Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [126-150] of 382Posts from Ron w13, OrRon w13, Or Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ron w13, Or 6/22/14 re: Abigail Van Buren quote Loves those around you. Care and take care ! It is not always fun. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/22/14 re: Abigail Van Buren quote Rockaway it is not a weakness but a means to meet a need. Walking through the garden some like pepper and some like salt. Who's to say. some drink to sooth , some smoke, but ether way we come to sleep and get up and do it all over again. Love our family in the morning . Let not the sun go down on your wrath !! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/20/14 re: Jean Harris quote Growing up military and local law enforcement in the family, RN's in the operating room. You hear more than should be said in public !Just as atrocities committed in war, what seems to be senseless to some is a savior to others. The boots on the ground tell the local story of hate and love. Deception and sincerity. Semper Fi. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/20/14 re: Jean Harris quote Not all guards are corrupt, but some are and do. They are not there to be your friend, but to guard ! High stress and early retirement package. Not worth rating. Never bite the hand that guards the biting dogs. Remove and replace. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/20/14 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Perhaps, which country ? which jail. and where ? Reply Ron w13, Or 6/20/14 re: David A. Nichols quote Which drugs were being manufactured. And sold to who ? Crack, crank, meth ? To open ended a quote to say or rate. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/19/14 re: Joel Miller quote Criminality of a centralized despot government, run by a minority of tyrants in a never ending sea of unnatural laws ! Seems David sides with punishment rather than Mercy. You receive what you put out ! Be careful what you wish for ! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/19/14 re: Abigail Van Buren quote Herbal remedies vs mainstream domination of the market. Fighting big corp elite. George is it weak to take a BC powder ?Is weak to have a cocktail after work, or at lunch ? Or should we in our arrogance, think that the so called purest of any sort should dominate another's person's rights. Just like fly fishermen who won't use a worm and look down upon others from their lofty purest position. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/19/14 re: Edmund Burke quote Pushed into a corner ! Hope forces the show of cards in the hand of the oppressed . Reply Ron w13, Or 6/18/14 re: Robert N. Proctor quote In the United States of America. In the Front Row and In the Pulpit of Peace, We do not care if you dance, drink, Smoke or play Cards. The Cackling is form the Back Row ! Get the point of who is for PEACE ! Any other inhumane act upon another human, fornication included is unacceptable Within natural laws of nature. Though given their own space, and not domination creates cohabitation. Stay and right control of moral uprightness with humility. Tribes are Tribes ! leave them and theirs alone !! Please. Some will tell the mouse on the moon not to eat cheese ! Tabaco is medicinal ! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/18/14 re: John Jay Chapman quote Attack another mans rights with words, We will see who is right and wrong at the table of common sense. Natural law will prevail !! Cohabitation requires room. Nationalized Centralized Global Government in suppression of undomesticated TRIBES, and that is the problem for Global domination of Elite old money industrialist and of any other sort of old wealth on the Planet , wishing to dominate resources .!! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/18/14 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Freedom is cohabitation with out conflict !! This is only obtained through equal space. There is a rule ! We protect Life and Liberty. Sit down at the Table ! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/17/14 re: Lord Acton quote Jim the word ( holy ) simply means separate. Separate Book. A compilation of judgment based upon experience. Let experience be our guide. A book no doubt ordained of God. The Rock upon which the Republic rest. The Rock being a Right mindedness, plumb, square, balanced in judgment of good and evil, light and dark, night and day, right and wrong. The mind of God written in a book, which means exactly what it says, as it says it, where it says it. A neutral naturalistic view point never embraces pure Liberty. Even though you enjoy the fruits thereof under grace. The King James Bible , Separated and set up to stand on in one accord with our founding fathers." A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education ". 2 Reply Ron w13, Or 6/17/14 re: Galileo Galilei quote To much T V for Waffler. It is easy to destroy the planet. Cut down all the trees, pave it over with ( ass at fault ) . don't forget to reduce the population to tenet farmers. It is the only soap box Gore can preach from. There's change coming, there's change coming. Like we cannot see, mans ability to screw up a crowbar in a sand box. A voice of reason in a sea of stupidity, created by the ruling class elite. And I do mean Galileo ! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/17/14 re: Dr. Albert Hoffman quote Hoffman's potion. Very pointed quotes today. Brings to mind Carl Jung and his Red Book. Vision quest among natives with the use of certain plants, sweats loges, prayer for others and not yourself. To reboot a disgruntled, angry, confused, adult or child. That they may learn to Care and not hate, love with contentment, was the result looked for. Settling the soul on a even keel. The doorway to spiritual awareness. Which most do not acknowledge. Domestication and the result thereof . But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance : against such there is no Law. 9 fruits in all. Canada's Doctors found it made for better Care givers when disgruntled by patients and there behavior. Used widely in the 1950's under clinical supervision but banned in the U. S. It makes for a passive and loving state of mind. Behold the wonder child. