William Allen White Quote

“You say that freedom of utterance is not for time of stress, and I reply with the sad truth that only in time of stress is freedom of utterance in danger… Only when free utterance is suppressed is it needed, and when it is needed it is most vital to justice.”

~ William Allen White

The Editor and his People, 1924

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Gan    4/10/05
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gdgca    8/29/08
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RobertSRQ    8/29/08

Excellent! Utterance is most needed in times of stress - it is then that questions should be asked, that is true patriotism - the patriots are those who question authority. In times of stress thugs and despots use the occasion for their own agenda and to silence the people's utterance with words of false patriotism - when will we learn? YOU ARE THE TRUE PATRIOT WHEN YOU QUESTION AND MAKE UTTERANCE.

Mike, Norwalk

I like it.

jim k, austin

Freedom of utterance ,or speech, is being removed from our country by the tyrany of political correctness. Don't say anything that could possibly offend someone or even annoy them. Unless , of course, you are a liberal calling a conservative anything you please, the nastier the better.

E Archer, NYC

The same with other freedoms, too. Why in a 'state of emergency' are our liberties taken away for our own security? Our liberty IS our security.

Logan, Memphis, TN

What good are laws and statutes to protect liberty and freedom if, when they are less convenient, they are no longer recognized? The beauty of the Declaration of Independence is that certain men stood up and simply declared their independence by placing themselves under the "laws of nature and of nature's God". If you want to be free, live free -- this is what THEY did. Stand in fast in your natural liberty wherein the God of nature, your Creator, has made you free (however you deem or define that Creator to be), and never let an earthly master usurp power over you to bind you down into slavery.

Ronw13, Oregon

To walk at Liberty, is and will always be, a personal choice. EVERY Individual should know, this to be fact. Otherwise you find yourself only a servant to the state. Logan's biblical reference is well noted. " And be not entangled again with the Yoke of Bondage." To cease from strife is an honor, granted by God.

Ronw13, Oregon

Facebook is blocking the post the past week or so. Not to wonder why !!

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

It is of great assistance to solving our problems, the ability to detail the circumstances, becoming evermore familiar does moves us closer to resolution. Socialism is the challenge of socialized behavior to create.


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