Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 37Posts from Kimo, lahainaKimo, lahaina Next 25 Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/16/11 re: Ronald Reagan quote It used to be fine men were in our governmnet, and we WILL bring them back into government, or we will perish, plain and simple. The wisdom of the forefathers is supreme. Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/16/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Mr. Jefferson must have met obama...............NO ONE believes anything he says now. Except his "change" we can believe in, and we all see what that change is leading to. Hurry elections. 1 Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/16/11 re: Josiah Quincy quote AMEN....and friends, be optamistic, our youth ARE learning, slowly, but they are learning what rights and freedom are. obama has done one thing right, he woke up many, who in turn woke up many. FACT, no time soon will they be able to disarm we the people, FACT, since obamas so called oath of office, this nation has awaked. BUT, we still have much work and educating to do, to regain our rightfull freedoms, which have benn unlawfully twisted. The spirit is not dead. It can be seen easily in the thoughts and writing of many. But, we must NEVER give in or give up. Mike, I call the sheep "the asses of the masses" lol 2 Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/15/11 re: Daniel Webster quote An Interesting man. "The devil and daniel webster, is a great book. What do i think? i think im the last of a generation of men that are free. Who know what freedom is. Some one posted "outdated" And this is the main problem, the constitution is a timeless document, one cannot "outdate it" It is eternal, and they have broken the law. I think there are too many people, and our leaders are either jaded, or commiting treason.Or drunk, or both. Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/11/11 re: Thomas Pownhall quote Reston, ive listened to your rambling long enough , i hope ya have to defend urself with a butter knife. ned, ur an idiot too. Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/11/11 re: Thomas Pownhall quote A man is not a man without a firearm. FREE men have firearms, no matter WHAT they say, we will never cast asside our God given right to bear arms. Dam them to hell. People do not shoot to kill, they shoot to saty alive, NEVER will my generation be brainwashed into believing any different, there are not enough jails to hold us all, not enough police to stop us, NEVER give up the right brothers and sisters. It is a RIGHT , one we shed blood to have. Reply Kimo, Lahaina 3/10/11 re: Lansing Pollock quote BUT Mike, better than what we have now perhaps eh? Reply Kimo, Lahaina 3/10/11 re: Latin Proverb quote And millions of us have been since the recent election. Reply Kimo, Lahaina 3/10/11 re: Amilcare Puviani quote What im thinkin, cant be said........ 3 Reply Kimo, Lahaina 3/9/11 re: David Boaz quote And my grandson asked.."Papa, what was it like when you were young." Son, we were much more free. The people were not brainwashed, we worked hard, the government did not tell us every move to make, and we ran our own lives." And the world was much smaller. Hurry 2012, Liberty or death, civil war or peace. we will see. 2 Reply Kimo, Lahaina 3/9/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote I think The entire quote is perfect, except the title of the man. He should be named SIR or Lord Ron Paul, hell they gave that title to elton, Ron Paul a much more deserving man. Sir Ron Paul, thank you for all you do . 1 Reply Kimo, lahaina 3/8/11 re: Roger Pilon quote All in the constitution. Thank you Mike, yes, true sir. we have few ways to turn now, as the socialists march on towards the domination of human kind, they will NEVER get my mind, NEVER change my mind. FREEDOM at all costs. 2 Reply kimo, lahaina 3/8/11 re: Ulysses S. Grant quote Mr. Grant was indeed an intelligent man, he SAW the future. A free man now has no choice, but to hide, to stay away from those who seek to take the last freedoms. The fore father roll over in thier graves. Mr. Grants statement speaks for itself. Reply Kimo, lahaina 2/27/11 re: Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan quote Ditto , could not have said it better than jim from Austin 31Reply Kimo, Lahaina 2/24/11 re: Adolf Hitler quote Had to look close in the history books to make sure it wasnt nobama who said this, as usual he is right Hitler said it first. 3 Reply KIMO, LAHAINA 2/22/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote And perhaps one day, the people will again stand on their hind legs and by any means refresh this freedom given to us by noble men. Our freedom was gained by a great struggle, and slowly taken by greed and trickery. We need another Jefferson, but a good man has been barred from office, it has been purchased by those who seek to rule all under tyranny. Someday , someday, this freedom still lives in the hearts of man, as long as it does there is hope. Reply Kimo, Lahaina 2/20/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote I have a headache......... Reply kimo, lahaina 1/12/11 re: Persius quote Sorry for the spelling. I was free, when i was young, now, with my mind full, no, im a prsioner to my knowledge. my past, my present. But to the fed, dam you. Your laws that destroy human spirit. And mike, from Norwalk, said the rest, eloquently Reply kimo, lahaina 1/12/11 re: Persius quote In the big picture, no we are not. Then ya look at it, is is better to be all the way free, and live off the land, great when ur young, but when old? Yes, I'm free, my chains are mental. yall think about that. Ive created my own prsion. Money, some say is freedom, from a man who has done it all. In the end, all is vanity. Reply Kimo, lahaina 1/10/11 re: Frederick the Great quote The truth, is what our Nation is founded on, the truth, is in sore need. The truth, will set us free. 2 Reply Kimo, Lahaina 1/10/11 re: Dr. Lawrence W. Reed quote NO comment, just one, they are thieves Reply Kimo, Lahaina 1/10/11 re: Henry David Thoreau quote STAY SANE............ Reply kimo, lahaina 1/6/11 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote The constitution, is the ONLY answer Reply kimo, lahaina 1/4/11 re: Edward B. Wagner quote Too many are warehoused, stripped of their dignity, it has gone too far. Give man back his dignity, treat him good, he will become good.treat a man like a rabid dog, he may turn into one. Our love for ourselves, and our fellow man, is important. As others have posted, some of the greatest criminals of all time, are in office right now. theft, rapes, and such are a reason for man to be jailed, and other crimes we all know to be bad. The privatization of prisons in the united states, has caused a "body count" to be part of the daily world of corrections. 5 Reply Kimo, lahaina 1/3/11 re: Patrick Henry quote I fully expect this quote to have more response posts than most. It may break a record, this strikes right dead center in the hearts of all, their right to be a man, and defend one's self, it has gone too far all my friends. They have told us we are looked upon badly, because we bear arms. It is our RIGHT, not privilege, to do so. Not, to the ATF, the LEO, who don't think so, the truth is, you may need We The People someday. because most of you, think like we do. You see the injustice also. And to those LEOs that in the past, have respected my rights, I praise you, for reaping in me, has caused a deep respect for you. To the few LEOs, who feel only they should be armed, I say to you, that IS NOT the supreme law of this country. Most ALL who post here, are high thinking men, and good men. Men of peace. These times, seem to have separated us all, we need to start over again, and get to know our local LEOs with MUTUAL respect. The golden rule, is still true. All will treat each other, as they are treated, I myself, respect the LEOs, for putting their lives on the line each day. If they think many of us do not understand the pressures, you are wrong. We all want to be together. NO MORE of this separation. ALL of you feel it, and the distrust. We will KNOW each other, by our actions, should the need arise. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print