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Posts from warren, OLATHE

warren, OLATHEwarren, OLATHE
Warren, Olathe

Too bad today's journalist is what is to be feared.the press creates the turmoil while the left promots it and th right sticks its head in the sand.  We are a nation of cowards.  We let a small minority bully us into accepting bogus election results,political correctness,and wokeness.  We say we will tackle it back next time but it is looking likenext time will no longer be allowed.  There is no limit to how far the left will go to retain its power  

warren, olathe

We are about to see this played out in full force.  I fear it is going to be vicious.  They are claiming that conservatism is a virus that will have to be removed from the people of this country.  Recently some in power have said that freedom of speech does not include radio, tv, or print. Only the spoken word is protected.  They have never believed that the spoken word should be protected any more than they believe that the constitution should apply to them.  They have worked too long to see their hard work undone like it has been for the last 4 years.  They can not take the chance that a future election will do them any more harm.  Opposition will no longer be tolerated.  Now that they feel safe using election fraud, they can cure the disease they consider us to be. 

warren, olathe

 For all practical purposes the states will soon be eliminated as a form of check on the federal government.  The last election will become the norm for all elections.  I do not see much hope for stopping it.  Elections may no longer be a check on power when the obvious corruption is spread to all states by federal law. Cheating will now be legal. 

warren, olathe

yea mike, its not just the second.  its all of them.  most corrupt politician in my life time becomes president, and gets it by stealing it to boot.  

warren, olathe

The president has to have the ability to react in an emergency.  The founders knew that and also knew that the republic could not exist unless the population held the leadership to a high level of moral character.  Our leaders are only a reflection of our collective character. We are the ones that truly need to change. 

warren, olathe

In the early 1900’s ww1 opened the door to socialism in Russia. It was seen as the workers paradise. As the condition of life in the USSR started to reveal itself many in this country started to change their opinion of socialism. Rose Wilder did a 180 and became an advocate for liberty. She saw the problem, socialism, as a defective idea. Others rationalized that socialism in the USSR would have worked if it were run by the right people. Roger Baldwin belonged to the second group. He gave up on electing Communists to political office and went to bringing socialism to the US by first destroying the legal system. Others attacked the family unit and education. The strategy was to bring our society to the point of accepting socialism as a possible solution to the “proven” failure of capitalism. We have to come to realize that the second group has got to be soundly defeated if our country is to survive. We need many of these excellent quotes to help better understand history and how it affects our present.

warren, olathe

Leftist love to be called moderates.  Centrist is another one.  It is strange how the most extreme leftist are commonly called centrists by our press.  It seems that there is no way the main stream press can ever find any one left of center. 

warren, olathe

If we were to try to write a constitution to day it would be an absolute disaster.  We can not even fulfill the basic requirements for a republic to succeed.  Just look at all the dems running for president.  Not one would be voted for by anyone that has a brain or is reasonably informed.  Our news reports what they prefer to be true and ignore what the wish were not true. We have violent groups that intend to squash all who disagree with their socialist one world agenda. No one debates on most of the news programs.  All you get is name calling, hate mongering, or mindless regurgitation of vapid talking points.  This is so the left does not have to appeal to reason since they have lost the debate long ago.  This in itself proves that they know they have no argument.  The agenda has nothing to do with what they say it is.  It is just totalitarian global domination.  Pure fascism.

warren, olathe

Quotes from Bill are as useful as hemorrhoids.  He says what some one wants to hear then says the exact opposite to some one else.  Words to him are only a tool to get what he wants.
By his own admission (only thing I heard him say that I can believe) in an interview after first election, "Promises are tools used to get elected.  To expect me to deliver on them would get in the way with my ability to govern". (from my memory so not word for word accurate)

warren, olathe

Does he refer to todays liberal?  Todays liberal worships the state.  He only sees the state as  a servant if he means to punish his opposition. I have come to believe that the whole goal to the left's insane antics and policies is a borderless one world government where there is no individual rights except for the ruling class.  That is why they are against any boarder security and oppose sending convicted criminals here illegally home.  All nations are to be combined and to them it is irrelevant where the criminal resides.  Corrupting and destroying the US is the key to Globalism.  When we fall all will fall.   Notice that any attempt to control our border is a criminal act of racism to them?  The house is now looking into blocking the deportation of criminal aliens so they will be loosed on our streets.  States are refusing to aid and are even interfering with agents that are trying to remove illegal felons from our neighborhoods.  These crazies have taken over the house of representatives and it is clear that they are declaring war on this country by subversion of its laws and comon sense.  We put up with 8 years of a constitution hater for a president.  He promoted this anti American/anti law and order behavior and we now are seeing the results.

warren, Olathe

When he spoke of nationalists he was speaking of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.  Leftists all and all dictators.  Socialism kills.

