Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-4] of 4Posts from Elaine, USAElaine, USA Reply Elaine, USA 8/1/11 re: James A. Bruton, III quote Agree! Once they found a name for crime on gays or on anybody with color they named it a "Hate Crime". Thing is, any crime that does another harm is done in Hate. It does not need a special meaning. 7 Reply Elaine, USA 8/1/11 re: Communist Party Education Workers Congress quote Living is not living if it is under Tyranny. One just as soon be dead as to do so. Reply Elaine, USA 8/1/11 re: Bert Masterson quote If that were true there wouldn't be so many communists in the USA. 1 Reply Elaine, USA 6/7/11 re: John Wesley quote If we could all actually live like this the world could and would be a beautiful place. But we are so infected with so many different types of "germs" that there is no escaping them. Just do the best we can and stand up for ourselves. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print