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Posts from Warren, olathe

Warren, olatheWarren, olathe
warren, olathe

Thomas Jefferson was what we would call a libertarian. He was a good visionary but poor president. He would be considered to be so far right of the current day GOP that he would think of them as leftists. Amazing how many idiots are named Anonymous

warren, olathe

The extreme right wing Anarchists could never gain power because anarchy is the absence of power. The opposite is very possible. If Anarchists gained enough popularity to start to affect our system and law and order disappeared, a totalitarian form of government would be the result.

warren, olathe

Good quote but today the education system is intended to teach the acceptance of the theft by government to support socialist endeavors. It will not create the ability for the individual to gain wealth for himself

warren, olathe

Oscar Wilde was one of the most amoral, vile people to have been on this earth. He couldn't see any thing but evil in everyone because that was all that was in him. He wrote a book that became an excellent movie - The Picture of Dorian Gray - that I believe was a fictional parallel to what Oscar thought of his own soul latter in life. He believed that the only thing you could do that was wrong was to get caught. His quote is a statement on what he thinks of society and its responsibility for the actions of individuals. He did not take responsibility for his actions and this quote is an example of his attempt at casting the blame on others.

warren, olathe

I went to school in the 50's and 60's and we were taught to question the government and were taught as well the constitution. You had to learn how the constitution and government worked to graduate high school. The down slide started in the early 60's when prayer was eliminated in school by the Supreme Court’s ACLU types. Prayer in and of itself doesn’t mean much in the school but it was the first step towards the removal of any type of moral instruction in the class room. Now you are taught that morality is up to your personal preference and truth is what ever you decide it is. Our system of government was created for a moral populace and will not function as originally designed with out strong moral character being its cornerstone. Destroying the moral fiber of the country was Roger Baldwin's first step towards bringing this country to Communism (his stated goal for his organization - the ACLU).

warren, olathe

J Carlton, Calgary VERY GOOD. I'm surprised any time I see anyone understanding fascism that well. Unfortunately you fell off the road after no 5. Fascism grants absolute power. Absolute power corrupts and eventually the person that has it will seek more of it. That is where the expansion of the state comes in. You do not seem to get the fact that it is a form of totalitarian socialism. Using good old Adolph as an example He was socialist through and through. He hated corporate profit and saw it as unfair to the working class which he felt a member of. The only difference between fascism and socialism is the fact that in fascism the ownership of the means of production still technically belongs to the private sector. That seems to be a small point when the state tells the business what it will sell, how much to sell it for, who it can hire, who it can not hire, how much it is to pay its employees, and how much profit it is allowed. Dang Hillary has said she wants to do all of those things and I thought I was talking about Hitler. Great Hitler quote. My favorite one is as I remember it - profit from capital is immoral and should not be allowed. Yes J it does sound familiar. ■ the Soviet Union. There is a big difference, Jack, between someone asking what he can do for his country and his country telling him what he will do or else!

warren, olathe

Trevor our present school system teaches hate for America not patriotism.

warren, olathe

Home schooling will be under attack all over the country if Hillary gets in and keeps control of congress. Idiots for voters are the only way the Dems can stay in power. That is why we have motor voter legislation (also motor voter gives illegal the right to vote in this country since the fake ss no. is not investigated by the dmv) Home schooling develops the whole person, creative thinking, and the capability of abstract though. The public education system seeks to destroy all those qualities in the individual. As it stands now the public system is there to promote liberalism or more accurately socialism. A poorly educated person is more likely to be poor and therefore vote for hand outs. A good education for all would be the death of the Democrat party as it is today.

warren, olathe

You will be hard pressed to find many conservatives working as teachers in this country (unless their home schoolers). The education system has become dedicated to bringing this country to socialism. It might as well be run by the ACLU. Anyone that thinks that a bunch of liberals are trying to turn out conservatives so as to keep republicans in power has obviously been a product of our present school system.

warren, olathe

Dead on. It’s hard to believe he was involved with the education system. Originally our system was to create a moral society so as to keep our society free. Now it is to prevent cognitive thought processes so as to empower those that want to do our thinking for us.

warren, olathe

Racist bilge. What an idiot. I wonder if he knows what IQ is.

warren, olathe

His government was that of the king of England. He had the mindset of what was referred to later as a tori. In his time America was primarily being settled by emptying the British jails to send over. Others that came were not getting along so well with the laws and society in general. Religious dissidents were flocking to America. Im sure he saw all these as dangerous rabel. Now we keep em dumb so they will vote how we want and to increase the susceptibility to leftist propaganda.

warren, olathe

That is why Hillary will do what she can to end home schooling.

warren, olathe

He was also against gun ownership, the free enterprise system, thought profit was a dirty word, believed Darwin, and liked animals better than people. Good socialist all around. Or I guess you could say he was a liberal.

warren, olathe

The quote is pure hate MR anonymous. That is what the left is made of. Pure hate. It enables them to ignore reason. It enables them to spread their philosophy. Cloud a mind with hate and one can no longer reason. Fertile ground for propaganda to flourish. Remove ones belief in God and he will believe in anything. Excellent quote that demonstrates what we are up against.

warren, olathe

The quote maybe 30 years old but it takes that long for a thought process to become generally accepted. This process is clearly rampant in our schools today. Our schools have become nothing more than re-education camps for the socialist utopia of tomorrow. This was an Orwellian statement that is being brought to fruition and must be countered. Great quote to educate one in the mindset of the American left.

warren, olathe

First half of the quote accurately describes today’s educational system. Second part sounds like a criticism for the first part. Sounds like a quote that didn't happen or at least made up for some reason.

warren, olathe

Not all of us. Just the socialists.

warren, olathe

Couldn't have said it better Ken. Too see diplomacy at its best visit the U.N. That is where the most corrupt people in the world gather. The most corrupt are rewarded with leadership positions. Countries like the US are treated like enemy combatants because we expect people and the countries they represent to honor their commitments and to seek justice.

warren, olathe

Congress seeks absolute power to match their absolute corruption.

warren, olathe

Have heard the last line all my life.

warren, olathe

Absence of religious influences would result in the absence of morality bringing with it the necessity of a totalitarian form of government. Freedom can only survive in a moral society. Morals do not exist separate from religious influences.

warren, olathe

Sounds like another do unto others type idea.

warren, olathe

To secure our freedom it often means we have to secure the freedom of people in other countries. History has shown that free countries do not attack other free countries. Tyrants look to destroy freedom around the world to remove tempting examples from the people they wish to control.

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