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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

Our liberal press does report some news, but it's main function at this time is to make the current fascist bunch inside the beltway look good, no matter how rotten they are.

jim k, Austin

To prove this quote, look no farther than Washington, D.C.

jim k, Austin

Anonymous, a "fore" is fine if you are playing golf and I'm not sure how a person "speeks". Try four and speaks.

jim k, Austin

J Carlton has summed it up.

jim k, Austin

The "Cash for Clunkers" program was a huge sucess in one respect as it got 95% of the pro Obama bumper stickers off the road.

jim k, Austin

As to "order" the term "Law and Order" comes to mind. In 1969 when Nixon was running for president he was concerned about drugs and law and order. He drastically increased the so called war on drugs, set up the DEA and increased the number of drug agents by about a hundred fold at a cost of about $70 billion per year of taxpayer money. The results are in on this unwinnable war. Corrupted law enforcement agencies and judges, more crime in our streets, jails full of non-violent people, drugs cheaper and more available to children, and a host of other problems plagueing our nation, and our politicians haven't the guts to stop it. Check out LEAP.cc for more information on this horror known as The War on Drugs.

jim k, Austin

I suspect that the thousands of political prisoners in Castros' Cuba would wholeheartedly agree with this quote.

jim k, Austin

I'll go along with Mike on this one.

jim k, Austin

This quote doesn't just "ring true", it is exactly true. It has nothing to do with "slavery" or "denying any human being the basic quality of life such as food, housing and health care". No one wants to deny anyone these items but it ain't the governments job to provide them, or rather it shouldn be.

jim k, Austin

We do not worship inefficiency except when it comes to government bureaus. The above quote is correct. As to efficient government, Adolph Hitler sure enough had a VERY efficient one much to the sorrow of millions of people.

jim k, Austin

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, and that's usually enough.

jim k, Austin

Unless this health care nightmare is ruled unconstitutional by the Supremes, we will be "forced" to buy health insurance.

jim k, Austin

John stuart Mill was obviously a Libertarian.

jim k, Austin

If the individual does not exist for the state, would someone please tell that to Nancy, Ralph, and the gang.

jim k, Austin

What, me worry, not when our "wise" leaders in Washington will keep us safe from the womb to the tomb.

jim k, Austin

Raymong, perhaps you would be happier in Cuba, or maybe in North Korea were people are all equal, as in equally poor and enslaved. Except for the rulers who live in luxury. Naturally I'd be dissapointed if a lefty like Anonymous did not agree with you.

jim k, Austin

Reston and Waffler, I suggest you read J Carlton, a man who lives under Canadian government health care. Ask yourself, do you really want the folk who run the post office running your health care ?

jim k, Austin

To add to E Archers comment. Boys are much more apt to be given the A.D.D. tag because our public schools are designed mostly for girls and they will bore a young boy half to death, especially if he happens to be smart. So when he fidgets in his chair and would rather be outside playing ball and running around , it's A.D.D. and out come the drugs.

jim k, Austin

A drunk is not a drunk because he chooses to drink and to drink too much, he has a Disease. New diseases are invented weekly and have to be treated by some drug or at least 10 years of "counseling". Whatever problem you have, there's a drug for it and be sure and " Ask Your Doctor".

jim k, Austin

Sounds a lot like Nancy, Ralph, and the rest of the gang. November can't come soon enough.

jim k, Austin

Judith, do you really want the people who run the Post Office to decide your health care ? I didn't think so.

jim k, Austin

As to abortion Anon,, it is nothing short of baby murder. Women should have the right to do with their bodies as they wish, but in abortion, there is another body involved, a helpless one at that.

jim k, Austin

I can't add much to what is said above except that the Constitution is just a slight detour to the Washington bunch on the road to socialism.

jim k, Austin

This quote describes the exact opposite to what Nancy, Reed, Obama and the gang are up too.

jim k, Austin

Hitler was horrible but this quote is exactly right.

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