Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1101-1125] of 2040Posts from wAFFLER, sMITHwAFFLER, sMITH Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Mignon McLaughlin quote Leave it to Archer to always react negatively to my comments. I like Adam's reaction better. Archer is the epitome of the knee jerk non-thinking man. 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: John W. Gardner quote J I just came from Callaway Gardens near Columbus, Ga. this afternoon. A quote from one of its founders, about three generations of folk involved there. The quote said "it is amazing what impact a single person can make". I just thought it very approps to this discussion. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Paul Hollander quote A dangerous and overly generalized quote, as RBESRQ suggests do to its' lack of the modifer many. Consider the source. Hungarians always or at least very often look or looked down their noses at all nations around them. They are an insular country (not unlike Japan) that has resented for almost 100 years the loss of their empire. Their language is so different than the rest of Europe they cannot talk to anyone. What does the gentleman think about Eastern intellectual freedom, I would ask. I have some sense of Hungarian sentiment, I was married to one and had friends and acquaintances of that persuasion. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Mignon McLaughlin quote True generally. The native Americans were dirty savages until we killed them and then we erected statutes to them and said what great warriors they were. But never forget no matter how great they were we beat them so voila! ipso facto WE ,must be greater than they. Thus the stature is not to honor them so much as to honor us. A little like carrying your enemies head around on a stick. 2 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: John W. Gardner quote A self defeating statement. Tell this to Obama, Trump, Gates, Jobs, Buffet etcetera. I the best example of all Abe Lincoln. All you have to do is just keep getting up! Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Edward Said quote PS Mike, it is absolutely true that the victors write the history when the losers are dead losers. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Edward Said quote Again Mike do you not find it funny that the quoter Mr Said is a Palestinian (whom many of us in the west I admit ignored for years do to our penchant for listing exculsively to the Israeli's) a loser in many ideas has gained such prominience with his seemingly sour grapes quote that he does not get listened to. As far as Sarah's book I have not read it, but there is another book published about the same time by two young Alaskan reporters (a guy and a girl). It is called "Sarah of Alaska". I saw them being interviewed on TV. They said that their book includes stuff that Sarah, whether intentionally or just forgetfully, left out. An honest reader, I guess, should read both. I won't read either because of my low opinion of her as Presidentail tender or fodder. I think her whole political career is one of attacking everyone with whom she ever worked including John McCain accusing every one in Alsaka of graft while she was lining her own nest by cheating on her expenses and having the state pay for her kids travels etcetera. Tell you buddy Archer to read Geronimo if he wants a losers account. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/3/09 re: Russell Baker quote You are entitled to your opinions Carlton, you are not entitled to your facts. You will never be a true friend of freedom or LIBERTY if you are a denier of facts, and truth. I don't know whether or not your statement is humble but it is honest. I get it "You don't like Gore". Just don't lie or spread falsehood about him and you and I are fine. As far as where the internet was developed it was a combination of University nerds (like bore Gore himself) togehter with the United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) that led the way. In 1975 the network was turned over to the Defense Communications Agency, also part of the Department of Defense. In 1983, the US military portion of the ARPNET was broken off as a separate network, the MILNET. MILNET subsequently became the unclassified but military-only NIPRNET, in parallel with the SECRET-levle SIPRNET and JWICS for TOP SECRET and above. Initially ARPNET was restricted research, commercial use was strictly forbidden. During the '80's connection expanded to schools and libraries, NASA, and the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. These three agencies developed the first Wide Area Networks. In 1984 National Science Foundation developed the NSFNet. So my friend Carlton you may be able to see how involved the US Government Agencyies were in this thing and how Congressional involvement through Defense oversight committees etcetera would be and thus wher Mr. Gore got involved. Just like Eisenhower took the initiative in creating the Interstate Highway System, Al Gore took the initiative to popularize the phrase "Internet Superhighway" and led in supporting its development. Now like Al Gore we can all be informed and up to date if we but have a mind and inititative to do so. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote PS: Gore puts his money where his mouth is, he invests in environmental issues. What would you say about him if he did not? You then would call him a hypocrite. Often a guy can not please anyone no matter which way he turns, especially when it is a crowd as ignorant as Carlton, Warren and of course Archer. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote Here is the complete story Carlton. I truly hope and pray that you humble yourself for once to truth, and get Warren on board also. The internet should be used for truth not lies, try it sometime. You can find this article at "Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.......A spirited defense of Gore's claims to having taken initiative in advancing the internet is made by Vint Cerf (often referred to as the "father of the internet") when he noted "that as a Senator and now as Vice President, Gore has made it a point to be as well-informed as possible on technology and issues that surround it". It is true that Gore was popularizing the term "information superhighway" in early 1990's (although he did not coin the phrase himself) when few people outside academia or the computer/defense industries had heard of the Internet, and he sponsored the 1988 National High-Performance Computer Act (which established a national computing plan and helped link universities and libraries via a shared network) and cosponsored the Information Infrastructures and Technology Act of 1992, which opened the Internet to commercial trraffic. In May 2005, the organizers of the Weekly Awards for online achievements honored Al Gore with a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet. "He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions," said Vint Cerf. Now Carlton I am sure this is all lost on you. The Internet is great for folk who want to be informed and educated but folk like you and Warren that just want to be ignorant will still and always be ignorant. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote It is not a generalization that money flows up from consumers to investors. It is also a fact that real wealth and money making comes from figuring out a way to use people to your advantage. A worker is obviously paid less than he is worth thus the employer makes a profit on using this labor. Now I did not say that it is a bad thing that the money flows up or that profit is made on a mans labor but just that it is a fact. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote Yes Warrem bit I never get embarrased. When you have and speak the truth it also helps to be thick skinned. As McCain said during his campaign "there is no real problem with social security, I know how to fix the minor problem". The solution is also readily available to anyone who will look for it on the net or elsewhere. A combination of a payroll tax increase say 1/2 to 2% and increasing the retirement age by several months for each of the next ten years and the fund is solvent until near the next century. A 2% increase and no reduction in benefits or increase in retirement age is required. The 1 1/2 trillion in US General Fund Bonds must be paid to Social Security from the Generarl Fund, that is Income Tax Money, so taxes must be raised or the money found somewhere in the General Budget to pay the Social Security Administration the money it is owed. The only thing Americans have to fear is pessimistic people. Today Bank of America announced that it will soon pay off its bailout in full. You obviously know nothing about Social Securtiy Warren just like you know nothing about Global Warming/Climate Change. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Reuben Blades quote Note to Mr. Archer: further Archer the quotes on this site are often contrary for the sake of being contrary and you suck right up to it unthinkingly. Well the site is about liberty that means freedom Archer. Start showing some rather than your sycophantic persona you have shown since I have seen your posts here. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Reuben Blades quote The repubs did the bait and switch on the verbage. They have their own language you know. Al was questioned on TV recently about his green investments and his answer was straight forward and honest, he said, "Well what would they say about me if I did not invest in what I believe in." I am sure Archer would not find in beneath himself to criticize Gore for not investing in environmental issues. Archer will stoop to any level to be ignorant and undignified. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Edward Said quote Have you ever read a book Archer, Eh! You mentioned years ago that you are on this site just to be contrary to the Evening News whether it be NBC, CBS or whatever. So don't go accusing others of being contrary just for the sake of being contrary. You have admitted that your intent in life is to be contrary. These quotes are talking points. Any one wishing to talk or write do so. Those who want to be contrary for the sake of contrariness I have no use for. Ever heard of the loser Sarah Palin Archer well she has a book out. Ever heard of "All Quiet on The Western Front" it is a WWII war account from the German perspective. Here is another one, Sharks and Little Fish about Nazi submarine service, and I repeat pick up a copy of Geronimo's memoirs. You are the one that amaze everyone Archer, contrary guy in chief. The point is that most people suck up to the victors and fail to read the losers accounts. That ain't the victors fault now is it. Some day when you start thinking for yourself write on here again. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote The internet was started by the military establishment and Al Gore was there at the beginning and had input in its development. He never said that he invented it, that was just cynical politicking by his opponents, When technical issues confronted Congress, like battlefield nuclear weapons Al Gore was the most knowledgeable, and prepared legislator. This is fact and is on record. Check it out. Al was there when the internet was being started and was a player. Check it out. Al Gore is also spounting stuff about global population that no one is courageous enough to touch. We need Al's courage and intelligence rather that the head in the stand profit at any cost right wingers. 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote Never forget that the wealth the rich have comes from the spending of the "poor". Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote Cal it was Reagan who increased Social Security and cut taxes especially on higher levels of income for his rich friends. He used the Social Security Taxes to pay for his star wars etcetera. We need to pay the Social Security Bonds back now by raising taxes. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Kenneth D. Wells quote Anon it is your judgemental attitude towards others that is an offense to American freedom. People are to often speaking of or to "others" rather than to real people and rather than having real anecdotal evidence. As for me, you and Calrton we say Merry Christmas, what "others" say is their free business. So don't you stop being a busybody and leave the so called "others" alone.As far as the communist witch hunt it reminds me of a line in a Vietnam movie. One infantryman says to another, "I love Charlie (Vietcong) if it were not for him we would not have anything to shoot at." Pointing out "communists" or would be communists gives you something to do rather than doing real good or real work or taking care of your own business. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: General Mark Clark quote Perhaps you are fooled Anon. You still don;t get it, the offending word is PERHAPS. It makes the quote meaningless. If a jury sent a man to the chair or gallows because PERHAPS he did it, does that make it clear to you, can you dig it man, can you dig it. You have given me no reason to believe that you can. And that is sad very sad. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Reuben Blades quote You have evilly twisted by prose above, Anon, shame shame! Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Edward Said quote I repeat losers right books. Ever hear of Sarah Palin, point and counterpoint. 3Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote Like the polluting of our streams and rivers to improve profits and the bottom line or the filling in of our wetlands (waste lands to some) like the Everglades. And the ever popular pumping of carbon dioxide and acid rain into our atmosphere in the name of industrial progress. Where Oh! where is Al Gore when we need him. Come home Al, come home! 22Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote When the poor do well everbody does well. When the rich do well they buy bigger homes and bigger Rolls Royces. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote I think there is some truth here. As kids we always asked why but eventually we just accepted a lot of BS becasue well that is the way it is. There probably is a silent difficult to understand, and non-threatening "conspiracy", I believe it is also known as cultural syncretism. 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