[1776-1800] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

This sounds an awful lot like Hillary"It Takes a Village" Clinton , and Barack "Can't say his middle name" Obama.

jim k, austin

Archer, well said.

jim k, austin

I believe that Warren was appointed to the court by Eisenhower who later said that it was the biggest mistake he ever made.

jim k, austin

E Archer and Dan in Wellington, a very nice town , are right on target.

jim k, austin

The War on Drugs has pretty well turned our nation into a police state. Cops can now take your property without charging you with a crime, and if you are stopped by a drug cop , you better not be carrying over a few dollars in cash or you can kiss it good bye. Read "Bad Trip", available at Amazon if you think I'm wrong about this and check out LEAP.CC on the web and find out what can be done about it.

jim k, austin

ron, nc, That's a good start but Massachusetts needs to go to. Any state that elects Kerry and Kennedy over and over, well, you get the point.

jim k, austin

Hey, have a little faith. When guns are finally banned, the criminal element will, no doubt, be the first in line to turn in all their weapons. However, one definition of "faith" is believing something that no one in his right mind would believe, so maybe the thugs wouldn't be first in line, but we liberals can always hope.

jim k, austin

I suspect that Hamilton was referring to "States Rights", an idea that has disappeared since the feds and the Supreme Court now control our country.

jim k, austin

It's interesting that the left in this country is always working to disarm the citizens. It's always the "progressives" trying to take away your right to own a gun. Of course, the BATF,The DEA, the IRS and other criminals will still be well armed, all except law abiding citizens.It's enough to make one wonder.

jim k, austin

A great place to start would be a Tax Rebellion. Another would be a rebellion against the War on Drugs, a 69 billion dollar per year fiasco that has done zip as to stopping drug use. It has filled our jails with non violent people, made drugs easily available to children, enriched drug lords, and increased violent crime in our cities. See LEAP.CC.

jim k, austin

Jefferson was probably referring to "Jury Nullification", where the jury can nullify bad law by voting not guilty regardless of the evidence. This should happen much more often ,and would if Juries knew about it. Jury nullification is never mentioned by the presiding judge and I doubt that some even know what it is. A very good defence lawyer that I know had never heard of this.

jim k, austin

Jefferson would roll over in his grave if he could see what our government has become.

jim k, austin

Waffler, do you babble for comic relief ?

jim k, austin

Waffler, check out the wording on a dollar bill. It says "Federal Reserve note". News Flash!! A note is something that you pay interest on, and guess who collects this interest.

jim k, austin

All governments use fear to control their populace, ours is certainly no exception.

jim k, austin

It seems that most people will give up "freedom" for "security" , thus we have the "welfare state."

jim k, austin

SRQ, this quote seems pretty good to me, I doubt that Washington was either naive or presumtious, certainly not naive.

jim k, austin

Concerning Patrick of New Jersey, don't you just love it when religious fundamentalists chime in. Having been raised in a "Bible Church", I can say that the fundies are among the most opinionated people on the planet earth. Believe what they tell you to believe, or go to hell.

jim k, austin

As to Waffler, isn't it interesting how liberals always play the race card. How in the world ,Waff, would you know "how good of a lawyer" Judge Thomas was. Your comment sounds a bit racist to me, and isn't it funny that Obama keeps talking about how the evil Republicans will play the race card and he is the only one talking about it.

jim k, austin

Change "communism" to "Islam" and it is accurate today.

jim k, austin

The enviromental movement is a perfect example of socialism. It's control of where you can live, what you can eat, what you can drive, what you can do with your property, etc. And to go right along , there is "political correctness" to control what you can say and even what you can think. Then we have the War on Drugs which allows the cops to stop cars for any reason and ask to search your car, and if you refuse they can hold you there while they get a warrent. They can also,and do, take your property without even charging you with a crime. So you think I'm wrong, then read "Bad Trip", available on Amazon. If you think that we live in a FREE country, think again.

jim k, austin

Again Waffler misses the whole point, but this is about par for his course. The quote describes perfectly the environmental movement, those wackos in the Sierra Club and others of their ilk. And "support of a government program" is usually support of a big spending program that hardly ever benefits anyone except the bureaucrats.

jim k, austin

- - - Or maybe their feet were really, really dirty.

jim k, austin

Tell that to our rulers in Washington. Whats the difference between God and a congressman . Here's a clue, God doesn't think he's a congressman.

jim k, austin

AMEN !!! Another idea would be to publish the rulings of judges, especially those federal judges who are appointed for life. Some, if not most of these guys, are real numbskulls.

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