[51-75] of 520

Posts from RobertSRQ


Excellent! Utterance is most needed in times of stress - it is then that questions should be asked, that is true patriotism - the patriots are those who question authority. In times of stress thugs and despots use the occasion for their own agenda and to silence the people's utterance with words of false patriotism - when will we learn? YOU ARE THE TRUE PATRIOT WHEN YOU QUESTION AND MAKE UTTERANCE.


Yes, Yes, Yes, we need a vehicle that's easy to administer that allows us to kick out Presidents who lie regardless of their source. Last nights speech by Obama was fantastic; you can hear it on NPR.org It was probably the most brilliant acceptance speech ever made. Joe Biden did a great job too. We must fight to bring back honesty in the White House if we fail in November there may not be a second chance. Honesty is honesty and mistakes are very different - "We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty..." To have dishonesty and a total lack of capacity that is CRIMINAL. The ONLY way to be free is to be honest. RBE


Well said Archer - are you sure you are not a fellow Liberal? Read Russell's book "Why I am Not a Christian" it has a lot of thought provoking arguments. If you have studied Vedic scriptures you must have read the Upanishads? In those writings are the thoughts of today, especially the one on understanding. I was brought up in the church (C of E) and went to chapel every day but the hypocrisy got the better of me and I too turned away from the bible to other writings and beliefs. As Robert Ingersoll put it - I cannot believe in a God that makes his children suffer eternal damnation. And, I agree wholeheartedly with his last sentence "A man who believes that doctrine and does not go insane has the heart of a snake and the conscience of a hyena" I believe ONLY in one religion KINDNESS.


Ken, very sad - from nothing nothing brings - truth has no beginning


You came out with some fun ones today. Are you sure that wasn't Oscar Wilde? Barack please please win and take me from this abyss before it's too late.


Another great one! I also run for my life when they preempt a deal by saying, "I'm a Christian."


It looks like Guns are really gaining popularity with right-wing fanatics per report today "Onward Christian Soldiers: Increased Gun Violence Against Liberals and Progressives Signaling Desperation on the Right?" We cannot have either freedom or equality while we allow these morons on the loose - it will soon be self evident that America needs to split into two or three or four nations - then we can just go to war without leaving our shores. Archer, equal rights should guarantee us the right to our own happiness, the right to make a living, the right to make our own decisions - power, I agree, confuses those rights. Gay marriage is an example - Gays do not have equal rights - if Gays were in power of cause they would have equal rights, but on the other hand, they may refuse those right to heterosexuals.


Conformity and obedience are the whips of mediocrity


That would be so - without freedom equality cannot exist.


That is beautiful - definitely one for my favorites - Thanks E. (Eric, the Editor)


Archer, I agree wholeheartedly with RI too - have you listened to George Carlin on this topic.


Yes, and we need a lot more of that... where are those with courage that can stand alone amidst a sea of rascals.


Truth needs no memory, no law, and no religion - it is the one great key to happiness. It stands alone, naked and unadulterated.


Truth is a big part of our daily life and probably the most important, for without truth there is no trust, no honor and without trust and honor there is no passion, no love, and without passion and love we may as well pack our bags and switch off the light.


Archer, WOW... I knew you had it in you - well done. Now let's all go out and practice what we preach. Archer, nothing is new all has been said before and will be said again. Before we can be honest with others we must first be honest with our SELF this simpler request from the Gods is your lesson number one. I know most on this blog are Libertarians and that's OK but we must remember that all opinions and ideas should be respected. As I have said before and will say again I will defend your rights as much as mine. It is with this kind of compassion and understanding that peace will one day prevail. Negative and positive will always be part of us we just have to understand they both have a place in life and both are to be respected - someone who believes his views are positive while the other thinks they are negative. Oxygen is represented by the symbol O and its big sister Carbon Dioxide by CO2 both give life. I'm a city boy too from the heart of London, NYC, and LA - I have not a single penny debt as I refuse to support the banks and those pariahs who feed on the sweat and tears of laborers.


Archer you make some excellent points but I must agree with Waffler there does seem to be contradiction in your argument. By the way, with all this talk and %*$#* of what's wrong, do you have any suggestions to improve and/or correction the current slide into the dark abyss of totalitarianism. To many are willing to criticize without positive feedback - to may are willing to moan and grumble into their graves. I applaud you for being so conscientious with regards to doing your bit obviously you treat this as a serious problem. I am doing my bit too: I walk to work, recycle like crazy, conserve water and energy, I don't eat dead flesh or anything that has a face, keep by blood pressure at 120/80, keep my glucose at about 100 and my cholesterol at 170 - how about producing a film that disputes Al Gore there you are your chance too to make a fortune.


Archer, your choice of sides is quite obvious, but you have fallen to your own argument - why should I believe or accept your facts or opinions (all you so-called neocons) instead of 95 percent of all the scientists? So far there are about ten scientists who back your theory. Also, Bush and his cohorts are doing quite well at depopulation even to the point of starting another cold war; we may not have another Kennedy to pull us out of WW lll - if we keep poking the Bear he may just get very angry. By the way, McCain was fifth from the bottom of 800 who graduated - and probably only graduated because his father and grandfather were Admirals. And as for Bush's academic achievement, well, the less said about that the better. The neoconservatives are the biggest threat to the peace and well being of our planet. Lastly, McCain declared: "In the 21st century nations don't invade other nations" does he know what he is saying?


Ken, interesting, so you know he is a Republican? Did you listen to his confirmation hearings if you did then you would know where we are coming from. This statement is said in defense of his own hypocrisy. I thought it was Republicans that have house boys... so the media has us to believe


Good for you Waffler - say it as it is... At least Jim doesn't shift his commentary


Reston and Edwin - right-on. Jim, there you go again...Please save the abuse and comment sensibly


Jim, this is not a blog for your abuse but for sensible dialogue please try and be a gentleman. Please also read the difference between Left and Right politics, Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Socialist, Communist, Theocratic and Secular societies. (Just out of interest Carlton, was that canned or did you write this post off the cuff - I'm impressed). Now on the subject of the quote: The beginning of Wisdom? Wow, what a topic: To call or write things by their name is not necessarily a word but a philosophy - the truthful name of anything can only be explained through experience and dialogue. Wisdom is the shot not fired or the word not spoken so wisdom can also reside in things not done or said. Wisdom is as beautiful as dew on a blade of grass and as ugly as necessity may prevail. True Wisdom resides in the heart and minds of all things - it's that tree that falls when there's no one there to hear it. Man is as pernicious as he can be kind and the road between the two is where most reside. Wisdom, I believe, can only be achieved when there is total control of our emotions, when there is a total consideration for the happiness of others, and when the mind is no longer controlled by our thoughts and chattels. There is no wisdom without honor and you are the only person that is able to know that. Wisdom is not something you teach - wisdom is the soul of the heart and can only be understood by its owner. A wise man never answers a students question of why or what instead you are given a task. As Dickens put it 'A loving heart is the truest wisdom'. Waffler, in the end you only fall yourself... and Reston, you are correct though only with regard to communication of the written word and dialogue. Nomenclature has no meaning in the hearts and actions of man - you just do what you feel is right regardless of its classification.


NPR now has a Republican at the helm - say no more.


quite right - if there were no left there would be no right.

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