Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [226-250] of 811Posts from anonanon Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anon 3/15/10 re: Lord Byron quote Mike, I agree with you on this and add that I think that if it isn't done with love and an extended hand we are setting the world up to repeat history again with a shortlived freedom and a long drop into the abyss we find ourselves in today. Love is the only thing that can break that cycle along with the divine laws of justice to guide us in our endeavor. Reply Anon 3/15/10 re: James Otis quote Because americans have become apathetic an individual who wishes to make himself free is not allowed anymore due to the thousands of laws and statutes that prevent this from happening. In today's world it is the unordinary individual who has to fight for his freedom to reclaim the natural law granted by God almighty. Reply Anon 3/15/10 re: Henry St. John quote I'm with you Mike. Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: Abe Fortas quote The reason the U.S. government continues its non neutral position is because it wants to wipe out all the competition in the battle for control over the minds of men so the only thing left to believe in is their government or, their secular religion. This creed that upholds God is dead believes in the dictates of men because anything else just doesn't exist. Welcome to secular religiosity. Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: Helen Keller quote This is mankind's continued downfall. He keeps killing that which is the most valuable, life, and in particular, human life. Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: William Blake quote Climate change? Whatever happened to global warming? Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: Rabbi Harold Kushner quote Taking to mind all aspects of life, this quote is very true. Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: Alfred Lord Tennyson quote Knowledge comes, wisdom comes more slowly based on the knowledge gained. 1 Reply Anon 3/14/10 re: Octave Mirbeau quote They shove their way of government down your throat and then can't understand why you're not happy about it. Reply Anon 3/12/10 re: Bellamy Brooks quote It's true, the bigger the ego the more of a damned fool. Reply Anon 3/12/10 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote An open mind is essential to understanding freedom. Reply Anon 3/11/10 re: Lawana Blackwell quote Cal, I couldn't help but notice that politically correct and morally correct is another description of the 2 sides of the lies/truth coin I mentioned in my earlier comment. Thanks as it clarifies what I was trying to say before and adds more truth for me to ponder. 1 Reply Anon 3/11/10 re: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. quote Holmes wasn't kidding either--"...;and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed...." 1 Reply Anon 3/11/10 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote This sounds like a quote the elitists of global slavery are living by. Their dishonesty is a way of life they honestly believe in. Reply Anon 3/11/10 re: Lawana Blackwell quote Logan, your comment is the tip of a very large iceberg. Just to dig in to this iceberg a bit more I add that all of mankind are either slaves to the truth or slaves to lies and there is absolutely no way to escape this self evident fact. Too bad there are many on both sides of the truth/lies coin who do not recognize it. 2 Reply Anon 3/10/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote We hold this truth to be self evident! One cannot be free if he doesn't respect the rights of others to be free. A criminal might think he is free to commit his crime but the laws of nature will catch up with him one day and set things right. Just like the common criminal, the same holds true for the elitist criminal who commits his crime with much more sophistication, nature will one day catch up to him. Reply Anon 3/10/10 re: Reverend Martin Niemoeller quote Sounds like the reply a materialist might make. For that reason I'll give it a thumbs down. Reply Anon 3/10/10 re: Pythagoras quote No 'one' is absolutely free because other 'ones' must be considered. Ignoring the rights of others puts one at odds with nature's laws and the consequences of disobeying these laws, or obeying them, are unescapable. No one is his own master because he is, whether he likes it or not, subject to these laws of nature and the consequences of obeying them or not. 1 Reply Anon 3/9/10 re: Antoine De Saintexupery quote The single man representing the 'king' and of course the herd crushing the man the result of the majority in a 'demonacracy'. Oops, I meant 'democracy'. 9 Reply Anon 3/9/10 re: Alexander Ivanovich Herzen quote When I think about how far we have drifted from the respect of each and every individual, the clearer it becomes just exactly how far the importance of life in general has slipped from the minds of even the most common of men today. Reply Anon 3/9/10 re: Justice Charles Evans Hughes quote Well said Mike, put very simply and easily understood. 2 Reply Anon 3/8/10 re: William James quote True, you respect my rights I'll respect your rights. It's that simple and if we follow it up by doing no harm to each other we have created heaven on earth by living peacefully with each other. Reply Anon 3/8/10 re: Tom Braun quote People have become so used to government handouts they are more afraid of losing them to even want to try to understand tyranny and freedom. Those are taboo topics they are also afraid of hearing about nevermind learning about. Reply Anon 3/8/10 re: Thomas Szasz quote Hmm...yes, and more the reason to bite that hand if it begins to starve you. 1 Reply Anon 3/5/10 re: Josiah Gilbert Holland quote Once again I agree with Mike. By striving for the perfect ideal of what perfect love is the more freedom gained. Unfortunately America has lost sight of this ideal and instead destroyed it with the ideal of what can be gained by perfect hatred. Just look at the 2 political parties ready to tear each others heads off and ditto for the black and white races. There is plenty of love lost in either case and it is both battles that will lead, (and has already led), to the shedding of blood in the streets of America. Stay tuned for an increase of hatred in both cases as the MELTDOWN OF THE economy and the Constitution continue on the road to a perfect hatred. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print