Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1101-1125] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 11/7/07 re: Benjamin Franklin quote State run school is necessary to keep the left's hopes alive. Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Titus Maccius Plautus quote Depends on who is with him. Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Pericles quote Yep no debate allowed. The left always declares itself the winner just when they are loosing the debate. Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Jerome D. Frank quote Right on Ken. Constructive is the key work in that quote. Today’s left are just a Nazi movement with different enemies. Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Henrik Ibsen quote The left has changed the definition of both. 4 Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Thomas Szasz quote Spoken like a tru Democrat. Hate the quote but it is accurate. Reply warren, olathe 11/6/07 re: Rene Descartes quote So what. Who wouldn't have said that. Reply warren, olathe 11/4/07 re: William Blake quote Probably true when people believed in truth. To day any thing you want to believe in becomes the truth. Facts no longer matter. You can say there were no weapons of mass destruction and it will be the truth no matter how many were used or have been found. You can say their is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq no matter how many of them are captured or killed there. You can believe that morality is a personal choice in order to be free of the restraints of morality. You can believe that truth is an individual’s choice. You may believe that the Soviet system failed, but the thought processes and belief systems taught there are obviously still being taught in our schools and in our society in general. Our society is now more vulnerable to this kind of mind rot than ever because we do not see the source of it. Great quote in its time but today the lie rules because so few even can tell you what the definition of truth is. Reply warren, olathe 11/4/07 re: Simone Weil quote Can't figure out how to have repressive justice. Sounds like an oxymoron to me. Reply warren, olathe 11/4/07 re: Sophocles quote Ignorance is obviously bliss. Wisdom often results in wealth. Wisdom in financial matters does not indicate wisdom elsewhere. Look at George Soros. Wealth with out wisdom is dangerous. Reply warren, olathe 11/4/07 re: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quote Hegel, Nieche, Kant who ever. Philosophers have thought their way into all kinds of trouble. The horrible mess of WWII, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, and Liberalism all are a result of Philosophers having brilliant thoughts. None of them seemed to have enough sense to pay attention to the obvious. There is no man made philosophy that negates the wisdom that is to be found in the bible. Regardless of whether you believe it to be the word of god or not, you can not go wrong following its wisdom. To deviate from its truth is not wisdom. All the secular philosophers were trying to replace god's teaching with their own. Not to bright regardless of their IQ. IF you want mass destruction and tyranny just mix up some Hegel, Nieche and Darwin and you have an Adolph Hitler. He used their philosophy and theory to create a plan to thrust the world into a glorious future where people would be super intelligent and be super men. He just wanted to help evolution out. New age philosophy and New Age religion has been destroying and murdering on a mass scale for thousands of years. Reply warren, olathe 11/4/07 re: Marcel Proust quote Wisdom is a gift. No matter how much you journey or discover if you lake wisdom you will not profit from the experience. You will never find it. It is all around us every day and most cannot see it. Most are deceived by their belief that what they think can pass for wisdom. Reply warren, OLATHE 11/4/07 re: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote Must have had an uneventful life. 4 Reply warren, olathe 10/29/07 re: Voltaire quote welfare and the nanny state are good examples. Reply warren, olathe 10/24/07 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote That was FDR you speak of ANON not Teddy. The rumor is just that, a rumor. Teddy was an inspiration and FDR was aberration. Hard to believe they were cousins. Reply warren, olathe 10/24/07 re: Plato quote The Supreme Court and some times congress are to be feared far more than those wimpy organizations you listed E Archer. When the Supreme Court acts as tyrants it seems we have no recourse. When the acronyms act above the law the law can and sometimes does punish the perpetrators. Congress when run by Democrats is exempt from any law they pass as it states in the very laws they pass. The acronym groups you mentioned are so hamstrung by congress that they often are ineffective with the exception of the IRS agents which to Dems are all national heroes. Reply warren, olathe 10/24/07 re: Albert Camus quote I can find no reason in this quote. Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: James Russell Lowell quote A "dissident" or "radical” is more often a spreader of lies and is an enemy to truth. Rarely are they capable of reason. 1 Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: George Mason quote Correct Dana. The free government that George speaks of is clearly one that does not subjugate its people such as ours does not. You misinterpret his meaning. Some times to know what a person is saying you need to know how he thinks and not how you think. 1 Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Elizabeth Harrison quote Encourage more that criticize is the operative idea. This quote couldn't be truer. Not to criticize but some one needs to re-read the quote before writing all over it with red ink. Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Buddha quote A man with a head full of mud Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Elie Wiesel quote To hate or love you have to care. Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Ralph Waldo Emerson quote People only see what they care to see. Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Dana you should know by now that only America is capable of evil. Reply warren, olathe 10/23/07 re: Michel De Montaigne quote I see men ordinarily more eager to explain things so that others will believe what is not so. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print