Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [326-350] of 2040Posts from Waffler, SmithWaffler, Smith Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith 2/23/11 re: Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan quote Carlton check it out infrastructure is built by private enterprise. But only the people have a say as to where the infrastructure is to go etcetera. Maybe you have a road and infrastruture building government in Canada but come back home and find out how things really work in the USA. Reply Waffler, Smith 2/23/11 re: Henry George quote Carnegie's own daughter has complained about the way her father did business, got rich. Thankfully he got progressive in his old age, which goes to show that their is a little bit of conservative and progressive in the best of us. So let us not get so personal concerning these labels. . Reply Waffler, Smith 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote PS: Carnegie built his steel empire in a dog eat dog fashion, brutalizing his employees and competitors. He became the richest man in the world and then gave it all away. A good example of the dichotomy between the two approaches. Those he brutalized would certainly have enjoyed a little more of his fortune via better wages and conditons. In effect they are the ones who gave their labor away for the construction of the Carnegie libraries we see everywhere. He gets the credit but it was built by the labor of brutalized steel workers. Reply Waffler, Smith 2/22/11 re: Henry George quote Points out the basic different point of view of liberals and conservatives: conservatives point of view "I do good and progress", liberals "We do good and progress". Which is preferable a dog eat dog society, or a cooperative society. Reply Waffler, Smith 2/22/11 re: Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan quote Fails to recognize that the entire purpose of government or "societal organization" is to do good. Doing good being defined as having things in community that boosts the personal comfort and well being of all ie. roads, parks, secure senior citizens, defense ad nauseaum. 3Reply Waffler, Smith 2/18/11 re: Harry Browne quote No more of an intrusion than those he feel compelled to total up your grocery items and present you with a total bill for payment. Why don;t they let you total your own grocery bill and simply reserve the right to check your addition if they so desire. That is what the government does, it lets you do your own math and reserves the right to check it. Name any financial dealing other than the income tax that allows you to do your own figuring first. Our government is fantastic in its basic trust of the American people, and the American people generally return that trust with fair and accurate reporting. Sadly the grocery stores do not repose a similar trust in us! 2 Reply Waffler, Smith 2/18/11 re: Dr. Walter Block quote As long as everyone practices it but when they don't tariffes are necessary! Reply Waffler, Smith 2/18/11 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote Shallow quote indeed! Who says that it it s fact that they "coddle" the world. What does he mean by coddle. How can a "Doctor" be so shallow? 2Reply Waffler, Smith 1/31/11 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote Most on this site Publius claim we have lived here under tyranny for a long time and that we live under it now, soooo what the hell good are the guns? Reply Waffler, Smith 1/30/11 re: Albert Einstein quote Good stuff Archer! But we still need concepts and spirit to exist as human beings in my view. Without them we are just materialistic automatons. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/28/11 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote Isn't it wonderful that we all can be so much in agreement on something. Y'all have a great weekend. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/28/11 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote I believe that God gave us a brain and intends for us to use it, this means questioning those who claim to speak for Him. We should not give our God given gift over to anyone! Reply Waffler, Smith 1/28/11 re: Albert Einstein quote The quote is thought provoking. Albert is right God or god if you will is nothing more than a concept, that is a spirit. Even the Bible says so. The use of the concept is more about how we relate to each other rather than to the concept itself. Conceptual things are probably necessary for human experience and growth. I have been in a church Steve where people have said that if the Bible did not reveal God to us we would invent Him ourselves. I also believe that the God concept is the basis for democracy, making us all equal and therefore Brothers and Sisters. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/28/11 re: William Rawle quote Mike claims guns protect us from tyranny but says that we do now and have for some time live in tyranny. Mike, Mike, Mike for goodness sake wake up. You double talk, misspeal and or lie. How in hell are our guns helping us? Please please be honest here. Love and regards Brother Waffler. Mr Winston Smith maybe you can chime in here and such a simple question, hell if you know about tits and boars you ought to be able to saying something appropos about guns and tyranny, like do they work or don't they? Are we now in tyranny or are we not? If we are what the hell good are our guns etcetera. This ain't rocket science!. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 1/28/11 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote I think your sci-fi example is a fantasy Publius. The guns we have wont stop what you described. The overthrow of the Soviet System, the velvet revolution in Prague, the recent events in Tunisia, and now Egypt are not accomlished by the force of arms. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 1/27/11 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote PS: I meant to say "the talk of cowards, and intellectual midgets". The talk of guns and their use is in and of itself an act of tyranny and terrorism. I have them and carry them in the backcountry, I don't talk about using them against my fellow man or democratically elected goverment. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 1/27/11 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote You are in a fantasy world Publius. People have been talking like you for decades and yet no action by guns. It is all BS and really in my view just the talk of cowards. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 1/27/11 re: William Rawle quote Mike you claim tyranny has lasted a long time here in our beloved country, and yet all you do is mouth off about it. I don't believe we live in tyranny. I still think you are a mouthy hypocrite. 6Reply Waffler, Smith 1/27/11 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Shallow and not well thought out. The wild west was more than glad to circumscribe the liberties of the wild cowboys, hire sheriffs, and stifle the ubiquitous presence of fire arms. I love old Tom but sometimes he should have kept his mouth shut. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/26/11 re: William Rawle quote When are you going to start your war Carlton. You and Mike are all mouth and nothing, zilch else. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/26/11 re: William Rawle quote There is no right to take up arms against law enforcement. It has been tried. Have you ever heard of Ruby Ridge, The Possee Comitas etc?. You guys should take up your guns and quit talking about your pie in the sky BS philosophy that never reaches in level of reality or fruition. According to most of you the US Govt if not also your States have been and are now tyrannical. Have guys stopped this tyranny, hell no they have not! So the evidence is every where before you that guns don't work for this avowed purpose, and yet you still keep mouthing and writing your inane platitudes. Grow up guys! Obviously you have to much vested in your faimiles, communities, society and government to take the step as "brave" Loughner did in Arizona. No hypocrite him. You guys are the biggest hypocrites I know! 24Reply Waffler, Smith 1/26/11 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote It is wrong about the tyrannicl government part.! That part is takine care of by the vote. Who is to decide that the government is tryrannical? Many on this site have already decided (guys like Carlton) but have guns stopped it, or have they broken out their guns), heck no they haven't. So that part and those who espouse it are just mouthing a lot of hot air. Now one guy recently did decide that the government was tyrannical and did something about. I speak of Loughner in Arizona. Is this guy your hero, is this what using guns against tyranny is all about. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/25/11 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote True and thought provoking. Are freedom of action is always hemmed in by considerations such as "what will others think or do", what will be the result of this choice or that one etcetera. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 1/21/11 re: Harry S. Truman quote All you guys fears of bening silenced is so much hog wash, what the hell you are right here, and right in our face, just like the media clowns you mention, spewing your ignorance, lies and wrong headed thinking. I defend your right but abhor your mis-information, lies and distortions. In that regard you are just like Hitler and the Nazi's. I seriously question and wonder about those who cannot see through Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity et al. Reply Waffler, Smith 1/20/11 re: William Ellery Channing quote Carol in education or a system of knowledge we often refer to it as a "discipline". That is there are strict rules, corollaries etc. a building block for that particular area of knowledge or expertise. While I understand, maybe, the need for such things it seems to me to fly in the face of the concept of "freedom" or free thinking. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print