Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 161Posts from KIMO, USAKIMO, USA Next 25 Reply Kimo, USA 3/24/12 re: Louis Dolivet quote for now gentelmen..for now......evil, will be cast down 1 Reply Kimo, USA 3/18/12 re: Louis McFadden quote Someday, i would like to meet Mike, for I find him very smart, very interesting. never heard him lie, never heard him speak crap. Not ever. Carol, we were not EDUCATED as to the truth. True, some were, most not. Now, we find ourselves, in a situation. Tghe real sin now, is knowing, and not speaking out. The real sin now, is being a coward. the real sin now, is not teaching your fellow man. You may be scoffed at, but eventually, the TRUTH will win. IT IS that way. Reply Kimo, USA 3/18/12 re: Frederick C. Howe quote Mike has way of saying it. Kimo, 2HS711 HAM Hawaii 1 Reply Kimo, USA 3/8/12 re: Martha Washington quote That was then, this is now, the current laws, have broken the constitution, curtailed intellectual freedom, and worse. sadly. Reply Kimo, USA 3/8/12 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote A few years back, the transscrption, of books, onto computer banks, had begun. Now, history can be erased, He who controls the knowledge of histrory, attempys to socially engeneer humans, thus, we see this. NEVER forget, who we are, and what we are, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. And that, is called insanity. Reply Kimo, USA 3/7/12 re: Jack Sharp quote Its too late at night, for me to answer to this..........Godspeed to us. 7 Reply kimo, USA 3/7/12 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote I must be rare, Madness, is also a trait of humans aquire, trying to fly like an eagle, surrounded by turkeys. For Mr. Crocker "madmen and englishmen" In my case younsters, it is age, and agent orange, but still, I can hold my own. But, in the case of this quote, they have become madmen, because there is no clear answer, to the solution, That would make anyone mad. 2 Reply kimo, USA 3/5/12 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote What do I think...As a young man, I walked tall, upright, no frear, free. watched as it all changed, the sate i lived in became a prison stae. i watched as free men we destroyed. Now, here we are, TOO many people, most afraid. WE THE PEOPLE must find a way to become one again. Too many laws. To much corruption, becuase most are afraid to speak out. it starts with fear, fear, is a good way, to rule a peoples minds. what do I think tonight? I wish i was born in 1920. when, even though the monster had started, a man could still move on, make a mistake, learn from it, and move on. Now, the computers Label everyone. And yes, its wrong and evil. WE NEED A TRUE LEADER, our kind {Americans} need a leader who will tall strait, true.hand the counties back to the sherrifs, follow the constitution, . the one world agenda, is in place, fact. I dont know guys, some of you KNOW me by my words, and I know you. myself, I have made my decision, I am for Ron Paul, so are the troops, so are many. The media is stopping his voice, most all i talk to, [and i am a HAM operator} , feel the same. ron WILL do, what most want. And we can do it. It is no secret, all over the web, malitias on standby, statigic plans. and then there we are, just trying to live. I DO know this, freedom is not free. Tonight, speaking with many countries, they ask me"why are you americans not doing what you always have?" i cant tell them, I dont have the heart. We all know, what is going on. We will remain civil, until its time not to be civil, asd no one wants violence. no one who has seen war anyway. It is the social agenda, that has many upset, and the blatant usperping, CZARS?? IN AMERICA?? There IS good news, we still have the vital rights we need to change things. We wait for the vote. But, how much more money, can they print?? and what is backing it?? WE ARE WAKE UP, we are the pawns. So nuts, only 20 years ago, all made sense, I worked, a made good money, and we all knew our place, and we all were hard workers. raised that way. I am a humanitarian, and a realist. reality, of this world, is stagering now. Im sorry bros, Too much info today, 300 e malils, head of the caucase, and some rotten stinking things going on. I rest my case. i await a REAL leader, WHy is it so hard to find one good man? becuase, the office is SOLD! For billions. The forefathers are turning over in thier graves. The law from the current admin, can put ANY civilian in jail, without bail, you know the rest. even though we stay law abiding.its a mess. Sorry, I lived a good life, and i see the way, the right way, i was taught by men better than me. TERM LIMITS, NO MORE DONATIONS. We all know thta, but, has it gone too far? God bless all, god be with america. we STILL have the spirit, and as long as we do, we will be able to affect change. by reason. 