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Posts from Jamie, Nelson

Jamie, NelsonJamie, Nelson
Jamie, Nelson

That in a 2 party state like U.S. makes one think that this idea is not working? Unless all of their voters are of like mind?

Jamie, Nelson

And conservatives, use the taxpayer ..... Total bull, especially from an ex-con. Politicians have all their noses in the trough. Otherwise, what is the point for them? Anyone who tries a better game is eased out.

Jamie, Nelson

So, that's where "Reese's Pieces" come from? ;-]

Jamie, Nelson

That what was said and who was saying it, exposes the underbelly of this "beast". Oh the real felons are those who in their cynicism call those who prefer their freedom. .. criminal! I suppose to a billionaire the loss of even one dollar, leaves them shaking in apoplexy? Pointing pudgy little fingers at others. One pointing out and the other three at themselves.

Jamie, Nelson

That Judges are in fact, lawyers deemed knowledgable enough to weigh the facts under law, etc. It's gonna' be a cold day in hell, before opinion is suppressed. "The easiest thing for a person to give, is an opinion". ~ Lao Tze

Jamie, Nelson

That the posterity and illusions of freedom are but the trophies of the rich and powerful. That real freedom lies within. All else, is for sale.

Jamie, Nelson

That eventually, moving people into key places. That this type of government will actually aid those who would subvert the process. Through connections made by families, in college and business. To give the apparent truth of what Mr. Jefferson was trying to achieve.Then subverting the people's will, for their own cause. Tying up due processes with the banks and media they own.

Jamie, Nelson

That catholic societies such as "Opus Dei" and their connection to G7, etc. requires a lot of explanation. Or, all those college student societies, that become the "old boy" networks. Manipulations of the stock exchange, etc.

Jamie, Nelson

I'm not sure exactly how "original" it was? These ideas of continual taxation were already being used in europe. I might say that, more of an "original sin"? Was the Federal Reserve bank and it's charter to those bankers. Those who have been priming the pump ever since, in relative obscurity and anonymity.

Jamie, Nelson

That it is probably true? A lot of people have their whole livelihood from cradle to grave mapped along what bureaucracy offers. The more lawyers the harder to unravel. Which makes it, in the guise of democracy; fascism.

Jamie, Nelson

It's not much of a democracy when voter turnout is so low? That which is mob rule ... It would be better for proportional representation, as a system. Fat chance of that? Anyway, the elites in control are able to manipulate the democratic system. Just ask A. Gore? Like the Hittites the U.S. has now founded an empire, based on war. Is this the collapse spoken of? I think not, despite the dabbling in bone throwing around the issue. It will mean that most citizens of that country will be more & more economic slaves, than before. If the people of the U.S. wish to change this? Then the change has to come from within. Not only manifestly, but also by social conscience. Far easier said than done .... see Sun Tzu and "The Art of War".

Jamie, Nelson

That it aptly demonstrates the human condition. When Plato's told us, "The good do not need laws telling them what to do, the bad just find ways around them". He was trying to show that condition in a few words? So, where do we find those freedoms craved? Maybe, it could be, a case of one person's freedom is another's slavery?.... i dunno?

Jamie, Nelson

That the idea for this TV show came from a "trip" that the actor Patrick McGoohan took with L.S.D. That it is a fantasy not reality. While I enjoyed the sentiment, it's important to remember it is still fantasy.

Jamie, Nelson

It is because when you see through the trick, you can pat yourself on the back and feel quite clever. ;-]

Jamie, Nelson

Especially of those, in high public office. I think the facts speak for themselves. Why would someone spend 14 mil. on advertising alone, for a public office that pays around 200,000 for three years?

Jamie, Nelson

That most people also think, that their state is representing them. That violence breeds more of the same and is not the way. That our answers are within. As we change ourselves ...... the world is also changed. Democracy is no more than mob rule .... see T Jefferson.

Jamie, Nelson

That Mr. Nietzsche is mistaken ........ that socialism is about using my taxes, for the benefit of my society. Not for padding the wallet of every tired carpet bagger with their hand in my pocket. How many times do we see some capitalist with their hand outstretched for a public bail-out. Then they flap their lips afterward, about how evil socialism is.

Jamie, Nelson

That this quote is mis-informed. That a person or society can only change from within. That a war, only begets war. When a person changes inside it changes everything else. While i would not denigrate any part of the struggle for freedom, if history is a guide. When those conflicts to re-assert the people's will were won, they were always betrayed afterwards. By the greedy and corrupt. That society itself can change; as each person rejects the values of imperialism. Utopian? ... sure. Realistic ..... probably not? For myself, the only way to change things? Is starting with myself, for sure.

Jamie, Nelson

That Stalin was a murdering fascist dictator. The statement seems to underline how most megalomaniacs attempt to wash their deeds in the light of public opinion.

Jamie, Nelson

hmmm .......... perhaps this is true? What is certain is that, whatever rights most people had then: have since been eroded. From when that statement was made; agent provecuers, politicians and bankers have ensured the legacy of economic slavery. Denying the people's rights.

Jamie, Nelson

That Paul Proctor is drawing a simile that is somewhat accurate, yet pointless. Given that it could apply it to so many ideologies. While I am not a christian ....... the phrase; do unto others as you would have done unto you; love thy neighbour as thy self. Are very social in context and difficult to put into practice. It has been pointed out previously that if the person Jesus of Nazareth lived today? Then you would have most likely nuked him, for being a communist? I am not a communist, either. I seems that the ideology is seriously misunderstood and almost impossible to put into practice.

Jamie, Nelson

That democracy being no more than mob rule ..... see T.Jefferson. Then it is a moot point. Because it is one mob versus another, both claiming superiority. Neither ever winning. I often think of how we come into this world, grasping at life. Then on exit how it becomes totally meaningless. Those who would be more in that time between, become and are but dust on the wind. See Hubble telescope....

Jamie, Nelson

That socialism is frequently associated with communism and stalinism. Where all three creeds are so different. Stalinism was a dictatorial, fascist state. Communism takes the view that the assets of the people, should be governed by the people collectively. Socialism is a point of view that espouses a government with a social conscience, with it's action. i.e. public holidays, healthcare, pensions and benefits to society. Rather than for the elites like W. Churchill, who wish to remain the lord and master with the type of heavy-handed actions like enclosure, the patriot's act, divine right, etc. No socialism has not failed nor is it the gospel of envy, or the creed of ignorance. It's main failure is human nature. Which is naturally suspicious of neighbour, friends and strangers. That if you told the human race by giving up one apple would mean a lifetimes supply? Most would think that this is yet another tax rip-off? Which experience shows ......... is usually what it is. By politicians who claim their actions are for the public good, when the reality is. That alll they can see is how they personally benefit. Rather than society.

Jamie, Nelson

That, this is a self-evident maxim. Demonstrated by how much money is spent, to achieve a public service job that pays comparatively little. The willingness of these to sell their souls ...... bemuses me? Along with power, is wealth and the notion that; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Than it is for a rich man to enter heaven, That for myself? heaven is here right now, to be experienced by these bodies, before tipping over into the void. To be then judged whether I may start it again? Hopefully, I will remount the karmic wheel for the better? ....... yay! ;-]

Jamie, Nelson

That it was not long, before it was realized?

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