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Posts from Mike, Pleasant Hill

Mike, Pleasant HillMike, Pleasant Hill
Mike, Pleasant Hill

The truth of the quote is obvious, it is all around us as long as you have your eyes open and are willing to accept what you see.
It is basic human nature.
Any person rejecting this truth is most likely a recipient of other peoples money, got to keep that gravy train rolling and expanding because that socialist utopia is right around the corner.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Well stated Mike, the Utopian dream utilizing central planning is like the cockroach that refuses to die the death it deserves. There are always generations of Stalins, Obamas and Hillarys to carry on the delusion pumped into their radical heads by the Saul Alinskys of the world where the ends justifies the means.

We are in a spiritual war with physical consequences.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Robert from France, considering your statement regarding the origin of rights and whether the concept of divine rights under natural law as was laid out in our Declaration of Independence at the birth of our nation is true, I believe the success of the American experience has proven that it is, at least until present day since America has turned its face away from God and the principles it was founded on and now suffering now from moral decay we are witnessing the natural law consequences of this.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Like usual Thomas hits the nail on the head for those that have eyes to see in ears to hear.
If you favor a socialist society then move to one and leave the rest of us alone! But no, you won't do that because socialist countries are poor because that's what socialism produces. When you punish the producers ( take away the incentive to work hard) and engage in wealth redistribution to those who do not produce as a way to buy votes from the nonproducers to acquire or maintain power it is only a matter of time before those who produce will stop playing ball and that will be the end of the gravy train. It's plain common sense and basic human nature.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Well stated Mike, as where can it lead when the truth itself becomes offensive regardless of the source and there can only be one truth but when the truth becomes offensive the person who brings it is hated because it offends the liars.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Rick, you are certainly right about the mistakes that were made in the 20th century regarding foreign-policy but also remember that the 20th century began with Woodrow Wilson and the march of progressivism. I believe it was you who talked about Pearl Harbor? Are you saying that Hitler should not have been stopped? Japan was an ally of Nazi Germany.
You talked about the US dropping the atomic bomb but have you studied the atrocities that the Japanese inflicted upon captured civilians and POWs and the US would've taken massive casualties in invading the Japanese home islands, developing and dropping the bomb was the right thing to do to end the war quickly!
Now let's talk about the 60s counterculture movement, many of the student movements and antiwar protest groups were infiltrated by communists, indeed the Communist had penetrated these counterculture extreme leftist groups and planted the seeds that has given us today Marxist professors like Bill Ayres (Obama's buddy) and legions of other anti-American in acadamy.
Every war after World War II has been an unconstitutional war and both parties were and are doing it! Yes America has made mistakes and no country is perfect by God we are better than most!
I highly recommend catching the movie "America"

Mike, Pleasant Hill

If you knew anything about John McManus you would understand he is extremely knowledgeable. But you can always count on the leftist thumbs down the crowd to mimic the three monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil and I would say speak no evil but like always that's the only orifice that they use spewing their anti-liberty rhetoric but will they actually move to a country that is in line with their political philosophy? HELL NO! Gutless hypocrites.
But you know, if it wasn't so damn sad it could actually be funny.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

If that ain't the truth.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

History written by the victor for the victor, so much misinformation about the war of Northern aggression. The truth is out there but it is not the version so readily offered up by the government schools, you have to actively dig for it keeping an open mind.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

You are so right Mr. Archer.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

States protecting their own sovereignty and rights for their people? After the ill-conceived 17th amendment that went out the window!

Mike, Pleasant Hill

It's time we start regaining that freedom now.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Anonymous, homosexuality is not a perversion? It is unnatural and a self-destructive behavior. Homosexual activists using "after the ball" psychological and emotional manipulation (propaganda) to forward the lie that the behavior is somehow an identity, that's why they co-opted the word "gay" God forbid we actually discuss what exactly homosexuals do to each other I believe most decent people would understand that it is as perverted as an older man sodomizing a young boy after all it's his thing right? How can homosexuals criticize pedophile perverts without exposing themselves as hypocrites.

Research Marshall Kirk's book "After the Ball" discover how the propaganda works and once you understand the plan you will never fall for the scam! That being said what sinning perverts do in privacy is between them and their Creator on judgment day and doesn't concern me but when they bring it into the public square and use the force of government and activist courts to shove their perversion down our throats and require rush to excepted then by God you would be a fool not to expect resistance from good God-fearing people.
No doubt my opinion motivations will be attributed to hate that too is part of the propaganda, the truth is I pity these people and pray for them because they are caught in Satan's snare. Many leave the lifestyle but we never hear about them because that is politically incorrect and exposes the identity lie.

As to the quote? Five stars for it.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Machiavelli 101, create a problem then milk it for all it's worth and when the people clamor for a solution offer them the one you had previously prepared that they would've never excepted if not for the contrived crisis.
Lord, grant our people the wisdom to see they are being led to slaughter!

Mike, Pleasant Hill

There was a quote that I barely remember that went something like this.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."- William Pitt

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Not a quote? How about "None so blind then those who will not see." Both quotes are fitting and true here.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Bruce, you have probably seen Al Gore documentary but the one you should really see is one called "Blue."
Even after the global warming alarmists pseudoscientists have been proven to be engaging in fraud people still believe the hustle.
The whole global warming scam is nothing more than a vehicle to carry a political and social agenda and fortunately I think people are catching on to the scam.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Duck, if socialism is so great why don't you just go to a country that embraces it fully and live there.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Socialism is also THEFT!

Mike, Pleasant Hill

An ignorant or sufficiently indoctrinated people are easier to control and manipulate, history shows this to be true just look at North Korea. There is a reason why slave masters do not want their slaves to be educated well and to be able to think for themselves, America's government school system starts the dependency process and the Marxist America hating professors in college create like thinking drones, the political correctness and the limitations on conservative free-speech on campus is proof of that.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

The truth of this is obvious to an honest person that hasn't been worked over.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Amen to that brother Mike.

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Well said Logan and Archer, I would add socialism is also THEFT!

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