Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [576-600] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 8/28/08 re: William F. Buckley, Jr. quote It is more dangerous to be right when the minority is wrong. Waffler quit it. Reply warren, olathe 8/27/08 re: H. L. Mencken quote Me thinks Judith understands the gist of the quote. Reply warren, olathe 8/27/08 re: H. L. Mencken quote Still can not connect any thing you have written to that quote. Sorry Waffler. Reply warren, olathe 8/27/08 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Sad that some do not get the obvious thought behind this great quote. Reply warren, olathe 8/27/08 re: Helen Keller quote Agree all but next to last line. Depends on the situation. Reply warren, olathe 8/26/08 re: H. L. Mencken quote Waffler?? What are you talking about. This quote? Reply warren, olathe 8/26/08 re: Henry David Thoreau quote cute and true. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/08 re: George Orwell quote They have admitted it is just a show and not a sport Waffler. Even so I do share your disgust for Pro wrestling. Real wrestling is a very good sport. Reply warren, olathe 8/22/08 re: George Bernard Shaw quote I am sure some truths may fall into this category. But I think that the quote is referring more to discoveries than "truths". The fact that most great discoveries were at first rejected is just part of human nature. Most people do not think or at least try very hard to avoid it. It is much easier to just reject a new idea than to understand it. I am not at all sure this is not a good thing. For every good solid discovery in our history there were probably thousands of false ones. If it were not for our natural skepticism we would have fallen for a lot more con artists than we have. If one discovers something but lacks the fortitude to see it through he must not have been that convinced of his discovery in the first place. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/22/08 re: Frank Norris quote That is why truth is so viciously attacked and or hidden by our media. Armed with the truth the public will not listen to those that would try to enslave them. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/22/08 re: Frank Lloyd Wright quote I finally watched Al Gore's movie. What a crock. I knew about it and what was in it but I at least expected it to make some attempt at proving some of the claims. It was nothing more that Al wanting to be a star. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/22/08 re: Clarence Thomas quote Waffller--If you watched the hearings you know that all of the testimony against him was given by people that were either misinformed or lying. Anita was caught in numerous lies and had to change her testimony right in front of all of us. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/20/08 re: Chinese Proverb quote Sorry, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists, and fascists are just slight variations of the same thing. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/20/08 re: Chinese Proverb quote So the intent of liberals is to call everything by a different name or redefine any word to remove its true meaning is an attempt to destroy wisdom. 6 Reply warren, olathe 8/15/08 re: Galileo Galilei quote Perfect reasoning to demonstrate why there is no such thing as a consensus in science. Global warming is loosing. We now have the media in a scramble trying to keep the hoax alive. I heard suggested the other day on a PBS station that they should stop having people that do not agree with the theory included in reports. They found that exposing an audience to any of the opposing views caused a reduction in the percentage of believers. Many believed because they were told it was true and had never heard different. An audience that had a majority of believers listened to a few minutes of pro GW propaganda that had only 11 seconds of one person making a statement against GW and the opinion of the audience dropped to a minority still believing in it. The PBS solution suggested was to no longer include any ant- GW information in our nation’s media so as to protect the GW theory from going away. Reply warren, olathe 8/15/08 re: Charles Darwin quote By the way malaria is now disappearing off in parts of Africa because some of the countries there have decided to defy the ban and started to use DDT again. Reply warren, olathe 8/15/08 re: Charles Darwin quote Darwin and his false facts did as he predicted cause blood bath across Europe. Stalin and Adolph Hitler took Darwin's theory to heart, and Adolph tried to help the theory out by deciding for nature which was the fittest to survive. The only theory that has caused more death and destruction in this world was the one that an environmental socialist came up with about DDT weakening the eggs of the Osprey. That one cost Africa over 80 million deaths due to unnecessary malaria outbreaks that could have been avoided had the inexpensive DDT been allowed to be used. It has since been found that the Osprey has always had a problem with thin egg shells and the so called Scientist that used it as evidence against DDT knew it. False facts. They kill. Reply warren, olathe 8/15/08 re: Carl Sagan quote Hope none of you are upset if you just found out that all those absentee ballots you sent in have never been opened. Reply warren, olathe 8/15/08 re: Carl Sagan quote Jim k, Austin- Best and shortest explanation for man made global warming yet. If we were a democracy then George Bush would still have won the election. The recount would have had to be done because of the closeness of the election and it would have been done in every state and precinct. All the absentee ballots would have had to have been opened and counted. Since 60 percent of absentee ballots are Republican on average it would have given Bush a good lead. Absentee ballots are only opened to settle a close race and are only counted when they would make a difference in a state's winner. So how much Bush actually won by is unknown (that is because we are not a democracy Waffler). If any one doubts this look it up. If my memory is correct only Florida had its absentee ballots counted for the Presidential race in 2000. Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Nelson Shields quote Excelent example of how they think and what the goal is. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Paul Harvey quote Good one. Max they don't want to because they would be killed if it was discovered that they did. So they must deny it. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Don Feder quote By the way what we now refer to as Marxism has little to do with Marx's ideas and much to do with Stalin's. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Don Feder quote Waffler, The Pilgrims started out as Marxist. You don't even know what a left-winger is. Marx was not the first communist. As a matter of fact he didn't even buy his own theory. He later in life said, "I am not a Marxist." Today in this country the left is the nobility and the right is the common people. 1 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Lucanus quote Pointless quote unless you know the context it came out of. The sword could mean power. It could mean self defense. Hell the quote doesn’t leave any assurance if he was pro or anti sword. 3 Reply warren, olathe 8/13/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Common sense as always. Waffler, cops only come after the need for self defence is past. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print