warren, OLATHE

Perhaps in pleasant and meaningless conversation to some point.  But lying is so out of hand in the US goveernment that we have investigations to see if we can prove a known lie to become accepted as truth by a carefully miss educated public.  This is not new.  Hitler and all of the communist governments have used this technique to control its subjects.  Our government in recent years has ignored serious crimes saying that politicians with law degrees are excused because they did not know that the blatant violations they committed were wrong.  Then investigate non crimes hoping to create a process crime to harm someone because of their politics. Justice no longer exists in this country.  You can commit any crime with no fear if you  are doing it to line your pockets and are from the politically correct party.  If several people from the FBI, IRS, and previous campaigns do not spend some jail time, this country is finished.  This is the first time in my life I have seen such a grand scale investigation done for the explicit purpose of covering up egregious crimes done by the people running the investigation. The press has long been dishonest but now as far as I am concerned has become down right criminal.

warren, OLATHE

Our country is great but government sucks.  That was the way the founders looked at it.  So as little government as possible makes a great country.

warren, olathe

That is why we can not let men define morality. The minute we do we are on the road to anarchy, which will result in a totalitarian dictatorship.

warren, olathe

I get the concept but I do wonder if the total lack of regulation would work. On the other hand regulations are not used to protect the consumer they are used to extract political contributions and to punish political opposition, It just goes back to the concept that a government by the people can only survive if the people are moral. look what is happening now. Trump gets rid of a few bureaucrats drops a few regulations and the economy goes nuts. Fewer unemployed workers, Minority unemployment at an all time low because of less government interference. Politicians have told us that more interference is needed to make it more fair for the less fortunate. It would appear that the less fortunate are more victims of big government than beneficiaries.

Warren, Olathe

He does not seem to be too fond of political correctness does he?

warren, olathe

I never can figure out why Waffler thinks corrupted schools that use miseducation for political purposes is a good thing. Our schools keep sliding down in test scores and all the increase in spending only makes it worse. Removing the political correctness and leftist propaganda from our schools is the end of education? How does one come up with that? By all means blame Fox for all our ills. After all if all disagreement were to be abolished we would then all have the "right mind" and all be happy. We could even change the meaning of liberty and freedom like the left does with many other words to create confusion. Eliminating the ability to discuss ideas, work out differences and, learn from each other is a major goal of the left. It is how the left succeeds in getting half of the population to vote against their own best interests.

warren, olathe

The "well intentioned" would see all students fall through the cracks rather than a few so as to be "fair". There is no way in a free society to have equality of outcome because ability and ambition vary from person to person. For an equal outcome a society would have to extinguish all liberty and self determination resulting in poverty and ignorance for all. The resulting permanent under class would secure the left in power in perpetuity which is the real motivation for their political positions. Our present problems in the US is caused by electing people that have no integrity. Power and party are the only consideration of most politicians. This country is of no concern to them. We have the power and means to straighten it all out but our population has been so indoctrinated with political correctness and lack of self reliance by our government run schools that most will vote for handouts rather than liberty.

warren, olathe

Do not forget that FDR and his ilk believes that all property is communal and when you buy property you are, in their opinion stealing it from those that deserve that money more than you. That is why fraises like "give back" are thought up. What you have you have at the expense of those who have not. If you get a job you did so at the expense of those who did not get one. "You didn't build that" and hundreds of other Marxist phrases are put into our language to soften our minds by repetition. We then gradually move in the direction that leaves us not offended at the sound of them because we no longer examine them closely. All progressives (I do mean all) hate the constitution and the idea of property rights. Progressives are just as fascist/Marxist as any other dictator, they just realize that to win America over to their way of thinking it has to be done very slowly.

warren, olathe

Great quote. There are many good commie quotes that are very instructive, but you really can not tell the difference between their quotes and those of Hillary, Bill, Barrack or any other of the fascist Dems in office. Take a look at the progressive stated agenda from 100+ years ago and you will not be able to tell the difference. Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive, all different words that mean the same thing.

Warren, olathe

I will never give a star to that worthless twit. As far as I know there is no governments on this earth that is a Democracy. Democracy has failed miserably by every country that tried it. That is why our founders decided we would not be a Democracy. The left has been moving us towards a more centralized democratic government by using referendums on ballots and constitutional amendments like the 16th and 17th. Those screwed states rights and individual rights. Both amendments were sold to the public using a plethora of lies and misrepresentations. Repeal both and this country would start to right itself because of those changes alone. 0 chance of that.

Warren, olathe

He must have considered everyone superior.

Warren, olathe

I like John Adams but he did not like the freedom of the press. He jailed editors of papers for saying unkind things about him. He considered it an act of sedition.

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