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Posts from Ronw13, ID

Ronw13, IDRonw13, ID
Ronw13, ID

Ignorance is the turning point, when the dog bites one in the butt. 

Ronw13, ID

Keep the brush fires burning. 

Ronw13, ID

MAGA to KAG, never forget WWG1WGA, just saying. 

Ronw13, ID

Will somebody please expound to me, What, "truth" is. In all it's facets. I really would like to "know". Seeing it makes man Free. 

Ronw13, ID

"Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy. Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."
Proverbs 27:4,5,6 KJB

Ronw13, ID

Without Economic Liberty, there is no political freedom. 

Ronw13, ID

A very pertinent observation, considering the current state of affairs. The grand old party's lack luster of approach to dealing with corruption within the ranks of power shows the hand of dirty money. The FDR post WWII establishment plows the field of  continued socialistic, progressive movement to a communistic pensioned society. All the while continuing to tear down the American individual sovereign base society. It is very disheartening we have become so far removed from original intent to support our Individual Liberty and Freedom from oppression. Passive is the mass of Patriots in a cold hard winter that approaches quickly. Leadership is bought and paid for, made evident on full display. Invasion and overthrow on full display. Lets us play our cards close to the vest. Hearth and home of our family units, those that continue to work and succeed by merit. Not a social promotion. 

Ronw13, ID

Considering nature rises up through the individual, and the individual is a part of nature, free expression of thought being the first amendment. It is a stand alone statement. The sentiment of the people chose Liberty and Freedom over chains and servitude. 

Ronw13, ID

Considering Bertrand Russell's background, where he is from stands to reason his Nadiyb mindset promoting a reprobate life style. Keciyl foolishness invades the family unit, when wholesome family values become pushed aside through influencing children, unawares brought in to the family unit. One cannot legislate morality. "Liberty exist in proportion to wholesome restraint." Daniel Webster, Guard the people against the dangers of, good intentions. 
"Keciyl" foolishness, insolvent in religion seeing the wicked florish thinking they have the right life style. Dull in wise living.
Nebalah behavior, foolishness, senselessness, impropriety, stupidity.  

Ronw13, ID

Hand in hand a no wiser statement could be made to represent such a noble cause, for hearth and home. Things that are different are not the same. The Individual becomes sovereign by way of grace and The higher power of such that defends the USA in said grace. Claim IT or never have it. Such faith is true Independence From oppression in all it forms. The carnal and spiritual applications stand for themselves. Good to see you Mike, as always like a rock. Romans 2:14 KJB comes to mind. 

Ronw13, ID

As the banker/lending houses will agree, True Capitalism is a Natural law of nature, socialism on the other hand is nothing more than an ideology parading as a cure all for the woes caused by "legalized plunder" by a corrupt elitist socialite crowd. Purloining out the back gate of so-called charity. 

Ronw13, ID

The foundation of this nation is laid, "truth" today, is generally found under the mountain of lies spread by corrupt elites/politicians seeking to maintain their power over the masses. "legalized plunder" the socialist creed. "Truth, Emeth, a technical term meaning "a fixed position or enduring office. 

Ronw13, ID

When in the course of such moral decline embraced, by those on high as today, the weakness of resolve within the ranks shows forth the frail fiber instill by despots at the helm of leadership. To follow such tyranny is a job of mercenaries. Patriotism to our Constitutional Republic is the last thing considered by such corrupt individuals guided by greed of gain.

Ronw13, ID

Excellent Question, "What course will save the life and Liberty of the country".

Ronw13, ID

Brush fires in the minds of patriots/people is a very old concept. Nonetheless I'm sure it was tossed around the table many times by our founding fathers. As to sincere friends of Liberty, they have Always been a minority. Sunshine patriots are a dime a dozen !
The quote by the way rings of Lord Acton's writings, does it not ?

Ronw13, ID

That is about the biggest Bingo I've ever seen, in a statement.

Ronw13, ID

Licentious Liberty, from The then, current Orthodoxy of church and state rule of the Individual gave way for the Individual Sovereign before the Creator of Heaven and Earth. And to this day the current Nations, Even the USA will deny such a standing of Independence of the Individual Sovereign At Liberty with Freedom from Oppression, and the oppressive nature of the socialistic, overbearing Nanny state. Churchill and FDR can along with all the rest of the socialist industrial banking elites kiss eternities eternal light of natural law.

Ronw13, ID

Democ, Mob Rule lends itself by far to emotional frenzy, which in turn lacks the commonsense to moderate its behavior. Resulting in overreaction to a given cause. As Mike points out, The Individual Sovereign bearing responsibility with all rights reserved seems to slip by the way. Governing power corrupts itself, when the Individual Sovereign is ignored !!

Ronw13, ID

The Cutting edge of reality seeks peace when Friction, heat, needs a soothing touch ! Sparks bring light to a dark space.

Ronw13, ID

A cloud of lies to hide one "truth".

Ronw13, ID

Wealth comes in many forms. "undefended wealth" such as Liberty and Freedom from oppression, are soon lost if not defended. Passive aggression against ones own homeland, the current administration under Biden's watch. Obviously a socialist globalist pawn of the worst sort.

Ronw13, ID

The slow march of socialistic indoctrination over the course of the past 75 years or so, the world now witnesses in America how corrupting centralized government can be. When brought to light as today around the world, the brush fires of liberty rekindled cause a great knee jerk reaction on a global stage. This when freedom of action to revolt is exercised against such harsh blatant overreach of a Freed people. Waking up the mass is in full swing !

Ronw13, ID

There be many little "g" gods. It is best to "know" which God our founding fathers embraced, when establishing this nation !

Ronw13, ID

From all walks of life, kindness or brutality can be found. Treatment of others weighs heavy in the balance.

Ronw13, ID

A very fine observation, the safety of unrighteous fortune, calamity is soon to befall upon those who greatly lack in virtue.
Such could be said of the current leadership in the WH.  

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