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Posts from Ronw13, OR

Ronw13, ORRonw13, OR
Ronw13, OR

When doubt is implied, or preached, Question All authority. 

Ronw13, OR

The cusp of connection, still fishing for that connection, and the true source of Revelation and Inspiration. Kante sought to bridge the gap. to debunk theories of fruitless conjecture. Mankind presses toward the mark. yet receives not the prize. Blinded in part. till ? opposition to corrupt authority is better, even not "knowing". 

Ronw13, OR

When one speaks of peace through prosperity and responsibility at Liberty, the Matstsah debate, comes forth, the contentious quarrel begins. 

Ronw13, OR

Hence, Truth reveals Hidden facts. 

Ronw13, OR

Facts can be misleading, if construed to deceive and/or evade the truth. In the field of "install" facts don't always line up with the truth. 

Ronw13, OR

He who hesitates is lost, comes to mind. 

Ronw13, OR

"And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Job 28:28 KJB
To understand ones "state and standing" with the Creator, takes total honesty with oneself, in the face of the "word of Truth". 

Ronw13, OR

The trade craft of lying is a slippery slope, who is your master ? and for what purpose do you serve ? 
" Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good. A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies." Prov 14:22,25 KJB

Ronw13, OR

"Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Well said, Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Ronw13, OR

"The truth shall make you free, indeed" therefore be Not ashamed of it. The saving of thyself and thy house lay in the balance. 
Such are the True doctrines of Liberty and Freedom concerning the individual and that nation. To bend the truth allows for indoctrination rather than education. the quote drips of emotional doubt. 

Ronw13, OR

Puts a new twist on honesty, doesn't it. 

Ronw13, OR

Bridging gaps for the sake of peace, Spiritual measurement is the origin of carnal calculating. 

Ronw13, OR

For those that oppose themselves, being called for that purpose, it is the intent, that the "word of truth" be manifest in those approved. Truth seeks reality, by design. Even a good liar falls by their own tongue. 

Ronw13, OR

Monumental steps have and are being taken to acknowledge the whole truth, under the current administration, President Trump at the helm. Most cannot handle the "truth" it cuts all, down to size. 
Honesty to stand with thee, charity ( humility ) to walk with thee. Once the taste having been acquired, your Helper becomes more obvious. Ever present is that which is not seen. 

Ronw13, OR

The "word of truth" to set men free, is the fruit of the Oak tree, feared by those who have no part in it. Seasonable is the casting forth of its leaves. A healing medicine for those who have a need for Liberty.  

Ronw13, OR

In defence of Liberty and Freedom from oppression and death, our Creator provides the whole body of evidence. In the face of adversity and temptation, so many fall short of the prize. 
Given 3 liberties and 13 attributes, to expound upon, in defence of the heavenly gift, few will open their mouth in the Gate. 

Ronw13, OR

Indoctrinations of socialism, and the mystery of iniquity in the Christian community. Doubt is the tool of tyranny. Regardless of the pulpit it is preached from. Herein lies the need for the separation of church and state, regarding liberty and freedom of the individual. 
" The substance and essence of Christianity, as I understand it, is eternal and unchangeable, and will bear examination forever.
Extraneous ingredients, which I think will not bear examination, and they ought to be separated." John Adams. 

Ronw13, OR

The "yoke of bondage" and the ancient doctrines of Liberty. Incessant conflict, demands a "welfare box" and oppression placed upon all. Therefore the fight for the throne of rulership and the ability to tax. Upright is a king who would set his children at Liberty, Upright is a nation who would Declare Liberty as an unalienable right of its freed people, with Freedom to defend it. 

Ronw13, OR

Virtue is as virtue does.

Ronw13, OR

The "New(Spiritual)Creature", male nor female, is contrary to any type of oppression. A true Patriot "knows" they have been freed. Well codified. America is in good hands. Most Christian religious orders seek to block the truth concerning Real Liberty and Freedom. if only they had the Guts. But, there is and has Always been a Core ministry, maintaining the cause. not in word, but in Power. The Creator is well aware of His garden. Hence the movement world wide. The Flame has Never Gone Out ! even with the cats around.

Ronw13, OR

"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And which is more you'll be a  Man, my son ! "
- Rudyard Kipling, " IF "

Ronw13, OR

Moral goodness is a choice. given it is the exercising of virtue. "There hath no temptation taken you other than that which is common to man, but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able. but will with the temptation make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it." Apostle Paul. 
sensing "that way to escape" is a great Token when under grace in that long dark night. Do that which is right and you will have praise of the same. 

Ronw13, OR

To Right a wrong, such as the sacrifice of individual liberty and Freedom under despotic rule, Is the purpose of Restoring our Ship of Liberty to an Upright position. By far under New Leadership, President Trump and the current administration, this task being taken to hand, is not the lesser of two evils, but in opposition to the oppressive nature of socialism/communism, an evil in itself when found contrary to the State of Liberty and Freewill association. As the "rollback" takes place quickly, best to remember the broad overview. To what degree is yet to be seen, although, to what purpose is known. There is no lesser of two evils, only the discernment of, good and evil. 

Ronw13, OR

John Locke was well versed and "studied" in the word. no doubt.
Virtue, ( Arete ), manliness, valor, excellence, intrinsic eminence, moral goodness. Virtue is enjoined as an essential quality in the exercise of faith. 
Virtue ( Dunamis ) indicates power, mighty force, strength associated with miracles. as also power and ability, physical or moral power in action. 
Virtue ( Chayil ) when applied to men sometimes focuses their ability to conduct themselves well in battle as well as being loyal to their commanders. In this context the word may b translated Valiant. In the light of virtue as "manliness" Locke's statement rings well. Virtuous people ( Chayil ) this nuance indicates "upper class" were at once soldiers, wealthy, and influential. Waffler's contempt shows his ignorance through such a knee jerk reaction. 

Ronw13, OR

"Perfect Freedom is reserved for the man who lives by his own work." " Then Liberty, like day, Breaks on the soul, and by a flash from Heaven Fires all the faculties with glorious joy." 
Collingwood and Cowper

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