Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 170Posts from Robert, Somewhere in the USARobert, Somewhere in the USA Next 25 Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA 7/28/20 re: Abba Eban quote Stupid quote! Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA 7/27/20 re: Frank J. Fleming quote Then America must be a socialist state as its answer to peaceful demonstration is usually violence. Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/18/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote To Mike: 4Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/17/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote I just wrote you a long response and somehow when I pressed save it disappeared and I'm to tied to do it again.... Suffice to say it's time for a Socialist Government — it will be our only hope of survival... Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/16/19 re: Plato quote Well, it's now in full swing... Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/16/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote George Orwell's "1984" wasn't meant to be an instruction manual.Carl Gibson 3Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/16/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote Mike, you live in a world illusions; You think we have a democracy? you think we live in an ideal country, you think those entities/corporations that have increased give a dam about its workers. In 1953 the workforce represented 32.1% to day it is only 7.8%. The poverty level has increased, more incarcerations, and a health system that is the most expensive in the world. The disparity between the rich and the poor is at an all time high. The MIC eats up (by far) the largest portion of our GDP (over a $trillion). I could go on all day how America is becoming more fascist than 1984, and the people are totally unaware of the state in which America has become. Since WWll American foreign policy has killed millions, we have 800 bases in over 170 countries. We pay mercenaries to do Americas dirty work. I think a socialist government will be our only hope of recovery. P.s food is becoming so expensive that many have to work two or three jobs just to survive. The Government doesn't rely on fascist socialism, it has become fascist without any help from the socialism. Our government is an organized crime syndicate that kills anything that gets in its way. Mussolini would be proud of America... Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/16/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote Jim, only because American keeps poking its dirty nose into other countries business. The US wants there oild and other resources as they have done with Libya, Iraq, and trying to do with Syria. 1Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/16/19 re: Nikita Khrushschev quote He has no idea what he is talking about! Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/15/19 re: Lucius Annaeus Seneca quote Correct! Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/12/19 re: Plato quote The quote is good but did he say it?Quote Investigator: Researchers have found no substantive evidence that Plato made this remark. The earliest close match known to QI appeared in the 1871 book “Pen Sketches of Nebraskans” by A. C. Edmunds. An eccentric American railroad financier, presidential aspirant, and world traveler named George Francis Train received credit for the following. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI: 1I'll still give it five regardless who said it! 2 Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 8/12/19 re: Milton Friedman quote Without freedom there is no equality... it's really very simple... 1 Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 3/6/19 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote If only we had people of reason in government — it seems we have lost our way and reason is some distant memory... Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 3/6/19 re: John Adams quote Love it! 1Reply Robert, somewhere in the USA 3/5/19 re: John Locke quote I would replace the word God for "yourself" and the second by "law of nature... Reply robert, somewhere in the USA 10/12/18 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Love it! 3Reply robert, somewhere in the USA 10/11/18 re: Tammy Bruce quote Just look at her position and who pays her salary, then you will understand what a load of codswallop she spews. The women is typical of the current systemic order. She has no real point of view on the subject and should keep her mouth closed... 2Reply robert, somewhere in the USA E Archer, NYC (10/11/18) EA, really, you know darn well the Left does not control the media — are you kidding me? The media is corporatism, militarism, and fascism. The press did sometime ago have a say in the media but those days have gone, the Washington Post, and the NYT are both CIA controlled. Likewise, in the UK the Guardian is now under the auspices of MI6. The Star may still have a left leaning. Reply robert, somewhere in the USA Mary, MI (10/8/18) This quote truly applies to the present day Screaming Fascist-Oligarchy Republicans and Democrats. Though of little consequence as neither party is in control as the media and government do as they are told 'here is the script you must follow'. Wake up people, you are being deceived.Stop continuing the cycle of corruption and wars. Iran hasn't invaded a country in 300 years yet the US has invade and overthrown over 80 countries and melldled in the election of just as many — who are we to speak of integrity, peace, and freedom — this is the great irony! Reply robert, somewhere in the USA E Archer, NYC (10/5/18) Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black..... 7Reply robert, somewhere in the USA 10/5/18 re: Mike Adams quote I'm sorry, but I have never read such much codswallop — most have no idea what they are talking about. The present demonization of the left was a well planned strategy and you all fell for it — the strategy they use on Liberals. Now the two words have been relegated to the dumpster via inane propaganda and order followers. let me remind you yet again what the left means — it came about in France where the elite sat of the right and the workers sat on the "LEFT" The present is Faux Left (fascism) not true left. I can't believe how easy it was for MSM to fall you all. This is why I rarely comment. Please do not reply to this as I am busy rescuing the true left from fascism. You all have a good weekend! and please do your research before joining in the memes brigade... 1 Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA 9/4/18 re: Doris Lessing quote I think we all know what group of vigilantes she is referring too! and as the subject is taboo I will leave it to you.... Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA 8/23/18 re: Federico Fellini quote He must have met Bernays — I think Fellini is saying once censored it becomes a must see — inverted advertising... If you have a brand dominance selling bird seed advertise birds as pets. Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA Mike, Norwalk (8/23/18) Mike, that's what I like about you — you never move from your protection of natural Law... well done! Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA Patrick Henry, Red Hill (8/23/18) Archer hit the nail on the head — simple and accurate Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print