Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [551-575] of 813Posts from Ronw13, Yachats ORRonw13, Yachats OR Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/15/15 re: H. L. Mencken quote I always like your unknowing, Archer. It can be likened unto speaking two languages at the same time. One the one hand some know and read, spiritually, by the spirit. Communicating application of the spirit, in understanding of current events. On the other hand, it is for those who have never experience the Ear of the spirit, to considers things, they have never heard. These words above, spoken by king David, a man after God's own heart. Governments and their battles do not change. The love of money is the root of all evil, your money and their love of it ! There were two things established and given to all those that would follow in his steps. Washington knew these things well enough. To stake it all, on Liberty and a Free Republic. When the Old Farmer and I spoke in public after class, he spoke of a pasture where he could go and play ball, take a right at the cross roads and then just a bit down the road. The pasture I speak of, is a bit larger. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/15/15 re: H. L. Mencken quote The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it ? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. There are seven abominations which reside in the heart. Seven notes in the scale. Wisdom has hewn out her seven pillars. She stands at the gates. The eye gate, and the ear gate. God has put his law in our hearts, now the conscience bears witness to all thoughts and actions of man. These are as the days of Noah to me. " Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth : evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him ". Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/15/15 re: John Stuart Mill quote The strength of a state, in the long run, is the strength of the individuals composing it. Knowledge based, in, contract with God, who would have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth. Perfect love casteth out all fear. Teach your children well. The strength of faith is based upon the individuals knowledge. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/15/15 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Pleading the case for the common man's Liberty. In a child of understanding wisdom is found. Given time, they will put wisdom into words. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/14/15 re: Henry David Thoreau quote The roots are the money paid by the individual as tribute for the privilege of property and livelihood. Pull the root, let nature take its course. Holding ones ground, and the paper pushers can go find another job ! From that chaos, will come order, and control returns to the people, that put the paper pushers there to begin with !! My goodness, can people teach their children a skill and responsibility. Media and materialism, blind the minds of responsibility. People, are the community, not those hired to delegate, responsibility. Take control, as a unit the people have the power to stop the runaway abuse ! Officers are part of the family, hired, by the community. Enough is enough !! Teaching is a mission field of charity and should considered as such, and not privileged, to excess !! As most in office think of themselves !! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/14/15 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Very well observed Archer, There is not enough space to speak of this identification of the creature. Know this, sheep are for Peter to watch over, for the religious to note, Paul on the other hand, a wolf that divides the spoil in the night !! Liberty from the law !! Many, as You and Mike, have the heart of the lion, the cunning of the leopard, but to divided the spoil in the night ? is, another thing, all together ! Lions and tigers are on the decline, leopards are on the rise ! We are not sheep, as the denominational system would suggest !! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/14/15 re: Alan Watts quote Depending on where one lives, " industrial society " ? The 40 hour work week, safety regulations, age limits ? Each person can choose for themselves. Knowledge and skills acquired creates opportunity for independence, freedom. I choose to contract as an individual. My right, but comes with a great degree of responsibility. Living in a retirement community, resort area, policing is a different matter. There is always a list of who not to bother. There are good officers and bad. It has been my experience to follow a good conscience. Policing ones self, well, makes for good service to others. Respect and humility go a long way. The good as well as the bad are known by their words and actions. I have met many good officers on the Oregon coast, they have their hands full with the poor and abusive of themselves and others. The industrial revolution has done more harm, than good. Small communities, busybodies do not last long. Ground zero, the aging industrialized zones. 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/13/15 re: George Washington quote To apply practical wisdom of experience at times is daunting. Initial attack fire fighting, is one of a few hats I have worn. When flying in, wind direction, safety zones, and points of deployment are critical to the safety of all. There is no second chance. Training on live fire, I was of, one of the last crews to have the privilege. Highland wild fires for the Forest Service. Fire does not tolerate ignorance, nor is ignorance tolerated within the crew. The triangle must be broke. Remove any one of the three legs, the fire will cease. Never approach from above, but attack the base of the fire. A ( moment, is the most indivisible amount of time ). Never turn you back, on the fire ! Be responsible for yourself, first, then teach others the proper way of observance and attack. Then everyone gets to go home. Bad leadership does cost lives. Safety first ! There is no room for little hitlers on a crew. They always cloud commonsense, and should be weeded out before allowing to endanger another. Now the Patriots must be about the job of containment, and suppression. Sometimes, it takes working in harmony, with the natural laws of nature to accomplish the desired effect ! Semper Fi Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/12/15 re: Albert Einstein quote ( 13 ) A simple equation, the right of man to rebel, without 6 understanding numerical meaning, it makes no sense. Some of our founding Fathers were very aware of this equation ! 