Andrew HamiltonAndrew Hamilton, (c.1676-1741) Scottish lawyer in colonial America

Andrew Hamilton Quote

“Jurors should acquit, even against the judge’s instruction ... if exercising their judgment with discretion and honesty they have a clear conviction that the charge of the court is wrong.”

Andrew HamiltonAndrew Hamilton
~ Andrew Hamilton

August 4, 1735, advice to jurors to acquit against the judge’s instructions in the seditious libel trial of John Peter Zenger; Rex. V. Zenger, How. St. Tr. 17:675 (1735)

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

YES, short, sweet, to the point, and true.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Good old Jury Nullification, the way to nullify bad law.

E Archer, NYC

Absolutely true today as it was 500 years ago. Just goes to show that 'Civics' has been a subject dropped from popular education a long time ago. If this fact were commonly known, the people and the press would mention it always as a check against bad laws -- just don't convict folks of laws you don't agree with -- it is your right AND responsibility.

Mike, Norwalk

A common law court's (a We The People's court) de jure structure was ordered by the county's head executive (Sheriff)  acting in the capacity of administrator. The Sheriff's sole role was to enforce rules of court procedure. Under associated Hebrew legal nomenclature in such capacity, the Sheriff operated under the title "judge". The jurors were the "judges" that determined fact, law and determination of infraction / judgement (innocence, guilt, or otherwise). In the king's / queen's courts (aloof from We The People), the title judge was reserved for the kingdom's messenger enforcing the will of the king. Jurors became mere vassals operating under the orders of the king's messenger  the judge being the supreme judiciary. Today's courts do not reflect the laws of nature or of nature's God (Declaration of Independence), a republican form of government's substantive administration(s) (Article IV, Section 4 U.S. Constitution) or justice but rather, a unique association to carnal demigods codes, ordinances, regulations, rules, statutes, etc.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

An accompanying thought: with me and your judgements of me. I am not what you see, I am what you feel. If you judge with me without having a heart to heart you will be wrong. And you must have a heart to have a heart to heart.

E Archer, NYC
  • Reply
E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/3/22

This comment has nothing to do with the quote.  Give it a rest, man.  'What a narcissist.' That's not just what I see, but what I feel.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

I am one man, a Social responsible individual against a whole planet of Psychotics. The "feeling" you discribe is pure projection.

E Archer, NYC
  • Reply
E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/4/22

"I am one man against a whole planet of Psychotics."  Classic narcissism.

I beg to disagree  you seem pretty psychotic to me. 

Why are you here?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 
      Weather it has anything to do with quote doesn't concern me. It performed it's function. It takes a heart to have a heart.  Narcissist does not fit me.I combed everywhere looking for intelligent beings only meet dazzler hustlers like yourself. I would like meet with you in a court of some kind and put your phoney character on display. You don't fair trials. Your a psuedo society. I meet cowards like you everyday knowing I could beat the living hell out them if I could just get their vast array weapons away from them.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 
    Without exception, while I'm trying to have an meaningful conversation the other party is trying to make me look like a pervert, without exception. Like you and the Norwalk guy.

E Archer, NYC
  • Reply
E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/4/22

You are not having a discussion, nor trying to.  This is a monologue, and now no longer even about the quotes but about you.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

I'm a good man. I know that doesn't have anything to do with quote. I think that's problem with all of you. 

E Archer, NYC
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  • Reply
E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/4/22

Who gives a crap.  No one is saying you are not good man or otherwise.  You've just come here to stir the pot.  Well, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.  (please)

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 

To be a good man is the goal. You are government laws with no law abiding  members. You laws are more like edicts of insanity, abortion, homosexuality.  Total evil. Sex is for the propagation of the species.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 

      I'm here to make waves.  To get this country and the world sailing.  We have to prove to the insane life is worth living and to do that they must observe sanity, the honorable gentleman


Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer,
      In the idea I present to you there's no time to play.  Social abilities require your expertise in being a father, husband, son, cousin, uncle,  friend, scientist, artist. You are an expert at all of these relationships. You desire quality relations as oppose to quantity relations that this the present social structure seems to require.  You love your wife. No sex crazed movie star could cause more then a laugh from you if she tried to take you away from your wife. Your wife would respond the same.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 
      Socialism is quality of life, not quantity.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, 
      I'm having a dialogue with you. And as far as your accusation of narcissism, I have been specific and true. Your are psychotics who prey on others to get what you want. Your accusation attest to this. I do not prey on or desire to harm others. You accuse me of negativity but have not witnessed any on my part.  Your narcissism is pure projection.

E Archer, NYC
  • Reply
E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 3/4/22

It's not a dialogue if you are the only one talking.  The way it works is, you say something to which someone will respond, then listen to the response and respond accordingly.  You are just ranting as if this were Twitter.  This is a blog about Liberty Quotes.  People post their comments about the quotes.

You say you are here to make waves.  Just stirring the pot if you ask me.  I have no interest in this.  I suggest you go back on your meds.  By the sound of it you are likely completely isolated having pushed everyone away having projected the worst upon them.

Seek help.


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