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/17/14 re: Anjelica Huston quote Very weak George, Doctors and their analytical process, observing pleasure and the relief of pain, discoveries within the natural world of the mind and body. Of course the whole story of what has been discovered is not told. Some very vision inducing, well observed, knowing there is a gate to higher levels of comprehension and understanding ones on surroundings. Natural and supernatural states of being. That is the gate, government wishes to understand first, before domesticated people return to a natural state of experience and understanding. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/16/14 re: Lord Acton quote There are three precedence of natural law exposed , original sin, grace , and predestination . A tri-cord in common sense, originated by written word. Bringing about the Protestant Reformation. Within the Catholic church all at the same time. Sin original, ( loosed from guilt ), ( grace, unmerited favor of fault ) , ( predestination , Divine Providence ) and the fulfillment of Gods rights to man. By way of Hippo, and Lord Acton and William Ewart Gladstone . another tri-cord of revolt within the Catholic church. By way of Paul and Martin Luther. One can not forget Hippo and the French. I am married to a Catholic decenter !! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/16/14 re: Lord Acton quote A quote made by one of the greatest minds to live. At and around 1860 before the Civil War, there was war raging in England's political world. Acton at odds with the arrogance of the Pope and Monarchy, and their stance on infallibility. As also William Ewart Gladstone. Both in one accord. These men being considered Liberals. Chophshiy and Brakah type. Blessed form bondage and tax. Acton took a great interest in America. Believing the Federal structure Perfect Guarantor of Liberties. His sympathy lay entirely with the Confederacy, for their defense of States Rights, against a centralized government that , ( by ALL historical precedent would inevitably turn tyrannical. ) After the South surrender, he wrote Robert E Lee. that " I morn for the stake that was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at Waterloo " . Adding that he " Deemed that you were fighting for our Liberty, our Progress and our Civilization ".Gladstone also and his Finance system of natural Liberty. " Gladstone influences all round him but Acton, It is Acton that influences Gladstone. Majority being the worse by way of centralized government. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/16/14 re: Shirley Chisholm quote Bob it is called ( spoiled ). It was the harsh reality of war, and the things endured that caused my Dad to drink. A cold sober man was he. Who never met a stranger. What is that, said I, to Mom as Dad reached into the ( Cabinet ), that is his Medicine son. Cold sober reality. Moderate man he was ! Lost many lives that were in his care, friends struck down in battle, protecting what ? Life and liberty. The more unjust laws on the books, the harsher the reality of oppression for gain. So the more people wish to escape. Not all addictions are bad, such as addicting ones self to the truth. Let your moderation be made known among all. If one can not bridle his or her own spirit, it is a city without walls ! I go with Mike on this one, just stating the obvious. But for what reason ? Reply Ron w13, Or 6/16/14 re: National Institute of Justice quote There have and always will be two laws that govern behavior, Moderation for the medicine cabinet and respect for the tool box. Of which there has always been to factions at odds. One for the good, the other to manipulate for gain. Let experience be ones guide. Wild things and mild things are the nature within. Herb, a med of old for consoling and soothing. Wine to make the heart merry when it is filled with sorrow. Cackling from the back row, wishing others to tell them right from wrong, Superstitious lot. Lay, men and women need not dictate policy. Nor is it ever right to speak without experience. Then there are only questions not answers. Oppression not liberty. Education starts at home, hope your parents have a good one filled with common sense. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/14/14 re: Fyodor Dostoyevsky quote We observe the obvious . Semper Fi . Amen! Reply Ron w13, Or 6/14/14 re: Carl Gustav Jung quote Well said Mike ! Thus sayeth the " Amen " Reply Ron w13, Or 6/13/14 re: Carl Gustav Jung quote Jung did turn to his treatment of alcoholics with religious experience as a last resort. Bringing about AA. He also observed the importance of religion to the individual, and how the state as with Germany became the god, and practiced Threskeia religion, marginalizing the individual. Bringing about the demoralizing of the people and the eventual fall of Hitler's Germany. Jung's take on idealism is another issue. Reply Ron w13, Or 6/13/14 re: Jimmy Carter quote Which liberty and mutual respect of what ? Words from a Fabian socialist wanting to justify a reprobate behavior. Very weak quote. 1 Reply Ron w13, Or 6/13/14 re: Fyodor Dostoyevsky quote This quote being made by a very religious man, But to keep it simple. A law of human nature, you become the dog within you feed. God hates a liar, and frustrates their tokens of understanding reserved for the honest person. Therefore the liar gives way to the most based form of behavior. Reprobate. Honesty ( armor of light ). The liar lives in darkness, materialism and vice become their god. Hatred and deception rules their heart. A poor honest boy is worth more than a rich liar. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print