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Posts from Jeff Brooks, Los Angele

Jeff Brooks, Los AngeleJeff Brooks, Los Angele
Jeff Brooks, Los Angele

  It means far more than you know, this was the aftermath of our first revolution.  Education of lower classes were always ignored after this, in the south. Even after the 1776 revolution.

Jeff Brooks, Los Angele

  Actually Berkeley arrived after the English Civil War, After the English Republic fell, appointed by the brand new "Restored" King/
  The American public had joined the Republic, and were not welcoming Berkeley. His forcible packing of the legislature, and forced rewriting of laws, worsened things. Outright slavery had been illegal, he changed that, and made all blacks chattel, they and their children slaves (or serfs) for life. He was not a good guy imo,

Jeff Brooks, Los Angele

  We need to understand the historical context.  The English Republic was overthrown, and the Monarchy "restored", 1660.
  The new King, via Berkeley, took over the government of Virginia and Carolinas, forcibly rewrote the laws in order to create a feudal Duchy (the nobles idea of paradise), and wrote the laws that made all black people and their children slaves for life, to be the new serfs of the Duchy.
  Americans revolted, led by Bacon, were crushed, hunted down and hung, and the newly arrived displaced or 2nd sons of nobles given land grants took the cleared farms and established patrician rule of the South.  Many people moved away, to New England or West Virginia (which was always anti slave).
    That was when public schools for the lower classes, and printing machines to make them books, were outlawed in what became the South.
   This turned into buried, secret history.  Bacon was smeared as a Indian hater (Cherokee slavers were Berkeley's allies and customers he traded muskets for native American slaves,  and peace,  which he traded with Portuguese for more valuable black slaves. The slave trade was a Royal Monopoly.)

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