Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Bert Masterson Quote “Somebody recently figured out that we have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments.” ~ Bert Masterson Attributed to both Bert Masterson and Earl Wilson Government , Law Ratings and Comments Reply Elaine, USA 8/1/11 If that were true there wouldn't be so many communists in the USA. Reply Kimo, USA 8/1/11 AAAAAA.HHHHH..when men were men and sheep were sheep Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 8/1/11 Elaine, USA, please explain your comment, it makes no sense. Reply Mary-MI 8/1/11 Jim K - Elaine USA's comment is just what you can expect from the Progressive Libtards. It's called "Newspeak!" Cognitive thinking is an anomaly in their world. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 8/1/11 More laws...more control...simple! Reply E Archer, NYC 8/1/11 And our Congress critters keep inventing new 'crimes' for which to create new bureaucracies. You don't have to make drugs illegal, for example, because a drug user might commit a crime -- that is just dumb and obviously serves another purpose to expand the size and scope of government and protect the drug monopolies' huge profits. The ancient latin term 'mens rea' defines a crime as an act committed with bad intent -- the intent is what makes it a 'crime' or not And there are really only two primary expressions of crime from which all others are subsets: theft and assault. When the 'law' is written to legitimize theft and assault, then the republic becomes corrupted into an oligarchy, which is what the US has become today. We don't need more laws, we need more independence, accountability, and mutual respect. Reply Mike, Norwalk 8/1/11 (-; great sentiment, great observation; way too accurate ;-) Reply Wayne, Naples 8/1/11 The first two comments make no sense to me. Reply Byron, Fort Collins 8/2/11 Yet, there's one law missing. Being an asshole ought to be a capital crime. If it were, that would permanently solve problems of overpopulation SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Bert Masterson quote is found in these categories: Government quotes Law quotes About Bert Masterson Bio of Bert Masterson Quotations by Bert Masterson Books by/about Bert Masterson Bert Masterson videos Bert Masterson on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Bert Masterson