Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-71] of 71Posts from al, dcal, dc Previous 25 1 Reply Al, DC 6/27/12 re: A. M. Rosenthal quote A skull and Bonesman to the core! Reply Al, DC 4/10/12 re: Adolf Hitler quote oh so true Reply al, DC 5/27/11 re: Benjamin Franklin quote And "War is a Racket" By Major General Smedley Butler 1 Reply al, DC 5/26/11 re: Joseph Paul Goebbels quote the more things change , the more they stay the same... 1 Reply AL, DC 1/31/11 re: George Washington quote "Truth", is timeless! Reply Al, DC 1/25/11 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote To paraphrase: be wary of what you wish for... Reply Al, DC 1/21/11 re: George W. Bush quote Preemption was/ is Israeli policy... Reply Al, DC 12/24/10 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote Amen! Reply al, DC 2/23/10 re: D. H. Lawrence quote long live the revolution Reply Al, DC 12/24/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote OH SO TRUE! 3 Reply Al, DC 9/29/09 re: Carroll Quigley quote The financial elite are the government. Either directly with family members being elected; or most likely indirectly because of contributions directly into major universities and foundations therby shaping the minds of the future "elite" to act as their controllers would by proxy. Good example is the Rhodes Scholarship where formally middle class youth are trained to think and act like upper class British snobs who betray their cultural AND economic heritage! Reply Al, DC 7/27/09 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote "Truth" is found from left to right Reply Al, DC 7/22/09 re: Judge Joyce Hens Green quote A Republic--if you can keep it! One fateful day(911) that has NEVER been fully examined should be used to deny our principles to ourselves(patriot act) or to those whom our leadership(no war declaration against iraq, afghanistan, paki) has decided to war against... 1 Reply Al, DC 5/28/09 re: Laurence Tribe quote Congress has NOT declared war, therefore the United States IS NOT AT WAR. I live in DC and "911"(synthetic terrorism) was an inside job; the real "fear" is that these same rogue forces are still at work INSIDE our nation! Lastly, the only thing "we the people" have to fear is fear itself... 2Reply Al, DC 5/14/09 re: Joseph Sobran quote What a pessimist! 1 Reply AL, DC 4/21/09 re: Karl Marx quote J Carlton: the FED is a private cartel! It does not conform to Article 1 section 8 of our US Constitution 1 Reply AL, DC 4/20/09 re: Karl Marx quote Under Communism there is the abolition of the "State". When will we get to see this! With the amount of unemployment I do not see "industrial armies" being created here in the United States. All of our national productive industries have been destroyed. A NATION OF SERFS! I agree with E Archer of NYC: it is Corporate-Fascism that is being born here in the U. S. There is no plan to nationalize any banks; in fact the opposite is happening with large PRIVATE frims being re-financed with PUBLIC dollars. Moreover, the elites are organizing an international currency that will replace national currencies like our own dollar. The British agent Karl Marx would be amused at how distorted many people view his "words". 4Reply al, DC 4/1/09 re: Milton Friedman quote What a fraud! 8 Reply AL, DC 2/26/09 re: Frederick Douglass quote This quote was about "POWER" not ONE of its forms: slavery! 2 Reply AL, DC 2/5/09 re: Ezra Pound quote Beliefs such as these are what got him locked up in St. E's... 2 Reply al, DC 10/9/08 re: Louis McFadden quote A true American hero who died for serving the truth Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print