13 the number of rebellion, 6 the number of man. Unity of knowledge brings peace of understanding, there are 13 letters in the word, understanding. This understanding comes by way of God's Natural law of numerical order as they appear from the beginning. Solomon has a scaffold of ( truth )understanding which he preached from. Simplicity observed. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/12/15 re: Albert Einstein quote Well said, Julian ! On the surface, many study the Line of judgment, and the seventy weeks of Daniel. Laboring about words wanting to pick dates, of time and event. The plumb is seen also. But without numerical insight, seeing they see not, hearing they hear not. Liberty is freedom from the curse of an unjust law, on the surface. The law is spiritual, man is carnal sold under sin. In part, truth is taught upon a line, an earthly plain of understanding with no heavenly insight. Plato was also a mathematician, metaphysical application of numerical influence. Numbers are words and words are numbered, for a purpose. Eu a Mousoi, happily without the muses, was a saying of Plato's , I suspect Einstein would agree. I also suspect he was not given, to being a liar. Considering, God frustrates the tokens of liars. Numbers are tokens of truth, and truth is codified. Numbers do not lie. I observed Jacob's ladder, and upon the ladder, the Eternal spirit of Creation, 4, a symbol, token for understanding. Love ,Life, gift, code, are united by that spirit. Who maketh his angels spirits, his ministers a flaming fire: Who laid the foundation of the earth, that it should not be removed forever. O Lord how manifold are thy works ! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. To some this will make sense, and to others it will not. Such is life, unity of knowledge brings peace. Numbers do and always have represented the Eternal spirits of God. The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/11/15 re: Blaise Pascal quote A neutral secular stand point never embraces Liberty by Faith as pertaining to our faith in God ! A plumb and square are just that ! There is not theory ! only true measurement ! Graduation by scale not imagination! God is not a respecter of persons, nor is a foreman on the job ! Put up or show your numbers !! Pertaining to God's Natural Laws of Liberty and Freedom !! Fact ! Lets talk numerical doctrine, fact of Liberty based upon that which you hear and that which you see. There are only two gates !! Covenant, Deal made with the God of Nature. Life is on the line, boys and girls !! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/11/15 re: Blaise Pascal quote God's natural law is expressed in mathematics, Period. Law exist in those that are willing to observe it ! Otherwise wisdom is used to deceive ! the less observant ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/11/15 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Diligence guided by integrity, skills well honed, makes for a happy camper !! The apple does not fall far from the Tree. Well said Logan and Archer. Independence is happiness !! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/11/15 re: Eric Hoffer quote The lips of the right know what is acceptable. An hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor : but through Knowledge shall the just be delivered. There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing : there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches. The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but the poor hears not rebuke. One of the greatest accomplishments in life, honing ones potentialities to a degree of professionalism, affording him the ability to contract with confidence. Securing wealth for the self and family. The " middle " is not measured in wealth, but in the ability to Manage ! It seems Robert despises the wealthy, he desires the net of evil men, that lay wait for the uprights riches. Socialism ! Instant recognition, desired by the poor and lazy in spirit. The poor put themselves in their own bucket ! Even operating within a socialistic system, as we have today, the diligent being guided by their integrity shall come to prosper ! Better is an handful with quietness, than both hands full with travail and vexation of spirit. Again, I considered all travail, and every Right work, that for this a man is envied of his neighbor. This is vanity and vexation of spirit ! Ten stars are not enough for this quote ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/8/15 re: Auberon Herbert quote Very, well said, Archer :) !! 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/8/15 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote Spoken like a good catholic, always in doubt of their own liberty ? The cost of Apeleutheros Liberty ? BLOOD. !! Shed once and the reminder ever present before all humanity. Once saved, always saved, bears responsibility of maintenance. Our conscience bears witness to the ever present oracle, with a divine response of utterance, it Bridges the gaps of denominational religious dogma. Independent thought and responsible action, makes for good neighbors. Yet Heilein stands in doubt. to much fiction, not enough reality ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/8/15 re: Milton Friedman quote I think Mike added a little color to tyranny. How many have worked for a tyrannical taskmaster ? With no consideration to the life of the individual or their family unit independent, but only the taskmasters bottom line. Whips and chains unless one complies ? The ugly head of deceitful leadership, cast their tender mercies, which are cruel by nature ! Our capitalist way, affording opportunity to the brave individual to reach for their dreams and hopes. inspired by the imagination of the individual. The poor and needy you have always. To guard their individual Liberties makes for good help in times of need. To follow the mob, lead by robbers, for the sake of the corralled masses with no where to go ? Good skill affords favor, great skill is sought out by those who appreciate quality of product. And is treated delicately ! Natural cause and effect, within human nature. By the churning of the masses through democratic socialism, causes the cream to rise to the top within understanding of the rugged Individualist that founded this nation. And is always a threat to mob rule, which creates contempt for the wealthy individualist, rich or poor monetarily. To call