the helots, serfs, and slaves as statutory law - superior in all ways to any law of nature or of nature's God does enforce said definitive tyranny. By way of example: common law marriages are not recognized in any state any longer, only statutorily approved contracts, covenants, or licences are acceptable. (-; I know, a lot more foundation needs be laid ;-) Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA, US 3/11/11 "Kill baby, kill"... you do realize that is what is being advocated here... no, I suppose you don't... Reply Waffler, Smith 3/11/11 I feel a twinge of an affront of freedom being taken by the Wisconsin Legislature. It reminds me of the famous quote, "First they came for the communists and I said nothing, then they came for the unionists and I said nothing, then and then and then" Is it time that all good men stood up and said no to dictatorship. Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/11/11 Waffler, YES ! ! ! its long past time that all good men stand up and say no to dictatorship BUT, 'now' is better than never. I thought you were for the dictatorship of the majority, no matter what? (do you understand the difference between legislated monopoly and individual right?) Now is the time to honor life, virtue, and individual rights. Arm yourselves to protect family, self, country, freedom, liberty, the rights of man and humanity in general. Reply RBESRQ 3/11/11 A country must earn that duty and America has been far from honoring itself. The hypocrisy that abounds in this country is beyond belief and no man must feel honor bound to bear arms to such an egregious state. Reply RBESRQ 3/11/11 Good for you Reston - at least there is a couple here that understand this lunacy... Mike, ever since the Battle of Waterloo the West has been under the yoke of the wealthy elite and their banks - I admit for a little while America under its Republic was heading in the right direction but force unbeknown to its people were at work and today are still in power. As Clinton said (when President) "there is another government at work here that I have no power over" or something like that. Reply Doug, LaLa land 3/11/11 "People don't talk like that anymore." Ben Gates from National Treasure Reply J Carlton, Calgary 3/11/11 "Kill baby, kill"... you do realize that is what is being advocated here... no, I suppose you don't... -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US....Only in your hysterical mind Reston. Now maybe you should go back to hiding from the world. Reply GunnyCee, Durham 3/11/11 Waffler, do you understand what "rights" means? A right is God-given and unaliable by man. Just because you claim a right doens't make it so. Unionists claim they have the "right" to collective bargaining. No, they don't have a right. They can sit down to the table and discuss what they want and put forth their claims, but they don't have a right to those things they demand. The company could decide that they have enough of their crap, close down, and move out of the country. THAT's THIER RIGHT! That's where you and your dunderheaded union buddies have it all wrong.Those teachers took away the "right" of the children they deserted to receive an education in insisting on their "rights" to collective bargaining.So whose "right" is right? Reply Ned Kelly, Alice Springs 3/11/11 Engrained American brain-washing. Americans seem to be pre-conditioned to the power of the gun; it is reflected everywhere in their decadent culture, as is violence. Reply Carol, Georgia 3/11/11 Reston. No one shoots to kill. They shoot that they might live. In the hands of responsible shooters, a gun is a defensive weapon. In the hands of criminals it is offensive. Therefore the gun is not the problem, the criminal is. I give this quote five stars, squared! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 3/11/11 Gunny Cee. Check out this video - Video: Protester To Tea Partier: “Why Do You Have A Right To Your Money” - Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/11/11 A man is not a man without a firearm. FREE men have firearms, no matter WHAT they say, we will never cast asside our God given right to bear arms. Dam them to hell. People do not shoot to kill, they shoot to saty alive, NEVER will my generation be brainwashed into believing any different, there are not enough jails to hold us all, not enough police to stop us, NEVER give up the right brothers and sisters. It is a RIGHT , one we shed blood to have. Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/11/11 Reston, ive listened to your rambling long enough , i hope ya have to defend urself with a butter knife. ned, ur an idiot too. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 3/11/11 I love the way Liberals pretend to take the moral high ground on the gun issue. What they don't seem able to work out is that nothing could be more moral than being prepared and able to defend yourself and your family from criminals and tyrants. So what they really are ends up being a bunch of cowards hiding under the nanny state's skirt and beleiveing it's "civilized". Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Reply Waffler, Smith 3/11/11 GunnyCee you are correct about the right to sit down and negotiate. The State of Wisconsin took that away. Are we as "stockholders of government" citizens that is going to treat government employees as slaves. Just as stockholders of companies form a powerful organization that left unchecked can run rough shod over the individual, employees should have the right to form "powerful" organizations. Yes GunnyCee companies have the right to flee these shores for greater profits. The only way to stop their nonsense is to improve the rights, conditions and income of people everywhere. As you have said Gunny capitalists are only interested in self as well as are stockholders. The worker has a right to be interested in themselves also. Agreed! Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/12/11 Waffler, I haven't read the bill. How did the State of Wisconsin take away any 'one's' right to negotiate? In the de jure government (which exists no more), the individual sovereign would unite with other individual sovereigns and hire persons to accomplish a certain lawful task. A slave is someone that is required to work and unwillingly mandated to give of his labors under threat or duress (a master running rough shod over individual slaves like income tax). How does paying a set emolument (that can be afforded by the employer) to someone that willingly accepts such, capable of leaving at any time, slavery? Waffler, your conclusion is nonsensical at best. You can't force people to be/do anything and expect prosperity or freedom (-; kinda like, the bombing will continue until moral improves ;-). A working model that would have companies fleeing the world to start business in the US and re-invigorate American entrepreneurial endeavors is: eliminate income and other cumbersome taxes, revoke unlawful, frivolous, and debilitating regulations, get rid of funny money; and, implement a system of fiscal law as according to the laws of nature and of nature's God, bring back justice, and hold sacred the individual as sovereign with unalienable rights. Reply Waffler, Smith 3/14/11 If governments and corporations can organize and throw their combined weight around why should not workers and employees. Government and corporations do not deal as individuals. What the heck do you think "corporate" and "incorporated" means? It does not mean sole (Individual} proprietorship. Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/14/11 Waffler, your babble is based on the concept, governments are alien to We The People. The life's work you perform for which the slave masters pay you supports that ideology. How liberal and hypocritical of you ! I've heard that the bill was simply eliminating a legislated monopoly - a right to work if you will. Those choosing not to pay a slave's token to a union, so that they might work for the people individually, was what the bill was addressing. Is what I heard not so? Do the people of Wisconsin still have the right to join a union so that the union may speak for them? Were unions outlawed, no longer allowed to exist in Wisconsin as the leftists were comparing the action to Hitler? FYI, corporations are bifurcated extensions of the State and, as aliens, in toto aloof from We The People, governments don't represent the individual sovereigns - acting with a combined weight. I believe workers, employees, and all individual sovereigns have the right to organize and confront the alien despots on all levels of tyranny in this land. Reply Skip, San Antonio 3/14/11 "God created all men equal. Sam Colt made sure that they stay that way." -Anonymous Reply Skip, San Antonio 3/14/11 Mike - I believe your quote is "the beatings will continue until morale improves." - at least it is where I work. Reply E Archer, NYC 3/14/11 The quote reminds us that the power to defend ourselves, our neighbors, our state and our nation lies with We the People still. It is an honor and quite frankly isn't it a duty also? Somehow we have gotten off topic and into union rights. Once again we hear from the collectivists that groups are more important than the individuals within them, and that to REQUIRE individuals to join 'unions' in order to work is just more of the same nonsense. Please explain how once you join an organization you may never leave it -- even if the organization is not acting in accordance with the agreement that created the group? Reply Mike, Norwalk 3/14/11 (-; Skip, you're right, it is, My ad-lib modification was to make a point about the statist theocracy infesting this land's exponentially expanding imperialism, both domestic and foreign. ;-) Thanks Skip for the input. Archer, thank you for bringing it back to the quote and showing that the power to defend ourselves, our neighbors, our state and our nation lies with We The People still as an honor and a duty. Reply jim k, austin 7/12/19 SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. 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