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Posts from howard, Bangkok

howard, Bangkokhoward, Bangkok
Howard, Bangkok

A private corporation should not have the obligation to promote public good. They should and are in the business of promoting their own private good. The problem arises when the government gives a monopoly on the creation of money to the private banks and legislates regulations that harm the public and help the bank. Because of that, the banks are shielded from the free market. The free market would automatically correct banks, when the public determined that these banks are not good stewards of their money, they take their money to a bank that is a good steward. The bad bank will go bankrupt. Because of FDIC insurance, bailouts, and bail-in legislation, banks do not have to worry about bankruptcy or making good sound business decisions. They now can make obscene short term profits on bad investments and when the bank eventually fails, the tax payer will make them solvent.

Howard, Bangkok


Howard, Bangkok

How can liberty be for the collective? If 99% of the people violate the freedom of the 1%, does the 1% think it's liberty?

Howard, Bangkok

Thanks Jim, makes perfect sense. I do have a copy of Webster's 1828 as well. I should have picked it up.

Howard, Bangkok

I am confused by this one. Is Jefferson saying that he did not approve of a Bill of Rights?

Howard, Bangkok

I think it is a poor quote. Gun control was never about race control, like marriage licences were many years ago. Gun control is about CONTROL of all peoples. The govenment has become tyrannical and fears the law abiding freedom loving people.

Howard, Bangkok

I think this is what they are doing to Ron Paul.

Howard, Bangkok

Wow, sounds like Democracy.

Howard, Bangkok

I think that this may be true, but not universally. Maybe it applies to the Obama lovers, Thomas Jefferson, maybe not so much.

Howard, Bangkok

You rock Mike. I think you must have read Frederick Bastiat's THE LAW. Whether you did or not, you hit the nail on the head.

Howard, Bangkok

It's amazing that the enemy of freeom can speak the truth and the sheeple of Ameica do not stand up. Oh, wait a minute, that's what sheeple do.

Howard, Bangkok

The surest way to destroy our liberties is not through war. Debt is the surest destroyer. It just happens that war is expensive.

Howard, Bangkok

I disagree, Archer. We don't need the strongest military in the world. We won our independence against the strongest military in the world. We need to turn our face toward God, and he will heal our land. A heavily armed militia wouldn't hurt either.

Howard, Bangkok

Mike, revolting against our statist government would not be preemptive. They have already crossed the line and have attacked our liberty, the fruit of our labor, and our persons. To overthow our corrupt government and return it to its constitutional restraints would be lawful and just. Theocracy? Maybe satanism, I guess.

Howard, Bangkok

A classic case of what Frederick Bastiat wrote about in 1850 in THE LAW. The law preverted! If it is unlawful for me to strike my neighbor preemptively, it goes without saying that it is unlawful for my government to do so, as well.

Howard, Bangkok

Not sure of the context, but it sounds fishy to me.

Howard, Bangkok

I would have said "O security, what liberties are taken in thy name!"

Howard, Bangkok

Add me to the list of opressed by a tyrannical government.

Howard, Bangkok

I believe we shall require a substantially OLD manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

Howard, Bangkok

not sure where he got his timelines.

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