on government to fix the ills of life, comes from weak minded individuals who don't have sense enough to come in, out of the rain. To help a poor man, both benefit, if I work for a man as poor as I am, I accomplish nothing. Not many mighty men, not many noble are called, but I thank God for the few !! Waffler sounds like a person who cannot keep his own house clean, let alone be a good steward of the land ! Hope my statement is not to long. People do need to read more history, and often ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/7/15 re: Eric Schaub quote Faith, the essence of things hoped for, the substance of things not seen. Freedom is a personal relationship with responsibility. The example of salvation can be put forth and heard through testimony, but it is the individual which must embrace the truth. Sanctification, redemption, justification, glorification to be set aside. Redeemed without money, justified by faith in responsibility of oneself, leads to freedoms due. A moral responsibility to oneself and one's neighbor, by way of example, to consider the cause of the poor and needy is set forth by kindness and intent to educate on behalf of Liberty for all. A nation can fall from grace through neglect though the opportunity is still there. Thank you, Mr. Schaub. This quote is applicable to Spirit and body. The life that now is and the life to come. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/7/15 re: Elbert Hubbard quote It always seems the Tyrannical Nadiyb churl liberal, wishes to steal and resale. The Right of the sovereign individual to inheritance, without tax, is Chophshiy Liberty. But by blind greed unchecked, strips the nation of integrity, replacing it with contempt of the poor common man. In the first place, you need to own the field and the cow to get the milk. Then pass that down to your children. One cannot fix the problem, without abolishing the cause of the oppression to begin with ! To continually rant at the poor and needy, is foolishness, when their Liberties have been striped away !! Cause and effect. Root out the cause, then the effect will stop ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/7/15 re: Mark Twain quote The demise of a lazy child, love not sleep lest thou come to poverty. Some are born, with a great degree of understanding, which lends itself well to the diligent, in acquiring skillsets. Some given to building, others to design. Being slothful in personal responsibility, makes it hard to climb the ladder of accomplishment. Socialism breeds laziness, and contempt among the simpleminded. " Closed shop States " lay hold upon knowledge, knowledge withheld breeds contempt among the ignorant. At all times, the poorest of people, are the greatest of indicators, of the mindset and health of a family and its Leadership. To maintain Liberty for the lest, is to govern well the most. Our Chophshiy ( freedom from bondage and tax ) Liberty striped away first. Then Eleutheria Liberty ( manumission from slavery ) falls away, reducing the person to a proletariat state of being. The last of Liberty to be challenged, Apeleutheros Liberty, emancipation of the spirit and access to the presence of God, that one may worship God, without the buying of forgiveness or the purchasing of Liberty for money. These three principals are key to creating harmony, and give light to the understanding of Pure Liberty ordained by God. As with an A Frame, remove any one of the three, and the structure, as well as the mindset, will fall. It is a state of natural law. Subjective fact. As now and in the past, in times of need, God gives understanding to the poor and needy, because of the oppression, in our case, democratic institutionalized socialism, under ( Nadiyb liberalism, vile, grandee.) Tyrannical leadership. Period ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/6/15 re: Dorothy Thompson quote Well said, Robert, France ! Liberty was taken by force, and can be restored by force. As the blood spilt during the civil war, and the 140.000 imprisoned by FDR in 1937 for speaking out against the forced institutionalization of democratic socialism. The " cave " is very relevant and always will be. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/6/15 re: Ayn Rand quote As he wrote on the ground, her accusers stood around wanting to lay blame to the lady. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. The word written on the ground ? Conscience. Responsibility to ones own conscience dictates judgment to be made in one accord with the Spirit of truth. I will put my laws in their hearts. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/6/15 re: Thomas Paine quote All men are created equal, God's makes the sun to shine on the good and the bad. Even in protecting our enemies from oppression, especially within the once Free Republic. Such a great quote, so much could be said on behalf of commonsense, logical reasoning. We shine the light in the face of Liberty for all. ten stars + Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/5/15 re: Blaise Pascal quote Blaise Pascal, Caught in the effect of the Protestant Reformation, truth moving forward in time. The central teachings, of the roman church, gendering to socialism, selling of forgiveness, purchasing of Liberty for money ! Lay your wealth at the churches feet ? Totally against the teachings of Liberty by way of, a, paul. A watchmakers term. When our Contract was signed, ! The trial began, of the experiment of setting forth, a Moral guidance of good conscience, within the Individuals United, for the Sacred cause of Liberty and Freedom. By way of emancipation of the Spirit of Truth, within the being, at Liberty from oppression. One cannot reform socialism, only endure it ! Hence his passiveness and our final outcome, of putting forth our Faith, as a Nation based on his Natural law of justification, by and through his Spirit of Truth at and of Liberty, Knowledge of Liberty hidden, but discovered by and through the Divine Providence of God toward man. The heart is Oracle, the Individual conscience bears witness, with the Spirit of Truth, hence a Living Soul. " I will put my laws in their heart, and they will be my sons and daughters. God's laws are Natures laws. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 5/5/15 re: Blaise Pascal quote " That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed." The " Declaration of Independence " of the United States of America. The Free Republic. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print