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Posts from Waffler, smith

Waffler, smithWaffler, smith
Waffler, Smith

Just change the word "Communist" to Catholic, Baptist, Republican, Democrat and you will have a universal statement about the mentality of adults to indoctrinate their children into their way of thinking. How about training children to think for themselves. The Commies are just as honest and straight forward as are parents who home school so as to indoctrinate their children to be just like Mommy and Daddy.

Waffler, Smith

There was little talk about guns until Clinton actually did something about "Street Sweepers". The NRA (which is nothing more than a gun industry front organization) took him on and made a political issue out of it and people with no other particular issue to talk about picked it up. When Clinton did what he did guys like Reagan said "Well uh yeah that is just common sense." but when he was in the White House he did nothing about it.

Waffler, Smith

"Defense of the state". What scares me is guys like Mike who seek the destruction of the state.

Waffler, Smith

The army stationed among us we fear most are the gun nuts. The so called "militia" who does not feel a loyalty to the "Commander In Chief" and thus not a loyalty to the USA.

Waffler, Smith

Ayoob writes often in the Backwoods Country Home magazine. He is correct and the wrong place this subject is discussed mostly is web site.

Waffler, Smith

Ah why do we have these quotes. Every one has guns, but why don't we stop talking about them.

Waffler, Smith

Americans may be the best armed people in world. The democracy trusts them and they (some of them) trust the democlracy (oldest in the world). Has been only one attempt at subversion in all of these years, Aaron Burr.

Waffler, Smith

Of course there is probably some truth to his psychological anaylsis of city versus country folk. But thinking folk can see through this type of simpicity. The Wild West start gun control when they required the gun toters to check their guns out side the bar or with the town sheriff. When will we get serious thinking people on the gun issue. Guns are great but like alcohol they can be abused. Let us have some balance.

Waffler, Smith

There is no such thing as The New World Order. Bush the first used the phrase in a speech soon after becoming Prez. It was simply a recognition in the early '90's that the world was changing after the fall of the Berlin Wall etcetera. Relax there is a new world order constanly. "The times they are a changing" get use to it.

Waffler, Smith

Carlton, Lee in the quote is talking about the militia that is to be secured in reference to the Constitution and to the Constitutions community. The Constitutions community is of course the nation. Now you might wish the community to jest be say your family or one or two families adjacent to you. Some folk just have a narrow view. Mike I don't exactly get your drift but I feel certain and will look it up that The Lakota Nation is not recognized by the UN at least in the sense that they do not have a seat in the general assembly. The Indian Nations existing within the United States do not have diplomatic recognition in the rest of the world. They are in fact US citizens.

Waffler, Smith

If you think the quote is hypocrisy research what Reagan said about the charade of annual debt limit increases.

Waffler, Smith

Carol is correct and so was Obama. The issue he was complaining about was the Bush Tax cuts that got us into the problem then and now. Bush and his surrogate Cheney were saying "Deficits don't matter". Barack needs to enforce the Constitution and pay our debts regardless of Congress or the Tea Party, then do away with the Bush Tax Cuts and put the US back onto the Clinton Regimen.

Waffler, Smith

The militia is for service to the community also known as The Nation. It takes its orders from the commander in chief also known as the President. It is comprised of all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45. Discussion is over. Mike gives the quote five stars and then quibbles.

Waffler, Smith

Doug I never said tribal people knew all about science but they knew enough to keep knives, spears, and arrows out of the hands of children and idiots. They had and believe it or not safe and sand tribes still exist. Maybe we should learn soemthing from them instead of acting like idiots ourselves thinking that we have guns for the prupose of shooting pols we don't like.

Waffler, Smith

The most primitive of peoples know that somethings are dangerous and should be controlled in the village or around the tribal fire. Why cannot we (who generally even if maybe wrongly) think we are the most advanced and intelligent nation or community in the universe be as smart and commonsenseical as aboriginal or tribal people.

Waffler, Smith

He is right since all militias come under the President of the US. The indians are gone etc. People should be allowed to have guns for hunting and self defense. Not for shooting cops and legislators. Of course they we never had guns for the purpose of turning them on ourselves or our government. That philosophy is plain hogwash. We do however have a weapon against the state or government and it is called VOTING.

