Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1001-1025] of 1832Posts from Jim k, austinJim k, austin Previous 25 Next 25 9 Reply jim k, austin 11/18/09 re: Richard Salant quote This quote also goes for CNN, ABC, NBC, and NPR. Reply jim k, austin 11/17/09 re: John Stuart Mill quote Heresy to Pelosi and the gang, is any opposition to Obama and his socialist policies. Count me as a heretic. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/17/09 re: Robert McChesney quote I always go to NPR when I want the left wing view. Reply jim k, austin 11/16/09 re: Thomas Sowell quote That is why it is so hard for some people to recognise just how thoroughly corrupt our Congress is. 3 Reply jim k, austin 11/16/09 re: Michael Parenti quote Democrats and Republicans are in the living room arguing while the One Worlders are in the dining room stealing the silver. Reply jim k, austin 11/13/09 re: U.S. vs. Cruickshan quote The right of liberals to assemble, peaceably are not, is fine with the current gang in Washington. They are not, however, too thrilled when folks gather in opposition, such as the Tea Parties. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/13/09 re: Cockrum v. State quote In every State where guns are made difficult to obtain, the crime rate goes up. Where guns are easy to get,crime rates go down.Gun grabbers are never able to explain this. 3 Reply jim k, austin 11/13/09 re: Auberon Herbert quote The second line of the quote tells the whole story of Socialism. Cal, I was thinking thesame thing about Dick Trice, probably came from Massachusetts, the land of Kennedys,Kerrys,and Franks. Reply jim k, austin 11/12/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Right on Mike and J Carlton. This quote pretty well describes a democracy. 2 Reply jim k, austin 11/12/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote Number one describes perfectly the members of our current Congress, and number two, the people who voted for them. Number one pretty well describes government back at least as far as Lincoln, maybe farther. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/12/09 re: Woodrow Wilson quote A bad joke in every respect. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/11/09 re: Milton Friedman quote It's the nature of our government to screw everything up and then blame the private sector, namely us. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/11/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote As usual, Waffler has misread the Quote. Jefferson was not in favor of States leaving the union but was strongly in favor of secession if States had to give up the rights of self government. Now ,of course, all power comes from Nancy and the gang of misfits,in Washington. 1 Reply jim k, austin 11/11/09 re: Milton Friedman quote Waff, welcome back from Mars. The only thing the current administration has solved is that over 2 million people don't have to get up each day and go to those pesky jobs they once had. The only jobs they have saved or created are government jobs. 3 Reply jim k, austin 11/11/09 re: Henry David Thoreau quote A nice idea, but since all governments are corrupt,I doubt that we will ever see it happen. Ours, in Washington, seems to be especially corrupt with Nancy and the gang at the helm. 2 Reply jim k, austin 11/10/09 re: William H. Rehnquist quote Tell that to the phony altruists in the U.S.Congress, who steal the producers money and give it to the non producers. 5 Reply jim k, austin 11/10/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Old "Honest Abe" evidently didn't believe this, and we lost over 600,000 men in the unCivil War. Read "Lincoln Unmasked" to get another view of the man who fought to centralize govrnment power in Washington. 21Reply jim k, austin 11/9/09 re: U.S. Constitution, Tenth Amendment quote Once the States began taking money from Washington,,their rights disappeared. 4 Reply jim k, austin 11/9/09 re: U.S. Constitution, Ninth Amendment quote Nowadays it's the Constitution according to Pelosi, Reed, Barney,and the rest of the misfits. Reply jim k, austin 11/9/09 re: James Madison quote After "foreign commerce" our government has added ,"and everything else under the sun". Reply jim k, austin 11/6/09 re: Jim Bishop quote Kudos to J Carlton and Mike. The Pelosi gang of thugs and misfits in Washington are not interested in hearing anything that disagrees with them are is even close to truth. Their motto is,shut up and vote our way. 5 Reply jim k, austin 11/2/09 re: Will Rogers quote " A thinking and decentspoken man in the White House", Waff are you off your rocker? A man who lies every other breath and appoints Marxists and tax evaders to his cabinet. A "decent" man who plays golf while our soldiers die in Afganistan. Obama is at best, the worst president since Jimmy Carter. Maybe worse than Carter if that be possible. 4 Reply jim k, austin 11/2/09 re: Ambrose Bierce quote Waff, the "mystery" is how anyone could possibly make any sense out of the gibberish that you write. Reply jim k, austin 11/2/09 re: Orson Scott Card quote Waff, Al Gore is raking in millions from this scam known as global warming. Reston, how about the election of The Messiah, The One, Healer of all Ills, The Hope and Change Man. Simpletons like you elected Obama. Reply jim k, austin 10/30/09 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Pelosi and the gang are producers, producing much grief for the rest of us . The fact that these types are even in the congress is a testament to how far down the road to fascism our country has gone. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print