Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1626-1650] of 3602Posts from J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary Previous 25 Next 25 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/24/11 re: Ralph Reiland quote By the time you pay your income tax and then the taxes on your necessities...what percentage of your gross income has gone straight to some black hole of government incompetence and striaght up theft? 60%? 70%? It's well over 50% that's for sure. But it's all for the good of the state Kamrade so be of good cheer. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/24/11 re: Jacob G. Hornberger quote Yep, crime pays...especially if you're in government. Land of the Free?....hardly. 41Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/24/11 re: Henry David Thoreau quote If the general population understood that we're being taxed to line the pockets of foreign bankers (foreign criminals) there would be a revolution by morning. 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/23/11 re: Leon Trotsky quote This is the mantra of your enemy America.The battle cry of trained hamsters. 7 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/23/11 re: Adolf Hitler quote D. Keeseville...I understand your apprehension. many of us are skeptical of the unknown and choose to adhere to the things that we do know. But let me ask you this: As radical as Libertarianism may seem to some, what other alternative do we have to the ever expanding global communism now slithering into every aspect of our lives? I have no desire to be a chipped/digital slave and will die before that happens. Liberty and the fortitude to enforce/ protect our rights are the only chance we have to save ourselves from the moneyed and powerful elite who control the global monetary system. End the Fed! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/23/11 re: Vladmir Lenin quote I would much rather be a sovereign individual engaged in the animated contest of freedom, taking on the risks and responsibilities that accompany everything life has to offer...than be a "proletarian socialist". My God! How boring and meaningless life would be as a socialist. An "ant". 61Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/23/11 re: Adolf Hitler quote 5 stars for Hitlers quote and the fact that it points out exactly what every American should abhor. Hitler was an advovate of National Socialism (Nazism) which as Winston Churchill said, is the "equal sharing of misery". As Americans we hold dear the values of life, liberty and property, none of which are really attainable as socialists. Dr. Tom asserts that morally bankrupt capitalism is responsible for the mess we are in and points to the "status quo" comments of others. I would point out that we have never had true capitalism. What we have had is fascist cronyism with a central bank and a demand economy (A communist tool of control). Morally bankrupt? Yes. Capitalism? Only by those in power. The rest of us have been considered tax inventory for a long time now. Restore the Republic, End the Fed and we just might have a shot at Americanism. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote jim K...what Waffler and others fail to realize when they talk about those brutalized workers is that they were "brutalized" with the cooperation of local governments who were paid off to help enforce said brutalization. How else did the police end up busting heads when the workers complained? The solution is not MORE government! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote And when Waffler woke up today...he was still a communist. :) Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote "I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic, inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a monied aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." ...Andrew Jackson Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/22/11 re: Harry Kalven, Jr. quote One does NOT have the right to NOT be offended by someone's opinion. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/22/11 re: Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan quote Goes to show that "do gooders" in the form of government bureaucracy are hugely wasteful of resources. Infrastructure can more efficiently be maintained / constructed through private enterprise and a bidding process rather than being handed directly to Unionized parasites who's only goal is to work to rule and steal as much as they can. 4 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Popeye, you obviously have a problem with not only the wealthy...but white people too. Corporatists in bed with the Government have got to go, but anyone who earned their money and became wealthy has every right to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Castro and you seem to disagree though. You might want to get over your bigotry and help save this nation. The Kenyan in the White House is doing his best to finish it off...right now. 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Wow now that I'm all grown up Robert, you're still twisted. We never resign our right to gather as a force OR act individually in defense of person or property. What kind of pseudo intellectual garbage are you trying to sling here? 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Robert...that is a really twisted analogy. You NEVER sign over your right to defend yourself under any circumstances. What absolute crap! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Thomas Paine quote The system as it stands is psychopathic and can no longer be tolerated. Screw Globalism! 6 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I have a copy of the Declaration on my office wall. It serves to remind me every day that we no longer have a government of the people...but rather a Board of Directors of USA Inc. We have become "inventory". 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/21/11 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Bastiat was not only brilliant but way ahead of his time. For further insight to the tenets of freedom and justice, read Bastiat's "The Law". Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/19/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote Popeye, yes I do advocate ending the corporate occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm sickened by the use of our best and bravest to advance corporate interests with only the "manufactured " terrorist threat as the excuse for that occupation. As for intelligent debate, we are way beyond that. There is nothing left to debate and the lines between statists and patriots have been drawn. Hatred? Hardly I have nothing but contempt for statists, socialist and communists. Those people are to be despised and ousted from any free society. And Ron Paul is one of the greatest Americans ever to have lived and I stand by that. Arguing with someone who is so blind that he can deny our financial crisis is a waste of time at best. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/18/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote "debt and budgetary crisis we are supposedly in" ...Supposedly in? Where ya been?...And by "typically liberal" I mean that Liberalism has become an easily recognizable mental disorder. Which can be generally diagnosed by way of such symptoms as "clinging to utopian ideology that has no ties to reality" or "wishful thinking" or the use of terms like "it's not fair" and standing in large groups chanting moroniuc things like "yes we can, or Zeig Heil" that! :) Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/18/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote Reston is typically "liberal" in her over reaction. No one is implying isolationism...that's all in HER head. We're saying that we aren't supposed to meddle in internal economic affairs and manipulate foreign politics. And if Reston knows Ron Paul so well, why doesn't she know that he is an advocate of peaceful economic trade with the world? 1Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/18/11 re: Ken Schoolland quote The guy certainly has the credentials to have formed this opinion. It bothers me that we now getting canned foods from China that are labeled "Product of Canada" through some labeling loophole. We have been seperated from our agricultural and manufacturing base as part of the move towards globalism. We're much easier to control when this is controlled (rationed?) by an unseen force, 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/18/11 re: Dr. Walter Block quote Here again we have a policy implemented by government that "protects" their buddies from competition. Just another aspect of an overall system of corruption and cronyism. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/18/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote But what about "US Interests"? How will the Banking Elite pillage the world unless we are sending our best and bravest out there to point guns at it? If they aren't installing dictators and manipulating economies...they might have to lay off a few Senators and Congressmen.....Ron Paul is dead right! He received more donations from the military in his run for the Presidency than all the other candidates combined. That should tell you something. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 2/17/11 re: Reverend Edmund Opitz quote PS Robert...I don't "worship" our flag...I defend it and honor it like an American should. I'll tell you more about being an American if you're interested. Who might like to be one yourself someday. :) Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print