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Posts from wAFFLER, sMITH

Waffler, Smith

I don't think Anon believes that America or Americans have values or believe in things that are worth exporting at all.

Waffler, Smith

This quote could have been made by South Carolina in 1860 or could apply to the states righters on this site.

Waffler, Smith

I agree with Cliff. The joy of team work should not be dinegrated. That does not mean a person cannot also have a private life and a thinking life. How about people who play music in a syphony under the tyrannical baton of a maestro or school and college marching bands. I mean really he should get a life and learn about diverstity which includes marching bands and team work.

Waffler, Smith

I am so happy that so many of you have found or finally expressed the truth that their is a world order even if you do not understand it, and their will be a world order in the future. Further understand this that America is the greatest country in the world to lead the world into the new world order. We have been doing it for decades if not for a century or more. From its inception the American experiment with DEMOCRACY caught the worlds attention and imagination and it still does. Like it or not the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos are about bringing American democratic and human rights values to that part of the world. If our values have no meaning or effectiveness for the rest of the world then they are not good for anyone or us either, If our vaules are true then they are universal. If they are not worth exporting they are not worth keeping for ourselves. If they are natural and human then will gain and I suggest have and are gaining international recognition, respect and following. Our country and its values are so great what the hell is it you are afraid of if we lead the world into a new order based on these values. As that guy from Chrysler said "lead, follow or get out of the way". America is right to lead. Archer is a dog with his tail between his legs, talk about wanting to throw up

Waffler, Smith

But that is a good thing, it is not a bad thing.

Waffler, Smith

Law without force is of no effect. The slogan Support Your Local Sheriff is not a meaningless expression. No law without an enforcement agency is of any use. Maybe that is why Border Patrol Officers have been hired. When the inner city gets more cops crime goes down. When force is lifted you know what happens if you have watched the mobs during Katrina, or during the fall of Baghdad etcetera. Cops and force exist all over the world for a very good reason. Quit being so naive Anon.

Waffler, Smith

Great quote and small men cannot govern either, thank goodness we have had the occasionally large man enter the public arena on occasion. Need I mention Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, Rossevelt etcetera. I will leave Clinton and Obama for others to mention. We need small men out of government as well as out of private enterprize.

Waffler, Smith

Mike, Archer asked me a question and I tried to respond. As far as Atlas Shuggred the author and her philosophy has been founded to just a phone freaky fad. Singapore has sky scrapers also. Again what most of you keep ignoring is that their is and always has been a world order. The fact that there is a world order is nothing new but national leaders meet every year in the Group of 8, now the Group of 20 at the UN, in tripartite talks (three nations for example discussing anything like water rights or air pollution) five party talks like nuclear North Korea. All of these efforts at the international level are working towards adusting the world order. We got to get off of this conspiracy thing.

Waffler, Smith

Most of what government does is law enforcement. Most law abiding folk never hear from government. Break the law whether it be IRS, FBI, or environmental law and you will probable get a phone call. And thank your lucky stars and your government that they will not broadcast the secret that you are being investigated unless of course your case goes to court which is always of a public nature. Communist China use to haul its victims in front of the ;public in street trials. Maybe the Major and y'all would admire that system more.

Waffler, Smith

Take your same attitude J to the argument about states rights versus federal or national rights. Why is some folk always want to defend the little guy for example defend the state against the feds and defend the fed or US against the world. Sometimes the fed may be right and the states wrong and sometimes the world may be right and the fed or US wrong. As Nixon said "never negotiate out of fear but never fear to negotiate". It would seem that most of the conspriacy theorists are afraid of negotiating or interacting or relating to the rest of the world. As far as todays quote if you are interested in conspriacies, virtually all religions have it in mind to take over the world or convert it their mindset. This quote was from 1940 and for sure many national leaders were struggling with how the the nations of the world could get along better following what appeared to be a major disintegration of national relationships with Germany and Japan trying to institute and dictate a New World Order all by themselves.

Waffler, Smith

PS: As far as what good it is for Americans it will bring peace and posperity to the world at large and sensible environmental policy to the planet that will benefit every one. That includes Americans. Annoying Warren is the high point of my day!

Waffler, Smith

Okay I am so glad you asked. The NWO since I was a kid in the '50's is that cars are made in different and come from a different country, made better by the competition from abroad. Cameras stop coming from German decades ago for the same reason. Japan revolutionized the motorcycle business Jobs have continued to move to the lowest labor markets. First to Japan, then to Korea, and Mexico and now to China. The world has moved closer together via rapid transit and communication via the internet. The world f and its order of 2008 is not the world and its order of 1958. The cold war and our fear of nuclear holocaust has vanished, school children no longer practice air raid drills and climb under their desks as I did. There is so much more to say about the economic and political integration of the world of today versus 50 years ago, That this process will continue I have no doubt. That it requires courage to face the future I have no doubt but to stubbornly cling to all of the old ways is naive and the world and its order will change whether you like it or not and future generations will run things the way that they want to and it don;t matter what you or I think about it.

