Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1326-1350] of 2040Posts from wAFFLER, sMITHwAFFLER, sMITH Previous 25 Next 25 1Reply Waffler, Smith 9/29/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote Don't why all of the five stars with the contra comments. What is the guys point? Absolute power says that a person will be hung for murder does that make the absolute power good or bad in Hoffer's view. Unfortunately man has been dealt a deck in which he must make moral decisions. Would Hoffer have US make none because in might interfere absolutely with some ONE else's? 1Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: American Mercury Magazine quote Ken what does "not at expense of our own mean". If Muslim or LDS begins to dominate then should we some how stop them. What by the way do you mean by "our own"? Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote Capitalists and freemen are always optimistic, since I am I must be both. You sour apple guys are neither. All I know Archer the S&P is up all most 2% today and so am I. What Archer is saying in his last sentence and so many so on this web site is that they want to be authorities but since they have no real knowledge or authority out of desperation for the miserable state of accomplishment they find themselves in they will lash out at anything and everything that appears to them to have knowledge or authority. Mike's immature use of the term Obamaunist for example is about as childish an expression I have heard only to be exceeded by his stupid repetitive phrase "compelled compliance" when he could just as easy join the human race and say that he is aganist law in all of its forms. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD quote RKA many of these guys like Mike and Archer revel in wallowing in shit. That is why the publisher publishes it. Any serious quote or talk would leave them fabergasted. I really hope you thumbs down boys and girsl stay on board. PS. RKA when Mike uses the funny term "compelled compliance" he is just using 19 letters to say what you and I and normal people say in 3 - "Law". He is against law, enough said. Why communicate with him fujrther. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: Dan Smoot quote So many of y'all starting with Mikey are such marginal beings (politcally, ethically and sociologicallly speaking) it is pathetic. Archer might as well said stop electing human beings. Again I repeat the CFR is like the Boy Scouts, FFA etcetera. Archer is a sick child to keep picking on such inane organizations. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: American Mercury Magazine quote Anyone who lives on the Blue planet and has no respect for it well enough said. Ken may be correct in jingoistic or at least legal terminology. But we are all residents of planet earth and as we know a resident has the same rights as a citizens except the right to vote. When Adan Smith is quoted about the invisible hand (of economics) he is praised for his analysis and the invisible hand is seen as good, but psychos talk about the invisible money power they are also praised for their analysis and the invisible hand is seen as bad. Who is correct Adam Smith or the pshycos. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD quote Glad to see some aware people on this site. Thanks anonymous, hu and Maggie from Germany. Yeah she is so right about stupid knowing all levels of degrees. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: Dan Smoot quote BS; A list of directors and members of this organization includes notable conservatives like Dick Cheney, Bob Dole, Caspar Weinberger, Scowcroft,. Googel "CFR membership" and read it for yourself. The CFR is a lot like the Rotary or Lions. Anyone can and do become members. Those of you who see conspiracy behind anything that you know nothing about are the problem in this old world. Get out, get involved, learn something and then you will lose your fear of the unknown. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 9/28/09 re: American Mercury Magazine quote Money has power, it is true. Have you ever visited a small town where all of the businesses have the same name and one man owns everything. It has existed all over America. That the power of money has only financed the listed evils is a lie. It has financed everything from the coal mines company store to small towns. I therefore think the quote is misleading in the extreme. Anyone with a right mind knows that we are all citizens of this planet. C'mon Jim K raise your eyes to a broader horizon rather than lowering them to first just your own country, then to your own state and just your own county and ultimately to your own corner, You take the road to narrowness and choas rather than the one to broad avenues of awareness and understanding. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/26/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote PS: Don't anyone ever forget Archer is the one who said that the US economy and the US government was going to fall apart after the fall market crash of '08. He said it will be a disaster and it will not look pretty but he implied that it was a necessary disaster. Now 10 months later the recession is considered over by those in the know and Bernanke has been reconfirmed because of his brilliance and steady guiding hand. Archer is the heart and soul of doom and gloom. Can we trust this guys opinions, I know we cannot trust his facts or prognostications. There have always been guys who claim that the sky is following so I guess we have to get use to ignoring them. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/26/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote Archer knows little of history or historical definition. Hitler was aided and abetted by the west as an answer to communism. Hitler was a red baiter and Russia and International Communism was his enemy. He therefore was a right winger. He said "socialism okay but National Socialism not internationalism". Like all right wingers he hated internationalism and was a racist and bigot. One day Archer is all for capitalism and the next day he complains about the money masters. Try to figure the guy out I give up. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/25/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote Communism fell of its own wait Jim K. What does its' fall say about the ability of these conspirators and world financiers to keep it alive and proped up. Answer a question man answer a question! If the conspiracy was and is so great why did Russia and all of the Eastern states reject communist totalitarian socialism? With out a conspriacy to attack you would not have anything to talk about and that is the shame of the matter. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/25/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote All of todays quotes point to the conspiracy by banking and well placed folk to build institutes and councils and organizations in order to conspire to create and maintain bolshevism and a new world order and yet boshevism collapsed and the new world order is always changing and evolving (there is and always be a world order and it is new every day). What does the failure of bolshevism and the constant change in the world order say about the effectiveness of these orgs. and/or the utter untruthfulness or at least inaccuracy of the quotes. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/25/09 re: Adam Weishaupt quote Only you and a few others, forturnately, consider truth to be shallow and gullible. To see the private plans of others as evil conspiracy is sick indeed. To call truth prideful ignorance is well Mike what can we really so about you, you leave us all flabergasted and exacerbated. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/24/09 re: Michael Rivero quote I have stood up to corruption all of my life where ever I have found it and now especially the intellectual corruption I have found on these pages. RBESRQ inadvertently states much truth. Fast Food is not a government invention, Faux News is created by nuts like Rush and Beck and not by government etcetera. Early in the Watergate News cycle I had identified Nixon for the creep that he was so don't point at me when about being a blind follower. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/24/09 re: Arthur S. Miller quote The CFR is not at all behind the scenes. It is available to any and all to join. So Carlton you are saying that Reagan/Bush and Clinton who beat Bush are all part of the same conspiracy. Thus they each and all answer to one higher conspriator who contols regardless of who appears to win elections. If you believe that then why do you get so hot over Obama rather it being Bush or McCain. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 9/24/09 re: Adam Weishaupt quote Every free individual conspires or should conspire to advance his personal interests. Thus he or she will join with a small group, a partnership (2 or more individuals) or small corporation or a larger stock corp to advance those interests. Are we going to say that all businesses that are seeking to maximize their bottom line without telling you and I exactly what their game plan is, is a conspiracy. Well it is and that is the way the world of business works and the world of politics. Did Obama conspire with others to run and compete for the Presidency, of course he did. Did you and I know everything about Obama and his coterie when they were making their plans, of course we did not. Does that make them a conspiracy in the worst sense of the word. If you feel that you need to know everything that has and is now going on behinc closed doors. you are not only a conspiracy wonk but are probably a schizo. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/24/09 re: Arthur S. Miller quote Another bulls*** quote. If such a thing actually exists why is America divided all of the time between the ins and the outs. Their are influential people in both major parties but no one has overriding control over the people as a whole. I recall that when the Clintonites came to power none other than Bob Dole said "we are seeing the rise of a new ruling class" Now if he was correct then obviously the so called "Establishment" which had existed for 12 years under Reagan/Bush had collapsed or surrendered, anyway the so called Establishment in this country is a myth or it is a fluid thing just like the body politic. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 9/24/09 re: Adam Weishaupt quote This quote is not worth the effort to even post it. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/22/09 re: Herbert Spencer quote Good translation Robert. In my local paper a letter to the editor asked them not to publish a politicians party designation beside their name as in (D) or (R). I thought it an excellent suggestion. That might go far in advancing us from the darkness of ignorance. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/22/09 re: G. M. Trevelyan quote Very interesting quote. Don't know if it is true but I think it is true sometimes. Hitler was basically uneducated, some called him a gutter politician who burned books and all trappings to logic and intellectual curiosity but he definitley had a major impact on his "civilization". Likewise Reagan was not considered by many as a paragon of intellectual curiosity but his simplistic approaches to problems such as taxes and the Berlin wall had major impact to our civilization, in the first case bad with run awawy deficits and in the second good with the fall of totalitarian governments. Intellectualism without action is a bit useless. Action based on logic and smarts, now that is something special, but apparently hard to achieve in this world of "politics". Reply Waffler, Smith 9/22/09 re: Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote Some fail to recognize or admit that there are authorities or authoritative persons in many aspects of public life, be it in health care, military, schooling etcetera. Just as a simpistic approach does not work with modern autos and mechanics neither does it work with most public institutions and issues. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/21/09 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Say what! And this from the writer of the Feralist Papers. Does even he know the difference between a federacy and a confederacy. I suggest he does and that there is none as some would try to claim that there is. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/20/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote As long as we are having fun Anon and J and I am. I still think some of you guys are flip and have disdain of authority as Archer stated above. But you will never catch up to Mike of Norwalk in this regard. Reply Waffler, Smith 9/20/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote Children do not understand how to relate to others. It is something they learn once they have siblings, friends, school mates, and teachers. A baby, infant, toddler and pre-schooler sees the world very self centeredly. As they grow and venture out they become social creatures. I love being in the woods and being a child again looking out only for my own essential needs but alas unfortunately I must return to the society, culture, and mutual respect of others. Something the libertarians or some of them don't seem to understand. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print