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Posts from Byron, Fort Collins

Byron, Fort CollinsByron, Fort Collins
Byron, Fort Collins

Conspicuous consumption, promoted by Hollywood and Madison Avenue, has lured America into a state of 'drunken' fiscal irresponsibility. Too many of us have allowed ourselves to lose a sense of personal responsibility. We have over-ripened to a state not only ready, but eager for totalitarian shepherding.

Byron, Fort Collins

A wonderful idealistic quotation, in and of itself, from an extremely controlling moral dictator. Very much in keeping with totalitarianism's 'tradition' of governing with an iron fist while spewing lovely homilies. Self-righteousness-->Control-->Pure Evil.

Byron, Fort Collins

The ultimate quotation. My favorite.

Byron, Fort Collins

Read the Wikipedia entry for Paul Robeson, a super-human who achieved all that he did *decades* before Affirmative Action. Had Affirmative Action existed in Robeson's time, "The Man" could *easily* have dismissed Robeson's achievements as the result of "help". Robeson was an OUTSTANDING individual, who got shafted by the McCarthy Red Scare.

Byron, Fort Collins

Clarence Thomas RULES!!! I'll bet Sharpton and Jackson hate his guts.

Byron, Fort Collins

A true statement from a lousy president.

Byron, Fort Collins

Today's quotations are outstanding!

Byron, Fort Collins

Wow. That IS the size of it, perfectly illustrated by the Obamanation's Solyndra debacle. TERRIFIC quotation.

Byron, Fort Collins

"well-meaning" my ass! Otherwise, an excellent quotation.

Byron, Fort Collins

And they prefer to be addressed as, "The Honorable". To this, we can apply Ralph Waldo Emerson's quotation, "What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary."

Byron, Fort Collins

Congress has no term limits. Its members make our laws. Congress has exempted itself from laws regulating insider trading--you read that right. They make our laws and can trade stocks based on changes in the law they know will take place, with impunity. Just look at those bloated, face-lifted FAQers. With but few exceptions, they are the embodiment of vanity. of lechery. of gluttony. of greed. The absolute bottom of the barrel.

Byron, Fort Collins

I'd love to tell this to all the pundits who are currently trying to force Mitt Romney down my throat as the only alternative to Obama, before even a single primary vote has been cast!

Byron, Fort Collins

This is one of the best quotations ever--truly summing up the dilemma of Modern Man. This ranks right up there with Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man". Thank you yet again, Editors, for finding the priceless gems obscured by dust and time! If we would more frequently remember and admit to the error of our ways, we would all be better off.

Byron, Fort Collins

Mike, I thought the Tea Party stood for limited government, for fiscal responsibility by government, and for adherence to the Constitution of the United States of America. Period. The military-industrial complex was something President Eisenhower warned Americans about. I don't know what it has to do with the Tea Party.

Byron, Fort Collins

"president" Fauxbama clearly thinks of himself as a sovereign. I'm surprised he hasn't slipped out a royal "We" yet (at least, not that I know of).

Byron, Fort Collins

And look at what Fauxbama has done in Libya. That incompetent Narcissist punk is single-handedly taking America down.

Byron, Fort Collins

Maj. Gen. Butler was a brave man of integrity. Look him up on Wikipedia--it's worth your time!!!

Byron, Fort Collins

We've strayed far away down the primrose path away from the discipline and freedom of America's Founding Fathers.

Byron, Fort Collins

We need real congressmen again. Vote 'em all out EVERY ELECTION.

Byron, Fort Collins

Wow. A president with real world experience whom people could respect. Obama should hang his Narcissist head in shame and resign.

Byron, Fort Collins

I recently learned that members of Congress have passed legislation which exempts them from possible charges of 'insider trading'. They write the laws and can buy and sell stock based on privileged information, without the possibility of going to jail like Martha Stewart. Add to that the absence of congressional term limits, and you see they are like bot fly maggots, "eating out (our) substance".

Byron, Fort Collins

"eat out their substance"--talk about summoning that taut-skinned, face-lifted Qunt-ghoul, Nancy Pelosi. Of course most of our incumbents in Congress collectively could replace "King George" in the quotation, but no one tops our Narcissist-in-Chief, the Obamanation, for ramming regulations down our throats via executive fiats. We Americans are so FAQed by our own elected officials.

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