Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [851-875] of 1832Posts from Jim k, austinJim k, austin Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply jim k, Austin 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote I cannot think of anything more dishonorable than that which flows from the Obama, Pelosi and Reed bunch. 1 Reply jim k, Austin 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote RBESQR, your ignorance is showing. George was not referring to the Republican political party but was alluding to the fact that the USA ,at that time, was a Republic. 1 Reply jim k, Austin 3/2/10 re: Katherine Mansfield quote Here's a thought. How about our "leaders", those fine folk in our Congress living under the same laws thet the rest of us live under. They should get Social Security when they leave office and not the fat retirement benefits they currently get. Here's an idea, this Obamacare nonsense they are doing there damndest to force on us, let them have the same "health care" and no more, should this ever be passed. Naturally the kings and queens in the Congress want NO part of it, but it will be fine and dandy for their serfs, us, to have. Reply jim k, Austin 3/2/10 re: John Ruskin quote The key here is "wise laws". We have a jillion laws in this country some of which aren't very wise. An example would be our current drug laws. I knew of a man who got 10 years in prison because the cops, on a routine traffic stop, found a half inch marijuana butt in his car. He wasn't bothering anyone, or hurting anyone but got a longer jail sentence than most burglars and some murderers get. For the record, my only drugs are coffee and a glass of wine now and then, but these drug laws have got to go. 1 Reply jim k, Austin 3/1/10 re: Josiah Gilbert Holland quote If you desire security over freedom, you will soon have neither. Reply jim k, Austin 3/1/10 re: Henry Brooks Adams quote 5 stars to the quote and the above comments. Reply jim k, Austin 3/1/10 re: John Dryden quote Very well said, Mike. And now the entrenched bureaucrats, our "public servents", have become our masters. My first act as your president will be to get rid of the EPA and the Department of Education. Reply Jim k, Austin 2/26/10 re: John Locke quote Stupid cannot be cured but ignorance can be cured. Let's hope that at least some of the ignorant in this country are waking up to the folly inside the beltway and turn many of the perpetrators out in November. Reply jim k, Austin 2/26/10 re: James Truslow Adams quote "Freedom from care and worry" sounds like Obama when he was running for president. And how IS that "hope and change" working out.for those millions who don't have to get up and go to those pesky jobs they once had. Reply jim k, Austin 2/26/10 re: Franz Kafka quote With the Pelosi-- Reed bunch in office, we may soon find out if this quote is true. 2 Reply jim k, Austin 2/25/10 re: Liberty Bell quote They could have added,protect your new found liberty or you will be in a hell of a fix in 2010. Reply jim k, Austin 2/25/10 re: Henry Giles quote Well said ,Cal. Reply jim k, Austin 2/25/10 re: Hippolyte Lazare Carnot quote In a despotic state, such as Russia under the likes of Stalin, or Cuba under Castro,the citizens were afraid to complain out loud for fear of death, or worse. Reply jim k, Austin 2/24/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Right on Mike, and don't forget to buy that toilet and those lightbulbs that Big Brother forces on you. Reply jim k, Austin 2/24/10 re: Elizabeth I quote Waff, you are truly nuts or else you are just putting us all on. I would hope that my home and my two rather old cars are not for public usage. Carl Marx would be proud of you. Reply jim k, Austin 2/24/10 re: Edward Gibbon quote J Carlton, I agree, Obama is the puppet. Reply Jim k, Austin 2/24/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Good joke Waffler. The bureaus, staffed by our "public servants" are now our masters, and they are full of "graft and corruption". Reply jim k, Austin 2/24/10 re: Edward Gibbon quote Oops, working , not "wioking". Reply jim k, Austin 2/23/10 re: Dr. Benjamin Rush quote Virtue is unknown to the Obama, Pelosi, and Reed gang of power crazed thugs. We wouldn't want to let a little thing like honesty and virtue stand in the way of that bunch and their desire to control everything in our nation. Reply jim k, Austin 2/23/10 re: D. H. Lawrence quote If that monstrosity known as government health care is passed, freedom will not slip away. it will run rapidly away. The slime in Washington are trying to ram it down our throats even though the "majority", that Waffler seems to love, are against it. 1 Reply jim k, Austin 2/22/10 re: George Washington quote We could sure use someone like Washington now instead of that bunch of socialist hacks that infest our nation today. I refer to the U.S. congress, both houses, the man in the Oval Office , the scum in his cabinet and that band of thugs known as his czars. 1 Reply jim k, Austin 2/22/10 re: George Washington quote George summed it up in one sentence. Remember that the Constitution is designed to protect citizens from their government. If we ever had a time where we needed protection from government, that time is now. Reply jim k, Austin 2/18/10 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote Before 1913 the country was virtually free of debt. Now we are up to our eyeballs in debt. We started downhill right after 1913. Check it out. Reply jim k, Austin 2/18/10 re: Daniel Webster quote On second thought Waff, go back to sleep. Reply jim k, Austin 2/18/10 re: Daniel Webster quote Waff are you from this planet ? "Those who feel free to destroy it and globally warm it". What on earth does that non -sense mean. Only nuts like you are still buying into the Algore global warming scam. Naturally Al is all for selling idiots carbon credits since he has a financial interest in the company that sells that crazyness. No problem with polluting as long as you send Al and his group some money. Wake up Waff. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print