Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1426-1450] of 1832Posts from jim K, austinjim K, austin Previous 25 Next 25 Reply jim k, austin 2/9/09 re: Larry Parks quote Cheer up, you kill joys,don't you know that Obama is going to save the day and the check's in the mail. It only makes sense that when a country is up to it's ears in red ink to spend another 800 billion or so. Happy days are here again, comrads. 2 Reply jim k, austin 2/9/09 re: John Maynard Keynes quote Archer, Mike and Bryan are right and the debauching continues. Reply jim k, austin 2/9/09 re: Dr. Edwin Vieira quote About 53% of the voters got fooled in the November election. Now they are trying to fool us into believing that this PORK bill will stimulate the economy. Reply jim k, austin 2/6/09 re: John Ruskin quote I'll go along with Mike, Norwalk. Reply jim k, austin 2/6/09 re: George Bernard Shaw quote It may not be the root of all evil, but this quote is at least 90% accurate. Reply jim k, austin 2/6/09 re: Cullen Hightower quote Waffler, I think that I have you figured out.You aren't as stupid as you sound, you are just puttig us all on. 1 Reply jim k, austin 2/5/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote The biggest batch or plunderers is seated in the US congress, and you ain't seen nutthin' yet. When our new Marxist president , with the aid of Nancy and the gang get through, you won't recognize this country.Change is acommin' but we aren't going to like it. 1 Reply jim k, austin 2/5/09 re: Ezra Pound quote Perhaps the biggest scam in our history was when owning gold was declared illegal and the sheeple traded their gold for paper.Thanks to FDR and shame on the people for allowing this. 1 Reply jim k, austin 2/4/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Nice going warren. you have nailed it. 2 Reply jim k, austin 2/4/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The bozos inside the beltway spend, spend,and spend some more and that's just fine, we'll let our grandchildren pay it off. This so called "stimulus" bill is just another example of profligate spending and won't stimulate anything except more debt and Democrat power.It's nice to see Republicans showing some backbone ,for a change, in opposing this nonsense. Reply jim k, austin 2/4/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote However you spell it, Jefferson is usually right. Reply jim k, austin 2/4/09 re: Philo of Alexandria quote Anon, good points. Reply jim k, austin 2/4/09 re: Mark Nestmann quote RBESRQ, I tried paying my property taxes with "Kindness" but the county wanted money. As to us bloggers needing some kindness, do you support a child in India or give to the Salvation Army? We do. You have no right to question a bloggers kindness quotient. That's a characteristic of liberals, they always take the "high road" and are morally better than conservatives. At least they think they are. Reply jim k, austin 2/3/09 re: Mark Nestmann quote The first two sentences are exactly correct. As to his figures on the amount, I have no idea. As to Wafflers idiotic remark, I'm planning to sell my small amount of gold and stock up on "mans' good will". Waff, please get help. 1 Reply jim k, austin 2/3/09 re: James A. Garfield quote Waffler is in need of serious help. He's better to be pittied than censored. 1 Reply jim k, austin 2/3/09 re: Alan Greenspan quote Gold has been discredited,Waffler, are you completely insane. It's been obvious that you are way off center, but that remark takes the cake. Check yourself in and get some help. Reply jim k, austin 2/2/09 re: U. S. Treasury quote Anon summed it up very well. As to this socalled "stimulus" bill , it's a joke, a real bad joke. With the Dems controlling congress, why is Obama begging for Republican support of his bill. Could it be that when it flops he wants the Repubs to share in the blame instead of Pelosi and the gang getting all of it. If the "stimulus" bill is so great, why don't the Dems just pass it and take all the credit? They have the votes to do it. 2 Reply jim k, austin 1/30/09 re: Adam Smith quote Ahhh yes Comrad Waffler, the financial sector. Perhaps you are refering to lovely Janet Reno ordering the banks to allow people to make mortgage loans to people who could not make the payments. They were called "sub prime"loans as I recall. You remember dear old "burn 'em out in Waco" Janet. She worked for Slick Willie as attorney general and threatened banks with government "investigations" if they didn't make those loans. So don't blame the mortgage mess on anyone but the gang in Washington. Our government created the economic mess we are currently in and now we expect the same culprits to solve it. It's like asking Willie Sutton to guard the bank. 1 Reply jim k, austin 1/30/09 re: Adam Smith quote Heir Waffler never dissapoints. Let's get the government into everything and make sure everything is fowled up. "Regulate the muthers", what nonsense. We have laws in case the butcher puts his thumb on the scale. Government works sooo well, and as an example, when Barney, Harry, Nancy and their fellow travelers were telling us a year ago that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were just fine, thank you. Just one of many cases where government works so well. Reply jim k, austin 1/30/09 re: Adam Smith quote This quote is a perfect description of the free market, or free enterprise if you prefer. Comrad Waff uses the example of Blagojevich as government working which is laughable , what other choice did they have, pray tell. As to his reference to private industry, it works just fine when government gets out of the way. Reply jim k, austin 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote What this country needs is not a good five cent cigar,it needs longer, much longer congressional recesses, The "five cent cigar"referal may confuse younger folk, older ones will get it. Reply jim k, austin 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote Will had it nailed and still has it nailed. Bad bills, however, slide right through. Reply jim k, austin 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote Taxation without representation may have been bad, but it seems to be even worse with representation. I don't see it improving much with the current crop of duds in our congress and in the oval office. Reply jim k, austin 1/28/09 re: Randolph Bourne quote Without World War 2 we would probably still be in the Hoover/Roosevelt depression. Sad but true. 1 Reply jim k, austin 1/28/09 re: Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. quote Lucky Lindy knew that this Act wouldn't be lucky for the citizens of the USA. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print