Waffler, Smith

Yes Archer that was my answer and the fact that you scratch your head is the degree of your stupidity and hard headedness, as more brilliantly attested to by RBESRQ. Have you no shame, remorse or rectitude for your intellectually degraded condition and complete lack of logical interpersonal conversation and discourse?

Waffler, Smith

Good and honest recovery J. I am glad to see you see the logic and necessity of governance and rule to enforce the "laws of justice". Your world is probably not as different from mine as I previously thought, we just may have some minor differences concerning details, of course that is where the devil is.

Waffler, Smith

When a President goes to the UN or to the Group of 8 (or now the Group of 20 - now that is a new world order) and talks of a new world order he does not do it in CAPITALS as "NWO". When a President takes the oval office he usually intends to use his political capital and power to govern, manage, or do things his way. Now you can argue that mankind and his political and social machinations are not part fo the "natural world" or order but you might get in a good argument. There is one branch of philosophy whuch says that man has made this world what it is, we don't just live in a nautral world that is cast upon us. Are the things that man has made from the "natural world" like cars, planes, rockets, etcetera also now part of the so called natural world. If man is a natural creature (and he is) and he makes things by using his natural mental capacity out of other things (animal, mineral, vegetable) are not all of these things natural things. And is not your village, city, county and state order a natural and evolving, not static thing,

Waffler, Smith

Okay it was a BS book about how mountain climbes, and I guess bicyclists, and back packers, were going to change the social and political consciousness of the nation and the world. Yippee! Editor there must be better stuff out there than this!

Waffler, Smith

Sounds like democracy in action to me. An open conspiracy. I guess electing Obama was considered THE RIGHT THING TO DO by the body politic but yes I am sure there are some (and you know who you are) consider it to have been a conspriacy. Sometimes an idea or innovation comes along and catches fire and people gravitate to it because it is the new and imporved model. This model can be a physical product or a model of a way to act, behave, proceed, function, govern, or economic organization. The greatest recent revolution (if not a conspiracy) has been the movement towards economic freedom and diverstiy in Communist China. I withhold one star because the quote does not say what The Aquarian Conspiracy is! I will google it.

Waffler, Smith

A statement of fact, that is all. Some many run from facts, choosing to see that the sky is falling because there will be a new world order. The world order during WWI, WWII, and the cold war was not so great. The world order during the Victorian Age was not so bad and some think that the 500 year world order under Rome was good. Have no fear y'all there will be a world order.

Waffler, Smith

I'm a capitalist isn't that what we are suppose to be. I thought you liked capitalist and hated socialists, which is it man. Now all you are talking ablut is the little people and their socialist problems.

Waffler, Smith

Archer would be similarly appalled if he visited the Chamber of Commerce in any town in Amerca. He would be aghast to learn that one guy is the loacl tailor and oh yeah that guy over there is a car dealer etcetera and unbeliveably these guys are planning and schememing on how to make the town better or at least different and to improve business, they must be a bunch of communists or at least socialists. Archer's naivete knows no bounds. His unspoken but apparently felt sense that there is a tendency among humanity towards an ever greater union and amalgamation if you will is correct. Over the years some deranged and ego times have tried to effect this amalgamation by rape, pillage, and plunder and mostly slaughter. That the fact that Chambers and organizations from many nations would think to do the same thing by conference, consultation, agreement and peace is an affront to Archer is no surpise to me.

Waffler, Smith

J in your world does law and justice have nothing do with governance and rule. In your world what do you do with the rare individual who does not recognize the laws of justice, do your rule and govern them or what? Warren apparently cannot comprehend a world in which man must make moral decisions thus he says "what are we talking about"!

Waffler, Smith

J how can you say they are the same people. This quote is 50 years old. Those people are long gone. These old quotes are just to get you into a meaningless mind game of wasting your time. Things are new every day so learn to change and adjust, those who want some kind of static existence in the world are living in a never never land, where the only defense they have is to blow away every thing in front of them. Brilliant real brilliant!

Waffler, Smith

There has always been a world order. Just because you and I are not sufficiently well placed (like God for example) to see the world order and understand its diverse but perfectly functioning system does not mean that it does not exist. As with Adam Smith's invisible hand there is order to the world, in political, sociological, and economic realms. For example the "nations" of South America recognize each others borders as do the US and Canada. There economic mechanisms effecting the trading between nations etcetera. Some times this order needs to be adjusted, when it is adjusted we then have "a new world order". That so many right wing nuts and uneducated rednecks have a problem with this terminology is simply a function of their own ignorance. It has nothting to do with socialism, conspiracies or anything sinister. The facts that Presidents and heads of state talk openly about it is the only evidence you need that it is not a secretive endeavor. Their are to many of us for the health of the planet that if for sure. Educated nations as in Europe do have a low birth rate and thus a stable poplulation. The booming birth rate in so called third world countries is a problem. J. Carlton must have never heard of condoms! Thumbs down for the fact that this guy just feeds into the ignorance of non-thinking others.

Waffler, Smith

Is this quote any diffeent from John Lennon's "Imagine" where people live for today.And instead of group thinking (like my nation versus your nation) think as individuals.

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