2 Reply Kimo, USA 3/1/12 re: Ayn Rand quote I might have read it too fast, but still, it is the gov job to protect rights, and ENFORCE the constitution........... 4 Reply Kimo, USA 3/1/12 re: Ayn Rand quote Governemnt , is ONLY to protect our Nation, with military. A FREE man protects himself, this guys quote, he musta never had to defend himself. Keep government out of this one. Good to have cops, but they are SECOND responders, Just ask one. The right to self defense, is from the Creator. The second amenedment, stall stand. 2 Reply Kimo, USA 2/28/12 re: Andrew Jackson quote What a great man! Reply Kimo, USA 2/27/12 re: Darren Perkins quote Obama FEARS revolution, and for good reason, as warrants have been issued for his arrest. The good men and women, who outnumber his kind, although do not wish this, may be forced into it. ALL NATIONS, be wise, and stand by us, as we head, into the future. 4 Reply Kimo, USA 2/27/12 re: Count Axel Oxenstierna quote When Reagan was in, wisdom reined, but Obama, made me very aware, my sons, how little wisdom, is involved, in the leadership, of those who swore an empty oath, to protect and defend us all. Kimo OATHKEEPER 1 Reply Kimo, USA 2/26/12 re: Sir William Blackstone quote Well, there are many ways to respond to this, Ill just keep it simple. ANY man, who enters my home, unlawfully, will be warned ONCE, then, will be shot. This is MY RIGHT, under the law. I wish to harm no one, but i WILL defend myself, and my family. IN a new york minute. And Im really thinking, of moving to one of several states, where i can carry concealed, so I many use my God given rights of self defense. 103Reply Kimo, USA 2/23/12 re: Dresden James quote Well, we, the people, were labeled from the libs, as "tin foil hats" well, folks, wear those tin foil hats proudly, for now, it has been PROOOVED beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we were, and are right. So, pass out those tin hats, and put um on the ones who drank the coolaide, those who voted for obama, to proove they were not raciasts, PLEASE this time, vote for the right guy, to proove your not an idiot. obama must go, he is destroying this country, and we all see it, the cats outa the bag. No room for old men, time for the brave. Nothing ta fear, but fear itself. Thanks sam we will check it out. Reply Kimo, USA 2/20/12 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Daniel is not nuts at all, in fact, this technology, is very real. Look for the "blue light" 2 Reply Kimo, USA 2/20/12 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Hi Mike, yep, they are well on the way to controlling the food, we must stop that. The money, well, we know what to do about that, get off the grid. The USA is the only country, that is accepting Monsanto's food, the Europeans have already said NO. We should too. Trust me, GMO food is not good folks, I have the proof. And, we don't need it, the answer to many of us lies in each nation being self sufficient, think on this, WHY is it necessary to ship goods from across the ocean, when we now have the tech to do it ALL on our own soil?? The reasons, are staggering. Sad, how the best minds succumbed to greed and fear. Reply Kimo, USA 2/17/12 re: Barack Hussein Obama quote The second two quotes, of the e mail we all receive, explain this mans words. I will repeat what was said in congress, LIAR! obama the chamelion, obama the con artist, obama the puppet. ANYONE who reads the EXACT records, of what obama has spent, will see the lie. Those of you who voted for him, to prove you are not a racist, please vote for someone else, to prove you are not an idiot. Look who has sent jobs to China.look who has raised the debt, to stagering levels.Look who has given contracts to china, on OUR soil.obama has. Reply Kimo, USA 2/16/12 re: Edward Gibbon quote and we know who this one is for......and about 1 Reply Kimo, USA 2/16/12 re: Albert Einstein quote SEE, he WAS a very smart man........... 3 Reply Kimo, USA 2/14/12 re: Samuel Cooke quote Not only the layman cannot understand most of the laws, but now, even