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warren, olathe

Your right Mirko. They were intelligent people that wanted to make the world better. That is what is so frightening about it. They thought they would create a paradise run by a super race. Helping evolution to eliminate those that they deemed inferior was a major part of it. Do not think that it is not possible here. It is well on its way already. All the same tactics are in play. There is a treaty under way that intends to put an end to opposition to Obama. It may not be its stated goal but that is the real goal just the same. It matters not where the web site is hosted. We are all under the watchful eye of big brother and if things do not change to shake up the present administration we may feel the consequences.

warren, olathe

We can no longer know if who gets elected truly got the most votes. We have illegal immigrants voting. We have organizations such as acorn stuffing the ballot box. We have recounts that find boxes of votes "forgotten" in a trunk of a car that are all for one candidate and the leftist judge sees no problem with counting them. We have recounts that never stop until the "correct" candidate finally is ahead. Florida was a perfect example of this. Do recounts of only the counties that are likely to help the Dem. Try to block military votes (mostly republican). Challenge all absentee ballots (mostly republican). Then when it is obvious that the cheating and ballot box stuffing (Proven by the dimpled chads) was not enough to get a win for the "correct" candidate, cry foul! Thank God they did not succeed in 2000. It would be a disaster. Obviously they have been successful in other races and it leaves you to wonder if any win the Dems have is truly legitimate. We are now looking at a possibility that any dissenting opinion will be prevented or possibly outright illegal. We are looking at making the internet non functional for the expression of ideas. That is truly scary. If Obama has any success in this there will be no way out for a long time. We are on a road to insanity in government. Totalitarians are now saturating Washington and opposition is being purged everyday. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

warren, olathe

By the way I knew it was left leaning even when I was a liberal hippie and thought the same as they did. I believed it was slanted because they knew better that the general public. Now I can see that the problem is that people of that political bent seek out those jobs plus people from the left see nothing wrong with preventing the opposite view from being expressed.

warren, olathe

One of the best most accurate quotes from a mass media mogul ever. And this from a man who lived before it got truly bad. Of course it looks even worse now because we have some decent news available (fox) and the internet to get more than one side of the story.

warren, olathe

Sure Waffler you are so into trusting dishonorable and untrustworthy people. Im sure you trust Obama. I am sure you will think him a hero no matter how big a mess he makes.

warren, olathe

sounds like propaganda to me.

warren, olathe

Hoover had the same programs as FDR only less extensive. None of the crap done to "help" did any thing but worsen the depression. As usual you know nothing Waffler. Our economy is in trouble from the activity of people like George Soros and ACORN. Both worked to install the fascist Obama in power by destroying the economy. Now they are trying to finish the job. Wake up Gena. The quote only has it half right in my opinion. Economic up and down turns are a natural cycle. We can only try to lessen the severity by wise management.

warren, olathe

Waffler you are the most in lock step person I have ever seen. Logic constantly escapes you. You are rare in the fact that you go on sites like this and stick up for your opinion. People that believe like you rarely put themselves in a position that would expose them to an actual thought process. For a progressive to think is to challenge his religion. Thought is not allowed. Only believe and be saved (from thought). As to the quote- the right to interfere in the lives of others may soon be the only right we will have left

warren, olathe

I guess all those things are under attack now. Only bureaucracy will be left if the fascists are not stopped. We now are looking at a treaty that will shut down any internet site in the word that would be accused of being guilty of something. The server would be denied access to the net until the owner could prove his innocence. Obviously any site the left does not like would get the Sarra Palin treatment.

warren, olathe

Couldn't have been said better. Now we hear excuses for voting habits like "character doesn't matter”!

warren, olathe

I think they are both related. What is a neocon fascist? I know that liberals, fascists, communists, progressives and socialist are all the same but what the hell is a neocon fascist?

warren, olathe

Perfect description of the Wafflers of the world.

warren, olathe

Get real your self Waffler. The ignorance you spew is astounding.

warren, olathe

unfortunately the truth seems to be ignored of late.

warren, olathe

Good educational quote! Democrats haven't changed much have they! The civil war was about slavery you dopes! Learn your history and then learn to think and reason.

warren, olathe

Very educational. Great quote. He would also have loved Obama. He was the closest thing to a dictator this country ever had. His own party reacted by setting term limits for presidents after he died. They were too afraid of him to try it while he was alive.

warren, olathe

It is not Wall Street that is bringing this country to Fascism. It is the Democrat party with Obama at the head that is accelerating it to fruition.

warren, olathe

As the children chant- Barack Obama MM MM MM-Barack Obama MM MM MM-Barack Obama MM MM MM-Barack Obama MM MM MM-Barack Obama MM MM MM-Barack Obama MM MM MM- great education they are getting.

warren, olathe

well put in a short statement.

warren, olathe

Fear that it is past doing anything about it.

warren, olathe

Yea the scum bag made a lot of great quotes if you do not know what it was that he was really concerned about.

warren, olathe

Obama said the same thing. Jesus never said any thing similar to Marx. As always Waffler twists and misinterprets everything. Great Quote. Everyone should know it and where it came from. The quote was given to a group of our college students and they thought it came out of our constitution. Waffler probably was shocked to find out where it came from also.

warren, olathe

Now we even elect them to be President.

warren, olathe

Yes Howard freedom is no better than slavery. Real bright.

warren, olathe

wafflers ignorance in everything annoys everyone Jim.

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