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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

Right on , Mick.

jim k, Austin

A perfect description of Hillary.

jim k, Austin

It's amazing to me that we have sunk so low that a large number of people will vote for Hillary. She being the lying criminal that she is.

jim k, Austin

J Carlton, Mike, and E Archer have said it well.

jim k, Austin

A perfect description of government. Carter of Madison, you live in one of the most left wing cities in America, so you may be forgiven for your comment.

jim k, Austin

Ken, Allyn, I like it.

jim k, Austin

Some wisdom from the Buddha: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it , or who said it , no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense".

jim k, Austin

Check out the movie, 1984 to see what the thought police have in store for us.

jim k, Austin

Our press is no longer free. It's sold out to the democratic party and crooked Hillary.

jim k, Austin

When vices become crimes, what's next.

jim k, Austin

A good quote from the man who denied air cover for the men at The Bay of Pigs. Castro would be long gone if we had done as promised.

jim k, Austin

Wish we had more like Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court.

jim k, Austin

Ken,Allyn, you said it well.

jim k, Austin

Mike and E Archer , very good synopsis.

jim k, Austin

Waffler, are you nuts, well yes, you are.

jim k, Austin

I'm with Ken on this one.

jim k, Austin

This so called War on Drugs has been going on forever and guess what : people are still using drugs as often as before. It's time to end this costly monstrosty, way over time.

jim k, Austin

Cal, Lewisville, you are exactly right.

jim k, Austin

A terrorism watch list that sounds great to some is very dangerous for all Americans. And who would make up this list, the government, the same nuts that want to disarm us.

jim k, Austin

Someone needs to tell that to the career criminal, Hillary.

jim k, Austin

H. L . usually gets it right. This is no exception.

jim k, Austin

Hillary supporters prove the last part of the quote.

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