Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [301-325] of 382Posts from Ron w13, OrRon w13, Or Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/20/14 re: Sir John Fortescue quote The Thrown is established in Righteousness ! Mercy and Truth go before the Face of God !This can be seen clearly through illustration, which brings, illumination to the minds eye of understanding. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened. That I may ( know ), Gesnosco, him and the power of his resurrection. Phili 3:10The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:11,12Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. To deliver their soul from death. 33:18Let every thing that hath breath, praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 150:6Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness. he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live. 119:144Amen Reply Ron w13, Or 4/19/14 re: Voltaire quote Rick, there is a foundation from which the ancient doctrines of Liberty ( financial ) and Freedom ( to move about ) Come from. The saying " The Bible is the Rock upon which the Republic Rest ". Theses are not idle words or just a turn of phrase. Hidden within the oldest books on the planet, are thirteen points of reference in the Old Testament, dictates if you will, precepts governing the lending and barrowing of money with one of your own nation. Being that nation that sets their children at Liberty and Freedom. Rarely adhered to for very long. Has one not come to notice that the ties between Israel and the United States of America, are joined in a special manner not openly, or ever clearly spoken of. But used is the phrase Christians, and Jews. In a world of, or sea if you will, of monarchy's and socialistic nations, we move towards and are now on a precipice, approaching an apex. Knowledge withheld, creates blindness among the populous, so with the reveling of knowledge, brings the fullness needed to reach the peak or apex if you will. Though our nation, at one time and its sovereigns, were at Liberty and Freedom, it did not take long to place the yoke of bondage, in the form of usury, payroll, and property tax, back upon the children's neck. Slavery returned. The guard through temptation gave over to greed, there in, letting their guard down. Becoming corrupt in its very nature. The foundation is made obscure by half truths spoken by the mouths of Preachers and Politicians . Religion, incased within the English word, are two words, if not reveled, keep blind the people from knowing the Whole Truth, which is rarely reveled. Threskeia, and Threskos, The first is religion as a officious parade, these participate in a outward show of belief not truly wishing to set the children free, let alone at Liberty. The Catholic church has done a good job through their pomp and pageantry of concealing the truth of Liberty and Freedom from the world. And our nation has followed suit, by the many denominations that still clam loyalty to that church. They delight in approaching unto God, but deceive the people, by not adhering to the Commandment to set the children Free and at Liberty. These are false religions. only a show of vanity. On the other hand is, Threskos, The contrast is set forth between that which is ( unreal and deceptive ), and the ( pure religion ) Threskos, which consist in visiting the fatherless and widows in their afflictions and in keeping oneself unspotted from the world. Our founding fathers new very well this knowledge, and by Divine Providence, the Right to Declare Grace and Liberty and Freedom to the children of our nation, they did, in what is termed an experiment. Now we, as a world and a nation are upon the precipice of unveiling this truth. When reached, achieve the apex. We do pray for the fullness of the Gentiles to be come in. In doing so, all Israel shall be saved. Liberty and Freedom at is source of origin. Through the fall of Israel salvation has come to the Gentiles, by way through our Mercy they shall receive Mercy. This is why the world is at odds with America and Israel. Knowing we are the source of these ancient doctrines of Liberty and Freedom, setting the children free from the yoke of bondage and oppression. Time has keep in store and does revel, though must be searched out in the ( night ), for these truths are not clearly seen in the night. This is the night of spiritual darkness. But now the Son does begin to shine. The innocent blood upon the alter of Freedom. Weather one believes in God or not does not change anything. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence , we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Washington a man wondered at. No doubt, Divine insight, as others in his ranks. True Prophets are rarely exposed, by the us of the word. But the Cardinal Cross of understanding (13) Is always sure. Israel is blind ( in part ), till the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/18/14 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote I do beg to question, why it passes his comprehension. The right to err, must follow with correction. Weather through conscience, or carnal law. It might be a wise statement, but considering India, and their state of affairs. He must not have had much influence. One of the most prejudice people on the planet. Lacking moral fiber. Selling crack pipes in their little shops all across or nation. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/18/14 re: Sir John Fortescue quote I can not resist, to speak on behalf of mercy, a little. In general one may identify three basic meanings of the word, which always interact: " strength," " steadfastness," and "love".Checed, mercy, implies personal involvement and commitment in a relationship beyond the rule of law. One of Gods most central characteristics. The truth stings Walter a bit. Five more stars for a great quote. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/18/14 re: Henry Steele Commager quote Always deceiving and being deceived, is the politicians way of life. Speaking in half truths, till they get what they want. Which and most times belongs to someone else. RKO must be on their payroll. Can someone tell Reid, and all the rest liken unto him that they are FIRED ! Let alone hang them for treason on the White House lawn. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/18/14 re: Voltaire quote Danger is always around, It is better to speak out, with right words, than sit the idle slave. How forcible are right words !but what doth your arguing reprove ? Job 6:25 2 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/17/14 re: Lord George Lyttleton quote Kiss the Son, most beautiful, Keep It Simple Stupide. I am, and He is Most Humbling. God Bless you all. Amen. 6 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/17/14 re: Eric Hoffer quote So with socialism's ills and minorities given privileged status, perpetuates the demoralizing of our nation. