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Posts from Jaret, Orlando

Jaret, OrlandoJaret, Orlando
Jaret, Orlando

We are not far away from our country's next great revolution. It will be a domestic affair in which the wealthy elitists try to divert our attention from them--our true enemies--to ourselves. They will tell us it is black vs. white, immigrants vs. native citizens, or muslim vs. christian. The tyrants, whose blood must be shed in the next revolution, are the wealthy elitists. They are the ones, who wage war on our behalf, stage false flag terrorist attacks to rob us of our civil liberties, increase the size of our federal government (and in doing so increase our dependence on it), cause carefully calculated economic problems(like the current housing crisis), increase the monetary supply (which decreases the value of the dollar), and open our borders to Mexico (so they can have cheap labor to work in their factories). Wake up! Our government is controlled by the wealthy elite and their agenda is to enslave us with debt. It is time for a REVOLUTION!

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