Waffler, Smith

There was never any intention or forethought that the "well regulated militia" would be for use against the government that formed and supported it. The term State in the amendment does not mean something like state vs federal. The militia is now so regulated that all able body men between the ages of 18 and 45 are part of it either organized as the National Guard or unorganized which includes everyone else. All of these troops come under the Commander In Chief President of the United States. We go through this every year or six monts and still the same people many above listed above never get it. Hm makes one wonder is there any hope at all for correct understanding.

Waffler, Smith

The lady obviously never heard of the boom and bust cycles of the 1800's throughout the industrialized world before there was central banking. A very shallow analysis she gives here.

Waffler, Smith

Guns are not for taking on democracy however. The vote is the weapon for taking on government in a democracy.

Waffler, Smith

How about that 77 year old Democrat Congressman in Iowa who chased a robber from his home with a gun. Imagine a Democrat owning a gun, ain't that weird?

Waffler, Smith

Anon is correct. If laws are the reason for crime. Then all we have to do is eliminate the laws. Ipso facto. There is another word for this and it is called anarchy. Now maybe laws should be adjusted now and then and that is why we have standing legislatures. Some of this stuff is far removed from my and my life style, so I wish not to pontificate but one must look at the reasons for the existing law.

Waffler, Smith

I gave it a star because the writer correctly used the term "DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC". So many particularly on this site forget to use the term democratic. There is nothing sacred about who has money or who doesn't. We loose site of that. The important thing is that society function well for the greatest number. If taxes are bad period as Carlton contends we can go back to a feudal society. The English learned back in 1850 that if they did not act the nobility would own the country. Lets get rid of ideololgy and start worikng with pragmatism. Political philosophy should be about what is best, what works well etc. not about absolutist mentality. But how many have the strength of character or open mindeness to pursue honest debate and compromise. The conservatives say "No" to compromise which is a way of saying they prefer a dictatorship to a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

Waffler, Smith

Did Cheney say deficits don't matter or did he not. Now why do they matter undr Obama but did not matter under Bush. Thank God another conservative Bull Shitter has crashed today and his empire of deceit, that being of course Rubert Murdoch and his evil empire which includes the scandalous Fox Channel. Some day truth will be triumphant. And today is a great day towards that end. Have faith my friends! It is good to see Archer spreading the blame equally. But as far as government involvement with society see my posts under the Bob McEwen quote the other day. Guys like Carlton think the massive South Korean auto industry was somehow accomplished by one Ayn Rand type of titan of industry, when the facts are it was aided and abetted by the South Korean government, American Companies such as Ford, GM, and French Renault. Governments, societies and indsutries work togeter sometime. Educate Mary will you Archer.

Waffler, Smith

Welcome to the site Mary. First time I have heard from you. Am I to assume you have been reading in silence for years. Do you have any disagreement with what I said above. The crap about 65 trillion in unfunded liability. Are we not to step out into the world (leave our parents home) until we have the wherewithal to provide for ourselves out of an existing fund for the rest of our lives. This is what Pawlenty seems to think is necessary, that the US Government must have in the bank at this moment the funds to pay its current and all future debts on hand now. If you do not find this to be BS, you are the one that is in lala land. I stay on this site just because of people like you.

Waffler, Smith

This site should change its name to the Bull Shit Page. How can anyone talk of "The Age of Obama" when the man has been Prez for 2 1/2 years and inheried an age of total and complete fiscal derelection. His predecessors Vice President Dick Cheney taught us "Deficits Don't Matter" and during their 8 years cut taxes three times, fought wars, and ran the country into a major "depression/recession". This recession reduced the revenues of every state government as well as of the Federal Governmnet. We are sunk as a nation as long as the dealogue, honesty, and public discourse sink to the level of Steyn and of the Five Star comments above. Get real you guys, get real. Now why did deficits not matter when Bush was President (after all he was the one who started them after Clinton was running surpluses) but now they matter under Barack, huh, huh, huh?

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