Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [326-342] of 342Posts from jim k, austin txjim k, austin tx Previous 25 Reply jim k, austin tx 2/24/14 re: Justice William O. Douglas quote Tell that to the IRS. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/24/14 re: Justice Tom C. Clark quote It sure enough hasn't destroyed the rulers in Washington. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/21/14 re: Justice Melville Weston Fuller quote watchman, a little less preaching would be in order. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/21/14 re: James Madison quote We now have a bastardized ,distorted and illegitimate government. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/19/14 re: John Quincy Adams quote Over 90% of those in congress are lawyers, a distressing thought. Perhaps this could explain the mess we are in. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/19/14 re: John G. Diefenbaker quote And freedom is the right to say anything as long as it doesn't physically injure anyone, even if it hurts someones tender feelings. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 2/19/14 re: John Adams quote Kudos to E Archer and Mike. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 2/17/14 re: George Washington quote George Washington was a true statesman. 97 percent of the hacks inside the beltway couldn't even carry his lunch pail. Would that we could see the likes of him today. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/17/14 re: George Washington quote Jesus is reported to have said that the Kingdom of God would be in the listeners lifetime. That some would still be alive when it happened. That was 2000 years ago, I suspect that he was wrong. Reply jim k, austin tx 2/17/14 re: George Washington quote E Archer and GWAP have it spelled out. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/25/08 re: Earl F. Dodge quote Here's a great reason NOT to be a prohibitionist, IT DOESN"T WORK. For crying out loud , we tried that once and it was a total failure. When will they ever learn. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/25/08 re: Hugo Adam Bedau quote Warren, wake up and smell the coffee. The stupidity is in your reply,or maybe not, perhaps you want the Feds to control your life. Jack Cole founded LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition . He was a state trooper and narc detective for years until he woke up and saw the evils of the War on Drugs. Read his interview on LEAP.CC. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/24/08 re: Florence Sabin quote Yes Waffler, there is always a "reason" when tyrants abuse and control people. 4 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/21/08 re: Terence McKenna quote Waffler, Roxy and Doug, check out this web site LEAP.CC. Find out what a batch of former DEA agents , police chiefs , narcotics detectives, judges and other "drug warriors" think of this 'WAR ON DRUGS'. People who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Al Capone , Bugsy Segal, and other thugs just LOVED alcohol prohibition , it made them rich and cost the lives of many people.The problem is simple , we are focused on the harm from drugs instead of the harm that drug enforcement causes. The billions spent on interdiction, new jails, incarceration etc, would be far better spent on education, not putting people in jail. Once more, if your mind isn't completely closed, check out LEAP.CC. 3 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/19/08 re: Daniel Webster quote ahh Anonymous, you are at it again. Look up the definition of "intrinsic". Gold has intrinsic value. not bits of paper or numbers on a bank statement. The biggest swindle in American history was when the government outlawed the owning of gold and the sheeple turned it into the banks for paper. Reply jim k, austin tx 4/19/08 re: Arthur Sylvester quote our government doesn't lie, it just "mis- speaks". Hey, didn't a well known presidential candidate "mis-speak" recently. Well, dodging bullets will sometimes effect your memory. 1 Reply jim k, austin tx 4/17/08 re: John C. Danforth quote Wouldn't it be nice if Mr Danforth were running for president instead of those socialist hacks currently trying to buy our votes. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print