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/17/14 re: Richard Bach quote It is an unusual stance, but so true for the believer in God. For most, a mistake seems without worth, but ? And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Rom 8:28,29. This of course, knowing that god directs the steps of men. Old Testament. The new creature is set at liberty, and does and will come to know it very well. As with our ( Hybrid Republic ) . Reply Ron w13, Or 4/17/14 re: Lord George Lyttleton quote Secular religion with out moral constraint. Doctrines of Moral Responsibility. Have and are torn to pieces in the courts, leaving the natal agent to wonder, if it is ok to be merciful. Passion without compassion, is only lust, covetousness. Religion, the word itself being one of the most misused words in human language. Ceremonial observance, religion. Threskeia, signifies religion in its external aspect. religious worship, especially the ceremonial service of religion. An officious parade. On the other hand, the word religion, Threskos, as used in James 1:26,27. The contrast is set forth between that which is ( unreal and deceptive,) and the ( pure religion ) which consists in visiting the fatherless and widows in their afflictions and in keeping oneself unspotted from the world. Pious-religious used 1 time. KJB. I do like your definition Mike, and the phrase attributable action. And that phrase having a broader base than most can comprehend, or perceive. For the secular unbelieving, it is like trying to chase a man down in a round house. So well said Logan, The two Pillars. Religion and Morality, Mercy and Truth. Those that chew on doctrines of law to cast doubt and deceive are as those in times past who were religious, Threskeia. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. The weightier matters of the law are always left out. Judgment, mercy and faith." The Holy cause of Liberty, We shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations, Our chains are forged " ! Patrick Henry. So we stand in one accord with our founding fathers and their Christian fundamentals, and principals. of decency, respect and knowledge of moral responsibility. 4 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/16/14 re: Eric Hoffer quote Interesting Tex. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/16/14 re: Raymond Chandler quote Very well said Archer !! 4 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/16/14 re: Eric Hoffer quote Malignant process in perception of freedom, induced by socialism. Pacifying dissent. Operation is observed. Cohabitation with certain subcultures is very problematic. Considering if , gays left on an island, to themselves, eventually die out, for lack of perpetuation. Therefore, they, needing the protection of a socialistic state, to prey upon, and convert to the malignant mind set, children. And that seems to be an issue with the largest Denomination on the planet. Old World ways, We as a People came to get away from ! Reply Ron w13, Or 4/16/14 re: Raymond Chandler quote The control is just on the other end of the gun. The smaller the community, the easer to perceive that which is not seen. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: Jon Roland quote It is inevitable Being left alone to become what you will, as they evolve in understanding. Many aspects of Power and Freedom not openly discussed amongst those, not prepared for the transformation of practical reasoning. The veil removed or rent if you will. But whose to call a spade a spade. The governing powers still held to higher powers than themselves. All thing will be reveled in due time. Nothing hid that shall not be reveled. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: Jon Roland quote Quite the statement from Mann. Thence upwards. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: John Locke quote Semper Fi , Jim and Archer. 2 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: Jon Roland quote Considering the time of the quote, 1944, It had not been to long sense SSI was instituted in 1937. Pains were still felt from the 140,000 thrown in jail for speaking out against robbery and socialism. Barter systems denied. Now we see the ( purest ) who do not dance, drink, smoke or play cards, dictate from the pulpit, from what ever denomination they claim. Even some judges go to ( church ). Unjust laws, overburdening the minds and behavior of individuals. People become easy prey, when the policing actions of states, intrude where they do not belong. Rewarding bad behavior on one end and condemning it on the other. Sounds like both ends against the middle. It is about money ! And we are caught in the middle. Governing our lives through their ( church of socialism ). When thee best paying job is with the government, fed or state, you see the lure. Creates a lazy population, wanting something for nothing. Vacations, the best insurance, vehicles, housing, Pensions. All on the back of the slave, living in a police state. The police agency has a list of who not to bother in every community. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: John Locke quote Common sense , by way of our Constitution. 3 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/15/14 re: Edward Gibbon quote Senseless laws, Doing more harm than ever any good. Great points of view, Jim and Archer. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/14/14 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote Confounded or confused with private opinion . Spiritual law, by way of conscience, The law written in fleshly tables of the heart, can be manipulated, by reason of private opinion. That is why nether God or our Constitution is a respecter of persons. No private opinion needed. We are set at Liberty and freedom. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/14/14 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote The legacy of freedom and the stance thereof. The word is used once in a KJB. Freeman. I Corin 7:22. But in conjunction with the Doctrines of Liberty. Financial liberty. Inability to own property, Separating the natural agent from their life source, keeping all as slaves. Denying inheritance, lest tribute is paid !Liberty denied, stolen away. Reply Ron w13, Or 4/14/14 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote Why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience ? 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/13/14 re: Felix Frankfurter quote It does seem hard to coexist at times. There is a difference between ( Stand with ) or push over and take away. The welfare state is easily manipulated, knowing it is a blood line to a steady check, from the mass. Socialism at its best. Made available for emigrational movement of overburden on our Republic. And the pushing over of the Free born individual sovereign. My blood tells me I am indigenous to this planet and am allowed to rebel against oppression. Period ! 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 4/11/14 re: Daniel Webster quote It is and has always been by faith we stand in an establishment of the mind ! Liberty and Freedom. For our founding fathers to take the stand against tyranny was by faith you live and your enemy dies. The hope is to live through the day of battle. The faith being the essence of your strength. This based upon your belief in the God of nature, who is the Creator of all things. Some know the Rock, but others have only heard. Faith the word is used 247 times in a KJB. Consider the sum 13. The right to rebel . I Corin 1:24, and Rom 8:24. Doctrines of the very words bear out the truth of the matter. The right to rebel against oppression and tyranny. The Bible is the Rock upon which the Republic Rest. For those that study doctrines of carnal law as also spiritual law, it is the same God who conduct the affairs of men. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print