the 25 year educated master, cannot properly interpret the law. Simply said, now, we are in a civil "cold war" and the corruption of the laws, is being used as a weapon, against those who seek truth, and those who are law abiding. This has been done [in the opinion of many] to ensure that any man, or group of men, who challenge the current admin, have no chance. WE THE PEOPLE, have lost all trust in gov. Our chance now lies in local LEO, and certain states, even with all this bad happening, it is indeed a joy, to know that the silent majority is so strong. As we all know, we now stand, at the gates of history, a battle between right and wrong, evil and good. And the fate of the free world hangs in the balance. If not for the millions of good men and women in our country, I would feel really alone, but we are many, and we are law abiding, and we watch, and each day brings more wisdom, and more laws. No matter what, those of us who are older, KNOW something is very wrong. That's putting it lightly. 2 Reply Kimo, USA 2/11/12 re: H. L. Mencken quote Archer, so many of us KNOW ur right, and yep, so many refuse to look at the truth, i have part of it figured out, most are cowards, or afraid to lose all. At least there are some true brave Americans here. In those days, they shall call right wrong, and wrong right, they will be blinded as to the truth. I don't know if its the fluoride or the Koolaide, but people are blind, most just don't give a dam. So, they will get what they deserve. Hard as hell to watch this happen to our nation. Some here, I feel i know, they have posted for so long, if i met them on the street, i would know them. By the way, the new Obama law on domestic terrorists, was just used against the Hawaiians here in molkai, they were told they can be arrested without warrant, bail, or trial, and held indefinitely, to see the mess, go to u tube, put in "Molkai cruise ship blockade" These people were told by "men in black" that they would be arrested under this law, if they entered the water. All true, so, for those who don't believe, well, it just happened. Archer, friends, as much as i hate to say this, perhaps its time for us all to get the hell out, before they bring down the curtain. Not sayin im a coward, but am sayin the game they are playing is one sided, and we are past the point of no return. Reply Kimo, USA 2/7/12 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote Is he talking about the current leader of this nation?/. i quess i read it wrong. Reply Kimo, USA 2/7/12 re: L. Neil Smith quote And as i stated on my last post, the evidence of this, is where i live at this time, it is mob rule, a ticking time bomb of humanity. i can easily see how this way of life, will lead soon to absolute tyranny. Montana has it right, as do several other states, you see, it takes courage to stand up to the bullies. one must be willing to lose all, to gain all. In those states where the majority believe in freedom, and the constitution, YOU are the ones who can save this nation. EDUCATE, instill morals and honor, and the work ethic. sad, that so many of us worked for so long and paid taxes [myself over 40 years] to see it all used unlawfully, against the will of WE THE PEOPLE. main thing, be lawful, until its time not to be lawful, the one thing, that will begin to heal all, is the golden rule, millions of us have it in our hearts, it is startling to me, the ones who don't have it. Some will call it evil, and i cant argue with that perspective. One thing for dam sure, we are on the verge of a different world, things cannot sustain at this rate. common sense, dictate what to do, and so many men think each day, on this, that the answer is simple, the obstacles are high, the stakes are higher, do we have a gentle master? do we have a caring leadership? truth, we are all quite unsure, of our and our children's future. Do not let fear rule you, let it lead you, give you power to think, use it for motivation to make things right. And true Americans, KNOW what is right and wrong. Human nature will never change, but people's minds can be poisoned, until they no longer know the truth. 2 Reply Kimo, USA 2/7/12 re: James A. Dorn quote Forgot one last thing, the health care laws are in full swing here, and the truth is, we have LESS care, and basically, when old, they give ya pills, and ya die. socialzed medicine does not work, the evidence is all around us. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print