Albert Jay NockAlbert Jay Nock, (1870-1945) American libertarian author, editor, educational theorist, Georgist, social critic

Albert Jay Nock Quote

“The primary reason for a tariff is that it enables the exploitation of the domestic consumer by a process indistinguishable from sheer robbery.”

Albert Jay NockAlbert Jay Nock
~ Albert Jay Nock

Ratings and Comments

Anonymous, Reston, VA, US

what a stunning lack of insight and analysis...

J Carlton, Calgary

Tarriff's are merely another avenue of taxation and control that completely flies in the face of anything like free trade. And since we no longer have any industry to protect, how is it justified anyway?

cal, lewisville, tx

It was tarriffs and not slavery that began the Civil War.

Mike, Norwalk

In conjunction with the products that I manufacture, there are items vastly superior to those available in the Union of Socialist Amerika (USA) that are denied to me because of tariffs and out right bans. The reason for the continuing economic decline and so little is made in the USA anymore is, the statist theocracy that infests this land's anti-business rules and controls (tariffs included).

Mike, Norwalk

'A' from Reston, please stun us with your dazzling and personally experienced insight and analysis.

E Archer, NYC

Albert Jay Nock never beats around the bush, always straight to the point.


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