Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1676-1700] of 1832Posts from jim K, austinjim K, austin Previous 25 Next 25 Reply jim k, austin 9/8/08 re: Cato quote Be careful what you say or the politically correct jackals will get you. 2 Reply jim k, austin 9/8/08 re: Albert Camus quote Unfortunatly, most of the newspapers today are sold out to the left. Reply jim k, austin 9/5/08 re: Norman Cousins quote An early warning system to which we pay little attention. The prohibition of alcohol in 1920 was a disaster which we have repeated in this thing called The War on Drugs. The Volstead Act lasted from 1920 to 1933 and we had sense enough to get rid of it. This unwinnable drug war is much older and has been going full blast since Nixon ramped it up in 1970. At a cost of over $69 billion per year, perhaps we should rid ourselves of this monstrosity. LEAP.CC on the web will explain why. Reply jim k, austin 9/5/08 re: Albert Einstein quote Ask Obama a question and he trips all over himself, unless it's written on a teleprompter. Reply jim k, austin 9/5/08 re: Confucius quote Would someone please explain this to Anonymous. Reply jim k, austin 9/4/08 re: Jimmy Stewart quote Exactly right, Mike. 1 Reply jim k, austin 9/4/08 re: Ludwig von Mises quote i believe he speaks of the tyranny of the majority. Reply jim k, austin 9/4/08 re: James Billington quote Onse upon a time our colleges and universities believed in intellectual freedom ,but no more. Now you can speak at almost any of these schools as long as you are on the left, but conservatives need not apply. Reply jim k, austin 9/4/08 re: American Library Association quote Ah, Waff, Palin has the Libs scared to death, and just what is a library "cesnor", that's a new one on me. Reply jim k, austin 9/3/08 re: Simone Weil quote Right on, Ken. There's a little known thing called "jury nullification" which allows juries to vote not guilty for any reason at all. This is the last resort that citizens have to nullify bad laws. My brother in law, a top defense lawyer in Ohio had never heard of it until I told him. I seriously doubt that a judge has ever told a jury about it. It's something that should be used more often. Reply jim k, austin 9/3/08 re: Jimmy Stewart quote Jimmy Stewart was a bomber pilot in the 2nd world war and there was a lot of "propaganda" in most movies at that time. He was a patriotic American who joined up like many of the movie stars did, as well as ball players such as Ted Williams. These were a different breed of movie stars, unlike the Jane Fonda anti military types we see today. Reply jim k, austin 9/3/08 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote Well said, Waffler. Reply jim k, austin 9/2/08 re: Simone Weil quote This includes the right to choose what to eat, what to drive, where to live, what to do with your land, and all the other things that the Libs and enviro freaks are trying to control, and are controlling. Reply jim k, austin 9/2/08 re: Henrik Ibsen quote As usual, Waff misses the point. I suspect that Mr Ibsen means that Liberty is a constant struggle , that freedom is not free. The socialists of the Obama and Hillary ilk never rest, and people who love liberty must stay ever vigilant or else they will find themselves in that sinkhole called socialism. Reply jim k, austin 9/1/08 re: Zechariah Chaffee, Jr. quote The majority is usually wrong. 3 Reply jim k, austin 9/1/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Democracy eventually becomes "Mobocracy", which is unfortunate. Reply jim k, austin 9/1/08 re: Ronald Reagan quote Maybe now more than ever since the revolutionary war. While I am not crazy about either candidate, Obama is a socialist and must not be allowed to occupy the Oval office. This vote is crucial. 2 Reply jim k, austin 8/29/08 re: William Allen White quote Freedom of utterance ,or speech, is being removed from our country by the tyrany of political correctness. Don't say anything that could possibly offend someone or even annoy them. Unless , of course, you are a liberal calling a conservative anything you please, the nastier the better. 1 Reply jim k, austin 8/29/08 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote Palin is the perfect pick, especially since Obama picked an old line, liberal, big spending politician who favors abortion. With the Biden pick, one wonders where all this "change" is that the Anointed One blathers about, Waff. Reply jim k, austin 8/28/08 re: Norman Thomas quote E Archer said it well. Reply jim k, austin 8/28/08 re: William Winwood Reade quote I knew a man once who said since childhood, he never doubted his religous beliefs. I suspect that he never did a whole lot of thinking, but fundamentalists are not much into thinking but are mostly into "believing". They consider "doubting" as sinning. Reply jim k, austin 8/26/08 re: H. L. Mencken quote Slightly overstated, but only slightly. Take a look at the current political races and you will find plenty of frauds. Heading the list is the Anointed One, Barack Obama. Reply jim k, austin 8/26/08 re: Henry David Thoreau quote This is especially true if he says ,"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you". 1 Reply jim k, austin 8/25/08 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Right on, Mike,Norwalk. Well said, very well said. Reply jim k, austin 8/25/08 re: Eric Hoffer quote What increased gun violence against liberals and progressives are you talking about, Robert. Is this some propaganda by the Brady Bunch? Gun control nuts never learn. In Australia, citizens were required to turn in over 600,000 hand guns and armed robbery is up by 44%. All other crimes are up, including murder. It never sinks in to Libs. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print