Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [276-300] of 846Posts from Joe, Rochester, miJoe, Rochester, mi Previous 25 Next 25 4 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/16/06 re: Samuel Adams quote BTW, how many words in the tax code? Anything but plain, intended to confuse, and has different meanings to different agents or persons. Talk about perverted! 4 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/16/06 re: Samuel Adams quote "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." A very simple to understand RIGHT. California banning .50 caliber weapons or assault rifles, and our government's 30,000 gun control laws are infringements. There are so few words in the Constitution because the meaning of the words are plain (simple, common). Only someone trying to distract, complicate and confuse (Bill Clinton) will define the meaning of "is" differently each time it's spoken. 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/16/06 re: Adolf Hitler quote But...numerous little lies told often become truth. For example, "A well regulated Militia..." does not mean the National Guard. If DOES mean people familiar with arms. Or...ask people what type of government our country has. Many, if not most, answer, "a democracy!" In fact, our country is a Republic, more specifically for the liberal-socialists out there, a Constitutionally LIMITED Federal Republic. I cringe every time I hear a politician, TV personality, or anyone incorporate "...our democracy..." into their conversation. Little lies do more damage over time, even if big lies are easier for the simple-minded to believe. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/16/06 re: Rudolph Rummel quote In U.S. cities with high murder rates, you find more gun control (less freedom). Today's liberal-socialist government has created problems for us all, AND for other countries. All unconstitutional. Large corporations are a problem because they have bought the government. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/14/06 re: Henry Brooks Adams quote As usual, the socialist-liberals deny a quote if they can think of one example which might contradict it. Reston states no case, but merely suggests there might be one and denies the quote. 3 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/14/06 re: Madame Jeanne-Marie Roland quote Norwalk Mike has it right. And Rosenthal, as usual, allows a double standard. If he does it, it's "expressions of liberty," but if someone else does it, it's not expression of liberty, "but simply crimes." Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/14/06 re: Reverend Martin Niemoeller quote We must speak out against the unreasonable, or there will be no one left to speak but the government. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/10/06 re: Frederick Douglass quote Many people have had enough. Words aren't working on elected officials. I'm afraid it may soon come to blows. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/10/06 re: Stendhal quote Me Again has it right ... "The ELECTED always tries to persuade the CONSTITUENTS that their interests and his own are the same." Is it easier for you to comprehend as a direct quote instead of an analogy? 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/9/06 re: Florynce Kennedy quote Win? We will be lucky to survive. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/8/06 re: Alan K. Simpson quote Steps vary in rise and run. Every new law is another step down and away from freedom, which are now so short and high we no longer have a slope but a cliff. The Patriot Act is one extremely tall, short step, which our government is willing to push every citizen down. 5 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/8/06 re: Edward Gibbon quote Change "Athenians" to "Americans" and you have our country today. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/8/06 re: Edmund Burke quote Democrats will do nothing to fix government, any more than the GOP did. Only Libertarians are interested in reducing government and taxes, in fixing things. You are delusional if you voted for democrats because you hope things will improve. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/7/06 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote I voted Libertarian in protest. Both republicans AND democrats are tyrannical. You delude yourself into thinking there is a difference between them. If you truly want to protest ... vote for anyone BUT democrats or republicans. Voting for the lesser of two evils allows the lesser evil to think you want them, when you simply didn't want the other evil. Vote them out of office, THEN they will get the message. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/7/06 re: James Bovard quote Does the fact that "the agents didn't hurt anyone" make what they did acceptable? I don't thinks so. Why are armed agents good and armed civilians bad? I argue it's the other way around. Agents killed people at Ruby Ridge and Waco, trying to force them to do something they didn't want to do. All the government had to do was wait, but fabricated lies and tricks to get these people, who may or may NOT have done anything wrong. 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/7/06 re: James Bovard quote Loss of liberty is NOT self-evident to many people, as politicians and the media keep saying "we live in a free country" as our rights are crushed, using fear to create unconstitutional laws (i.e. the Patriot Act). The people of this country need to determine a course of action and take it to regain lost freedoms. I'd like to see implementation of term limits for every political office, so professional politicians (Kennedy) lose power. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/7/06 re: Aesop quote So you are saying the quote is TRUE ... but it's FALSE? Typical liberal-socialist, deny the true as false enough times and people start believing it. Sorry Reston, but 1 = 1, NOT 1 = -1. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/6/06 re: Voltaire quote You keep foreign enemies from invading the U.S. by eliminating gun laws and requiring each law abiding citizen to buy an automatic rifle, a pistol, and several thousand rounds of ammo for them, and carry them at all times. No country will invade, knowing every citizen is armed. Don't you find It ironic we, who have the 2nd Amendment, are disarming the militias (the people) of Iraq? Why would you let America get as bad as North Korea before you decide to stop government tyranny, instead of stopping it before you can't? Electing a Libertarian President is a step in the right direction. You end corruption by putting term limits on all political offices. The tyranny and corruption of Kennedy (and others) has lasted too long. Let them find gainful employment elsewhere and earn a salary, like the majority of us, instead of living beyond the means of the American public. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/6/06 re: James Madison quote Those rating this quote less than 4 stars are socialists and communists, liberals at heart. They feel the rest of us are responsible to pay the living expenses of those who find too easier to collect welfare and too irresponsible to work. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/6/06 re: Voltaire quote "One body" in the U.S. refers to the congress and senate. Democrats and republicans push their "bi-partisan" agenda, which are nearly identical, at the exclusion of other parties (i.e. Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Greens, etc.). We should be "MULTI-partisan" not "BI". 3 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/6/06 re: Justice Louis D. Brandeis quote Our country is no longer free, nor alert. In two years we are all supposed to have National ID cards (the Real ID Act). At that point, no card means no job, no bank account, no plane travel, no driver's license, no life! In other words "Big Brother" will have arrived. Tell congress and the senate, and write the NOT, we don't want Real IDs. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/6/06 re: James Madison quote Ask the IRS "What law makes me liable to pay income tax?" You won't get an answer. I am happy to pay taxes I am liable for. But I don't want to pay taxes for which I am NOT liable (i.e. income tax). 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/3/06 re: John C. Calhoun quote If you are not mad as hell ... you aren't paying attention! Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/3/06 re: Daniel Webster quote Dirty laundry in the democratic and republican parties is exactly why you should vote a third party. I vote Libertarian to tell the bastards I do not approve of how they are running our country. Libertarians are the third largest party, but it doesn't show because, like most third party voters, they vote "the lesser of two evils," instead of who they actually want. The problem is it tells who you vote for you want them in office, when in fact you DIDN'T want the other candidate. 21Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 11/2/06 re: Thomas Paine quote Ignorant, they are not. Will Mike, Norwalk kill the first government official? Not likely since they surround themselves with mercenaries so you can't get near them, and ban arms they feel could reach out and touch them. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print